Justified S4 starts off with a whoo-ee

Jan 23, 2013 00:27

omg, so awesome. possibly the most sardonic show on television. the first three eps had me hooting and hollering and shit. and yay yay the gang's still all here, altho we really need more time with Rachel in the field. But I love her developing arc. And Tim's been kick-ass and Art with his Marshall stiffies!

Raylan is back to his usual cool-as-shit self. Facing down the loaded gun wearing a WTF? expression and disarming the kid, and then finally losing it: "All right, here's the deal, people. We are gonna haul your asses in for harboring a fugitive, threatening a federal officer, possession and distribution of narcotics, mail fraud, identity theft, and some other shit that I'm sure we're gonna find here. So congrats. A draw check is now the least of your goddamn concerns."


He really just can't take all that lawlessness packed in one tiny room.

<3 <3 <3

And Boyd in a preacher cage-match!

I am just amazed, really, by these writers. They are so tight. I hope they don't lose the love.

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