Dec 11, 2008 10:39
I only have a few days left... and today is my last day at Nirayama (T_T)
This morning I all but RAN from the train station to make it to the teachers room early so I could give my speech saying `I had a really good time, kthanksbye!`
I have been the crazy girl throwing candy from across the halls to my friends all morning, and I figures I might as well update now that I have a little free time. Really not much to say, so I will tell you all a bunch of random things!
The other day in IB during English class, we learned that `ginko` means artificial (also population, but that is with the kanji of people and mouth) and all I could think about in my geeky brain was Yu-Gi-Oh and the card Ginzo. Artificial man ALL RIGHT *thumbs up*
Also in clas, we changed seats. It is a really cool process. There is a bag with long sticks numbered 1-41. Each student comes up and picks a stick from the bag. The number the the number desk they will sit in for the next few months. It is totally by chance and a really fun system! All the students become friends this way, and it is really exciting to think about who you will sit next to!!
In Japan, your work associates become like your family. Japanese people work SO HARD and for SO LONG, that they are often with their coworkers more than their own families. They go out to eat, help eachother with personal and work issues, and rely on eachother a lot. I have heard that in many actual businesses, people don`t really open up and you don`t know the other`s real selves, but in Nirayama, especially in the Eigoka (English Office) we are all really open and friendly. All the teachers tell eachother about their problems, issues, family life, and share so many great things. I have been SOOO HAPPY to be in such a caring environment!!
In most schools, there is one GIANT teachers room and all the teachers stay there (that is how it was at the elementary and Jr. High schools). However, at Nirayama all the teachers also have their own subject room as well. I have only actually been in the big teachers room maybe 4 times during my entire 3 months! I spend all my time in the Eigoka.
In highschool, grades don`t seem to matter too much, even though students are obsessed with class rank and scores. As far as I know, universities never see the scores- students just take an entrance exam and those students with the top scores are accepted! I am going to ask more about the system, because students don`t get actual grades- A,B,C,D,E etc.
Also in Japan during this time of year the weather is CRAZY!!! It is feezing cold (like below freezing) in the night starting around 6PM until like 7AM, and then it warms up into the 50s or 60s during the day!! The temperature change makes choosing outfits really difficult! It also will rain out of no where!! I also need to carry an umbrella everywhere!
OO time for class!! I will write more later! I LOVE YOU!!!