They're boxing gloves. They don't have fingernails. If I had a proboscis I might hire you to shine it up for me or something. You take payment in pencil shavings, don't you? All the finest merchants do.
You lie to Swan! You say you look like a man, but then you say you don't have proboscis! want to buy crazy dirty sex fantasy anyway? Swan don't take pencil shavings, but if you help Swan find good, sexy blind date who look like a man, Swan give you three minutes of fantasy.
I type with my hands same as you do. Would you take your hands off to type? I didn't think so.
You want to buy manicure for boxing typing gloves?
Reply want to buy crazy dirty sex fantasy anyway? Swan don't take pencil shavings, but if you help Swan find good, sexy blind date who look like a man, Swan give you three minutes of fantasy.
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