Aubrey-Maturin novels timeline!

Jul 14, 2006 04:19

This is from the magnificent Persons, Animals, Ships, and Cannon, which has practically become my Bible:

Master and Commander- from April 1800 to mid-1801.
Post Captain- from late 1801 or early 1802 through to October 1804.
HMS Surprise- from late 1804 to late 1805 or early 1806.
The Mauritius Command-from mid-1809 to December 1810.
Desolation Island- from 1811 to early 1812.
The Fortune of War- from early 1812 to June 1813.
The Surgeon's Mate through to The Commodore- all of necessity take place in the latter half of 1813, although each of these eleven books occupies about one calendar year. (See O'Brian's witty remarks on this compression of time in the Author's Note to Fortune of War.)
The Yellow Admiral- from late 1814 through to March 1815.
The Hundred Days- from spring (probably late April) until late June of 1815.

[Blue at the Mizzen is left out of the timeline. It obviously takes place after The Hundred Days]

(Anthony Gary Brown, Persons, Animals, Ships, and Cannon in the Aubrey-Maturin Sea Novels, p.6)

The Author's Note to FoW which Brown mentions isn't in my Norton paperback, which is sad to me, as I'd have found it very entertaining to read. There's a more detailed timeline up at The Gunroom, which only goes up as far as The Yellow Admiral.

secondary source

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