Jul 08, 2008 13:00
[After nightfall - Wednesday, July 1 - Day 31]
[The Tavern of Hell - finally]
The wind's risen chill and sharp by the time we leave the dark and shuttered store behind and step into Silk Road, and thunder's low grumble is drifting down the wet air over the Pontarlier and through the town. And for all that breath and motion, there's something knotted taut in the air, the night holding its breath. It's going to storm tonight, and I'm glad of it. Rain always helps.
For tomorrow; speaking to Mab, and maybe seeing if Kate or Wanda have word or names of Kaeli's friends. Meantime, I'll settle for being glad it was Dorian who died, as it's not seeming to've done him any harm.
...this town is going quietly mad, I think. And of the moment, I'm not minded to care. I just want a quiet night, a chance to unwind, sit back and catch a word or two of the past from Iago and Dorian. Maybe slice apart what happened, turn it over and dole it out into words until I've a sense of it.
Maybe trade a secret or two later, in the dark.
The rain's started, thin scatter of heavy drops that's due to break out into a solid wall of water any minute, but damned if I'm going to run in heels if I don't have to. Dull golden scatter of noise as the tavern door opens and someone else ducks in to avoid the rain, and I'm glad that at least the strangeness is over for the night.
[Open to Glass, Iago, Dorian, Mab, Iblis, Miao, Lucien, and Wanda. *whew*]