Morning of 21st June
It's still raining, though not as heavily as earlier, but I couldn't wait any longer to come out here and see what has happened. I was wakened in the early hours of Sunday by a strange feeling of pressure and brilliant light, but my cell was completely dark. I walked through the abbey, and all was still and shadowed. Anyone else
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's mornin' when I stepped outta m'wagon, first thin' I could smell wuz stale smoke, still ling'rin'. Got m'self some coffee'n bread, threw m'coat on, 'n headed out inta th'woods. Di'n't need no d'rections; c'n smell power 'long wit' smoke, stale, but still'ere.
Don't take me long t'find't. Almost a perfect circle, grass'n plants gone t'ash, th'trees down t'charred jags. But'n th'center, th'grass's still green, still fresh...'n th'whole place reeks'a power.
'm crouched down'n th'center, innat last livin' place, when I hear a twig snap. Look up, "So you heard't too, huh?"
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