Another Wednesday rears it's ugly head in Excolo. Wanda, in a fit of melancholy, finds herself pining for her husband, and examining her own changing feelings for him. It calls to him, and Iblis shows up in Kent form. As always, she is lulled into the fantasy when he is kind to her, and finds her mood and morning much improved.
Unfortunately, Micah!Tez happens by, and Iblis decides to have a bit of fun at both their expenses. Manages to make both of them jealous, which ends in a very pissed off Wanda Micah and hauling him away. Mab shows up and takes Micah away, leaving Wanda to deal with Iblis.
Finding herself right back in the mood she started the morning in, and having her worst fears confirmed.... she asks for a divorce.
"I used you, Wanda. Initially for my own amusement, and then to get the child that I wanted. The sooner you accept that, the better you will fare, and whilst it matters little to me I would rather you were well for the sake of our daughter. I quite liked you, before you fell in love with me. Perhaps you should find that old strength again. I will never love you, but I respect you more now than I have done for some time."
(Open to Iblis, Tez and Mab)