[Monday, April 26 (Day330)]
[Evening, Tavern of Hell, Verdi’s apartment]
[continued from
I talk about conquerors and their ages and I'm not surprised that he wasn't one of those. It's not something that happens a lot anymore, not that I know of anyway and he seems too gentle to be a conquering would-be jarl. He talks about the places he's been to, saying, "Just started out going south, because I figured it’d be warmer. West, too, sometimes. Don’t like to stay too long in one place, though. Excolo’s good for now."
I smile at him. "I didn't want to stay too long either but this town keeps you. The people, the electricity and there's something in the air too. It's dangerous some nights but I think those are the nights when I like it best. All the excitement makes the quiet nights worth it." We talk about what he does for fun and I laugh and say, "I like all those things, and we have a carnival too. Have you been out there yet?"
His stomach growls and I laugh again, rubbing the side of his torso as he asks for oranges. "I think I have a couple more in the kitchen. I'm pretty sure I have some tangerines too. Do you like those?" We're moving apart and I think I left the tangerines with the oranges. I should find out but before I can, Jarmyn gives me a strange look. My eyes follow his to my red-stained thighs when he asks, "Are you all right? Or…have you done this before, Verdi?"
Blood? What the...? I'm confused and I dab a finger into the mess and bring it to my mouth to taste it. Yep. It's blood but why? I nod at him, saying, "I'm fine." I laugh lightly, continuing, "Yes, I've done this before but I've never bleed from it. Not in a long time anyway." The look on his face surprises me and I say, "I'm not a virgin, if that's what you're thinking. I--" Odin's teeth, my rebirth..! Could it be? How do I explain this? "Hmm, would you believe that I died and was reborn a week later? And that my body was new everywhere instead of the old one that I thought I had?"
[Open to Jarmyn]