But it's one missed step; You'll slip before you know it .

Feb 28, 2009 01:30

Thursday, September 17th
Day 109

Sid’s return has kept me busy, well more so Cain rather. The poor guy is so sweet, he just doesn’t know his own strength! Besides, I don’t mind a few broken things and Cain enjoys fixing them, so it works out well for us all.

I also sent another letter to the abbey to find out when Oya would be free but received a response from someone stating she was away. But it said to come anyway and ask for one named Nanse-kam when I arrived. Unfortunately I don’t know many in the abbey and those I have met, it was brief. So the name is not familiar and I’ll admit, I’m not looking forward to this meeting. But they deserve and explanation for my actions and I’ll accept the consequences.

When I told Cain about the meeting he was interested in coming along as well and I can’t say I argued in the slightest. I won’t hide behind him but it is a comfort to have him by my side and he does know more of Nanshe and Oya as well. I just hope I can make it though this without causing anymore offense than I already have.

When we reach the abbey I greet the attendant with a warm smile and as instructed, ask for Nanse-kam, telling her with a weaker smile that I’m expected. Smiling back, she nods and ushers us to another building on the grounds, bidding us to make ourselves comfortable while she informs him of our arrival. Too nervous to sit, I squeeze Cain’s hand and remain standing as we wait. Somehow, I don’t think he’s going to take this with as much humor as Lucien did, I’m not that lucky.

[Open to Nanse-kam and Cain]     [CLOSED]

kaeli, nanse-kam, cain

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