Oct 03, 2008 18:41
Thursday afternoon
I walk through town, hands in my pockets, whistling as I go, stopping now and then to chat with an acquaintance or two. Always a handshake for the men and a kiss on the cheek for the ladies. Keep my hands in my pockets otherwise, because I'm an approachable man, nothing but good wishes on my lips and in my heart, by Nanshe. I'm the cleanest looking fella in town.
I keep smiling as I walk along, thinking about the council meeting last night. That Hutchinson whelp had a lot to say about the application system I proposed, lily-livered sonofabitch that he is. "Hello, Mrs Wilson! Fine day!" But what he thinks won't matter for long, as I'll be mayor soon and the rest of the council will follow my line. They usually do. Now I just need to make sure I get that space in the council sewn up. It's a risk, resigning my place before the mayoral vote - but politics involves calculated risk, and this way I can focus entirely on the task at hand. "Afternoon, Missus Wilkes! And here's your lovely daughter! Miss Susie, you're looking swell."
I walk past the turn off to Silk Road and wrinkle my nose in disgust. True, the Tavern has become a better class of place in the last few months, and I have no problem with a man enjoying a drink, but its clientele is most undesirable. And as for the Whitechapel and the brothel... Well, the brothel will be closed down, of course. We need an inn for decent folks, and so I think we shall quietly encourage Mr Laclos to move along. Or quietly do what is necessary. There is no need for visible mess.
"Afternoon, John! How's the missus? Oh, Mrs Reaves is fit and well, thank you."
I walk along to the town noticeboard, where I have this morning pinned up my first campaign poster - ROBERT REAVES FOR A CLEANER EXCOLO - and my manifesto. Soon I'll be getting a copy of this out to every house in Excolo.
There's a Chinese curse: "may you live in interesting times." There's people who say town has got a lot more interesting lately. If you think "interesting" means a dozen murdered in the last two months - more than we've had in five years! - you'd be right. If you think "interesting" means a town degenerating into sexual misconduct and casual violence, you'd be right. If you think "interesting" means a town with no direction, no plan, and is just heading into chaos, you hit the jackpot, friends. Excolo is drowning under a weight of sin and disorder.
But all is not lost, friends. We - you and I - can make Excolo a better place. A happier, kinder place. A place where strange folk aren't to be feared, but welcomed, because they've had their credentials checked. A place where you don't have to worry about your daughter walking down the street at night, because there won't be drunks in the street who'll catcall her - or worse, because we'll have a strong police force. A place where business thrives - the new market I and my fellow councillors initiated is just the beginning! A place where your children can be safely educated - no more attacks will be possible on helpless schoolteachers. A place where you can get in touch with your local government more easily, establishing a town hall and stripping away bureaucracy so that you know exactly what is going on.
I'm not standing because I'm better than you or because I think I know it all. I'm standing because I am like you - yes, just like you. I have a family - a beautiful wife and an even more beautiful daughter, and a son who's my pride and joy. I want my children to grow up safe and strong, and I want my wife to know that even when I'm not with her, she's safe. I have years of experience as a councillor. I proposed and strongly pushed the initiative of starting the weekly market, which has so far been a great success for the town. I supported the foundation of the school, which is educating so many of our children and giving their mothers time to turn to other tasks.
I'm Robert Reaves. I'm standing for a cleaner Excolo, for a safer Excolo: for your Excolo - and for mine. I'm Robert Reaves, and I'm standing for our Excolo.
Lobby your councillors to put their faith in me and vote Robert Reaves for mayor.
I admire the poster for a while, and then I walk away, whistling as I go.