Nov 04, 2008 20:23
I think I've never followed one of our own elections in Germany with as much interest as I do your current one (well, we don't have the possibility of voting for our chancellor directly - we vote for the party and the one with the most votes - or the best attempt at getting other parties to vote for her, like with Merkel - wins and chooses the chancellor).
The fact that our economy broke down right after yours did (and lots of German-based banks were speculating on your housing market and have to get loans from the federal states or the Bund) makes most of Europe (and certainly Germany) sit up and notice.
Personally I believe that the person who thinks carefully and tries to listen to many views before he makes a decision should win. I'm also one of those people who doesn't want a person as president whom I'd invite to a bar, but one whose mind can grasp the enormous challenges coming up.
And even if the bearer of hope will disillusion some of his most fervent believers (as they always do, because they are not gods), I believe he has a better chance and a better mind & heart than the alternative (what I've seen of those two on youtube - in real quotes from their rallies - frankly scares me utterly).
Good luck to you, guys!
election 2008 obama mccain luck