Now I feel bad...

Apr 27, 2010 23:25

Sorry, Donna, I really did not know you'd be gone that quickly. Hope, uh, the traveling and the non-temping thing goes well...ehh....yeah.. uh, cheers!

A Wizard of Mars, Diane Duane
Started it at Borders. SUPER SLOW BEGINNING, and I got a third of the way in. Dislike.... :[

Doctor Who, up to 305, "Evolution of the Daleks"
I really like Martha! She's intelligent and sassy, but oh, how hard she has fallen for the Doctor. When this pair ends, it's going to be painful for me. She kind of reminds me of all those sweet but tough when she has to be nerd-girls in all the shows I love. Like Willow from BtVS, or Mac from Veronica Mars. And just like they got put through the emotional wringer by boys they loved, I fear Martha's is coming. That moment where she confesses that she notices that sometimes the Doctor is looking at her but seeing someone else, OUCH. I didn't see the Shakespeare episode coming, but I enjoyed it all the same.


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