It's a roller coaster ride

Apr 19, 2010 22:29

Sci-Fi Science, "How to Teleport"
Every time I watch this show, and see the words, "theoretical physicist" on the screen, I flash back to "The Gorilla Experiment" and think about Sheldon attempting to teach Penny physics. Penny should watch this show, uh, if she were actually a person IRL. Seriously, Dr. Kaku's show is fascinating--science is changing the world all the time, but how many of us "normal" folks take it all for granted? I swear, in another life, I was supposed to be an astrophysicist...(just like Raj, whee!) This episode discussed quantum entanglement as a possible method of enabling teleportation of data over distances. So far, there is no explanation for the invisible bond formed between entangled particles. I sense a Paradox story there...

Sci-Fi Science, "How to Travel in Time"

HIMYM, 520, "Home Wreckers"
It's getting to the point where I almost cringe to see the awesomeness that is NPH rev up to fall flat on all his bits. Tonight was no exception. I really didn't enjoy the Barney/Robin sub-plot. But unexpectedly, the show surged back up with the ending. As much as everyone hates on Ted for being, well, Ted, I really loved how Marshall backed him up. "Your heart is drunk and a kid." So true, and it reminded me of why we love Ted, even when he's being Ted. Now, if the show could just remind us why we love Barney...

Nerd moment of the day: When the ice cream truck FINALLY drove away from being parked in front of my house for interminably long this afternoon, at the change in pitch of the infernal song, this is what I thought: "Hey, the ice cream truck's leaving, and causing the Doppler effect." Heh.

tv: himym, meme2010

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