I got this off of a man's journal. I don't expect anyone to learn, that was not necessarily the intention. I only thought that it was interesting because Shawn pretty much does all of these things :P hehehe
Only real men know how to treat the woman he loves. This is the sweetest thing in the world. Read, Learn, and Put into good use.1. Tell her
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haha ye i agree with you there Doug. It just wouldn't make sense if it wasn't genuine. I didn't really read the top part carefully, i just went cut and paste :P haha i'll go edit that somehow :P hehe thanks for pointing that out :P i did get it on a male's journal, if that makes any difference :P
"Don't hurt the rock! that took thousands of years to form!"
lol ok fine, don't carveinto a rock :P they don't so much feel anything the way a tree does :P bleh, i don;t want to get into this discussion. at least rocks don't breathe or die :P :P
"Its like they say "men are idiots and woman are crazy". Men are idiots because they don't understand how women think. Woman are crazy because they also don't understand how women think!"
yes i've heard that one :P supposedly I am the stupid onetho according to Shawn and he's the crazy one :P don't ask me how this works, it's just what he told me :P
Anyway, yeah, there are people in relationships who fall unser the archetype of dumb and those who do under crazy (at least in MY crazy world-view). Dumb people either mean well and get things all wrong or just don't think about consequences of their actions. Crazy people don't know what they're trying to accomplish half the time, let alone if it will work out. They also do things that make people wonder "now how in the HELL did that seem like a good idea". That might seem relationship-dumb at first, but sometimes alien logic is afoot. Hahaha, anyway, that's my crazy little theory, cuz this dumb-crazy continuum is something I've thought about a few times. Its a very subtle continuum....heh heh heh.
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