The return on an absent blogger....

Nov 20, 2010 15:14

Dear LJ

I'm a terribly sorry that I have neglected you over the last six months. I know that it is no excuse but I let work and uni get in the way of my blogging responsibilities. Soooo now that I have a lot more free time on my hands I have decided that it is time I come back to LJ and my list of 101 things.

  1. Join the gym - Ok so I still haven't done this because I'm just plain lazy. As soon as I have some money at the start of next year I will do this.......I hope :) 
  2. Go to the gym at least 2-3 times a week 
  3. Write a blog at least once a month - ooopsy I haven't been on top of this one.
  4. Take a cooking class 
  5. Save $5,000
  6. Read 10 classic novels
  7. Keep my GPA above 6 - So far so good with this one. But lets not talk too soon because my marks for the terrible science exam aren't back yet.
  8. Donate blood 
  9. Move out of home and into my own place. - This probably won't be happening for a very long time...But a girl can dream
  10. Do a detox - liver cleansing or the lemon detox
  11. Keep a food and exercise diary for a month
  12. Go to speed dating. 
  13. Have a caffine free day once a month. - I can't believe that I have actually managed to do this one.
  14. Have an alcohol free week once every 3 months. 
  15. Buy a new computer
  16. Get my certificate III in Nail Technology
  17. Spend a weekend at a spa/retreat 
  18. Have a girls holiday in Sydney
  19. Go for dinner at Cloudland in Brisbane. 
  20. Eat really really healthy for 1 week. 
  21. Read 5 autobiographies.
  22. Go to a music festival
  23. Take a road trip
  24. Go on an old fashioned picnic
  25. No takeaway food for 3 weeks
  26. Achieve a healthy BMI
  27. Pay out all my debts
  28. Hang photos of friends and family on the wall (in frames).
  29. Take my Grandma out for High Tea 
  30. Spend more quality time with Gracie
  31. Travel overseas - Leaving for Fiji in exactly 2 weeks today :) 
  32. Buy really nice linen for my bed
  33. Buy european pillows and cushions for my bed.
  34. Make my bed everyday for a month
  35. Organise all my shoes
  36. Have my teeth whitened
  37. Hold a 3 course dinner party with friends
  38. Explore a new city
  39. No cigarettes for 1 week per month (ouch this one is going to hurt) - Can't believe it but I also have been managing to keep up with this goal as well. Go me!! 
  40. Go on a wine/vineyard tour
  41. Hold a cocktail party
  42. Give 500 compliments
  43. Make a gingerbread house
  44. Do the 40 hour famine
  45. Go to the dentist
  46. Cook dinner every night for 1 week.
  47. Go to a sci-fi convention
  48. See a musical -  I saw Mamma Mia for the 2nd time with the family this year. It was little Gracie's first live Musical :) Plus I have tickets  booked to see Wicked with the awesome Miss Laura in January. I'm also seeing The Boy From Oz with the family in Melbourne in January.
  49. See a play
  50. Get eyelash extensions
  51. Get a pedicure every 2 months
  52. Go skinny dipping
  53. Do the 'Special K  - Two week challenge'
  54. Try 10 new restaurants
  55. Sing a song in public
  56. See a movie at the cinema by myself
  57. Do something completely out of  character
  58. Attend a murder mystery party
  59.  Get 100% on guitar hero
  60. Attend a Rocky Horror Night 
  61. Have a candle lit dinner
  62. Go 2 weeks without eating any chocolate 
  63. Watch all of my DVDs again
  64. Reply to emails within the week
  65. Play mini-golf 
  66. Buy a plant and keep it alive for at least 3 months 
  67. Move all my photos/music etc from my old laptop onto my imac
  68. Give someone a 'just because' gift - I didn't blog about this but I gave my lovley friend Laura a Sandwizrds present just because I knew she would love it so much. That minds me I really should see if she ever made it.
  69. Go to the beach
  70. Go to the Melbourne Comedy Festival 
  71. Document 'A day in my life' with photos
  72. Go to a shooting range -
  73. Organise all my uni stuff
  74. Have a loose change jar 
  75. Go on a bush walk 
  76. Go to the zoo
  77. Watch a TV series from beginning to end 
  78. Have a professional massage - I have a 1 hour massage booked at BeBe Spa in Fiji totally can't wait.
  79. Donate clothes to charity 
  80. Make a mix CD for a friend 
  81. Choose a wedding dress - This afternoon I started looking at dresses and I realised that I really don't know what I want. First I will like a dress that is very simple and elegant and then the next one I like is a huge ball gown with lots of tulle and lace.
  82. Place 1st/2nd/3rd at Trivia
  83. Have a garage sale
  84. Make a desert (from scratch)
  85. Cook my way through a Nigella cookbook for 1 week
  86. Drink nothing but water for 1 week
  87. Read 3 books on Oprah's Books Club list
  88. Write 5 close friends a handwritten letter
  89. Walk the Breast cancer 5km marathon
  90. Watch the sunrise on the beach
  91. Take Gracie to her first rock concert
  92. Go out dancing with the girls 
  93. Go to a fake hens night
  94. Get out of bed before 9am everyday for a week
  95. Donate to an animal shelter 
  96. When buying clothes, choose the coloured option over black. 
  97. Eat breakfast everyday for a month
  98. Take Gracie out to a theme park 
  99. Read all of the Harry Potter novels again - in order - Some how I am going to borrow all of the Harry Potter books and take them to Fiji with me.
  100. Have a meal at Hooters 
  101. Spend a weekend in Brisbane with Friends
I didn't realise I had done as many of these as I have. I can't wait to get started on a few of these goals, especially the cooking ones. Which I'm sure the girls won't mind helping me with :) As long as we make sure there is just enough wine.

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