This time I got about 55 or so. Simple and plain Tales of Symphonia goodness. D: I'd like to start iconing some screencaps but I need to be pointed in the direction of some decent ones. Or my head might explode. D8
Per favor to queenie_z, I'm gonna start adding in handfuls of Colloyd to the mix. \o/ actually, I'm starting to get this whole iconing thing down..+A+ I really liked this batch. *A*
Please don't take without crediting- rly, I've seen a few people with my icons, but dfhkasheawg for those who know me, I have no gall to to to them and say "MYYY ICOOOOON DX *FLAIL*" so I lurk around and wait for my opportunity..
oho. +A+ airabuyu or essuicons and comment? *A* ♥ I loev comments. Even if I forget to reply to them.