Yesterday's Los Angeles, by Norman Dash

Nov 12, 2017 09:17

Picked up at an estate sale for cheap, this book is a history of LA, told primarily in archive photographs from the 19th century up to 1950. Lots of good ones here, most of which I don't recall having seen (and many I'd like to show you all, but can't find online).

This is not the same image as in the book, but gets the point across.

"A favorite but brutal betting sport of the early 1850s and later was the correr el gallo. The roosters, their necks well greased, would be partially buried in the earth alongside a public road, with only their throat and head showing. Then riders on fast horses would dash by at full speed and try to grab the roosters and pull them out."

Enter your cut contents here.

The 'Honeymoon Elevator' "on the LA County Courthouse Building (the only outdoor passenger elevator in the US when it was constructed around 1888)... famous for carrying couples to the marriage license bureau on the third floor"

Photograph of Mexican ice cream and tamale vendor, Nicolas Martinez, standing by two boys who are eating ice cream on Olvera Street, Los Angeles, 1890

MacArthur Park, 1905, oil derricks in distance.

"Chariot Races were held from 1905 to 1915 as part of the Tournament of Roses"

"On July 10, 1922, Clara Phillips visited the hardware department of a local five-and-dime store. She picked up a 15-cent hammer and weighed it in her hand for a moment before turning to the clerk to ask if he thought it was heavy enough to kill a woman with. The clerk, thinking that this was a joke, replied, “Yes, it is, if you hit her hard enough with it.” Clara bought the hammer."

UA Studio in 1926, Thief of Baghdad sets.

In 1927, MGM put Leo the lion in a Ryan B1 monoplane to fly him cross country. Unfortunately, the plane ditched in Arizona, but Leo travelled safely by car the rest of the way.

Janss Steps.

Old Santa Fe Depot

Golf Roulette (fails to sweep the nation)

Aircraft Warning Corps Filter Center 1943

Can't find a similar picture online, but there's a nice photo of the 2nd Filipino Regiment marching in a parade, each soldier brandishing a bolo knife.

Kathy Fiscus was not hiding in the barn the whole time.

california, la, estatesale, photo, history

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