Labyrinth of Jareth

Jul 18, 2010 13:04

Wow. It's such a neat event when the main attraction is the other attendees. (not to diss the entertainment provided by the awesome boymaenad, the awesome League of Steam, the awesome Wandering Marionettes, and the awesome non-distaff half of castle_kevorah -- the organized and semi-organized diversions were also fantastic).

Most of the evening's memory is just a pleasant phantasmagoria of milling and/or dancing with Doctor Pookie among the myriad costumes. And random bumpings into the distaff half of castle_kevorah, colleenky, aaronjv, hagdirt, chartreusekitty, michaelar, Lee, Alex, Morgan...

It was funny drifting by the League of Steam. It was, like, 'Oh, you're going to role-play at us? It's on.' Doctor Pookie managed to talk her way into helping demonstrate the net thrower, as the nettee. Out of the 1500 costumes there, mine probably ranked around #1350 or so, so I was bewildered when someone wanted to take a picture of me. She shouted "Flowers!" at me, and asked for a picture. I was wearing a crown of braided flowers, and she was sporting an effulgence of flowers in her own costume, so I imagine she was trying to collect pictures of all of her fellow flower-people. I expect my face in that photo expresses bewilderment combined with all-my-friends-have-just-been-swallowed-by-the-multitude.

And then there were 1,000 costumes, each better than the last.

A quick post-Jareth drink with A&K, a drive home, a shower to de-makeup, de-sparkle, and de-hair-color, and then to bed.

ETA: As a testament to the experience, I think that the whole time I wandered about LoJ, there was a grin or smile plastered on my face. 'This is great! Everything I'm looking at is amazing!'

larp, party, friends

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