Mawwiage is what Bwings us Togethaw

Jun 01, 2008 11:35

Yesterday saw the union of cdwfs & zorker in Malibu. They did me the great honor of asking me to officiate. This being my fourth, I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. Even the things that didn't go smoothly went smoothly. As with Isildur in the aftermath of the Battle of Gladden Fields, the ring-bearer was betrayed by the one ring (but not the other) which slipped from its pillow and fell to earth, all but vanishing into the dusty surface. I saw it fall in slow motion and immediately leapt forward to retrieve it and get it to Lance.

The rest of the preliminaries went well, but I want to give a particular shout-out to Martha, who had the most amazing aura of serenity and stateliness as she came down the aisle.

Most of us were confused by the glamorous bride in the spectacular dress. Where was Lesley? Me, I'm just hired to marry whoever shows up, so it was no big deal. I'd just ask Cort for the new name of party #2 and go on with the show. But no, Lesley's father was at her side and when he lifted the veil, the Lesleyness shone through. Back to plan 1!

Cort was an adorable, big misty-eyed softie during the ceremony. [I confess that the closest I got to misty-eyed was much later, when Lesley and her father danced to Kermit's Rainbow Connection.] Lesley seemed simultaneously poised and thrilled to the tips of her toes.

The magic done and sealed with a kiss, it was on to pictures and the reception, schmoozing with friends new and old. My last official task was filling out the license.

Cort's uncle Eric was quite taken with my performance and seemed to think I should be doing more with my ministry. I got to lay out an ambiguous statement that, although I enjoy it on rare occasions for my friends, being a minister is not a serious part of my life. I got many other compliments, and I just want to express my gratitude to the sound guy, who made my life easy and my words heard.

I could blab on and on about the many other wonderful decorations, scenes, conversations, friends and family, but so much of it is in you-had-to-have-been-there territory that I'll spare you all.

A few pics from the wedding.

party, friends, religion, wedding

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