My morning commute

Aug 27, 2005 08:16

Not that you need to hear about this, but aaronjv was asking for people's morning commutes. Feel free to tell him all about yours.

I start with a trip through the somewhat blighted urban area that is my home: hair/nail salons, fast food and churches. One of the interesting sights along here is the Inglewood Mortuary; it's a more interesting sight at night when the neon sign is on. A bit further down is Phillips BBQ #2 (not the location mentioned in the article, but part of the same business). It's not so interesting in the morning, but during the evening commute, the smell of BBQ that wafts across the street is literally mouth-watering.
Further down Centinela, there's a bar/pool hall with a small badly rendered mural of a skank with a pool cue. That stretch of buildings also has a large green horse on top of it.
Now we've made it to the confluence of La Tijera, La Cienega and Centinela. In the triangle bounded by these streets sits Pann's, a striking 50's diner started by Greek immigrants who still own and run the restaurant. On the farther side, one can see the soulless commercialism of Magic Johnson's TGI Friday's.
Making the turn down La Tijera, I soon come to St. Jerome's Church, famous in Enigma lore for being the site of Amy and Brian's wedding.
Typically, I then feel a large upwelling of schadenfreude as I cross over the 405 and see the suckers in the vehicular logjam. Not much of interest for the next couple miles, though I do have the timing of the lights ingrained in my accelerator foot so that I often don't use the brake for the next mile and a half. Many of the cars are headed for LAX and it's easy to stay out of the lanes they want to use, though you have to use a certain amount of caution around the ones who are new to LAX and perform unusual maneuvers.
A short jaunt down a little street and I'm at work.

bio, la

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