Guys my Google-Fu is failing me who the fuck is Marjorie Moore?

Aug 10, 2014 15:08

I saw a quote repeatedly appearing on my Facebook newsfeed: "volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote everyday about the kind of community you want to live in." - Marjorie Moore.

I got really interested and Googled for Marjorie Moore but I only found people with the same name and links to their Facebook, Linkedin or whatever social media accounts. When I typed in volunteering as well as her name, I saw that same quote like everywhere - the most significant finds are linked to the Rock the Vote campaign.

But who is Marjorie Moore? What does she do? Is she an author? A speaker? A famous figure in the USA? Where can I find out more about this person??
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