Nov 20, 2013 00:50
Is to live up to a motto. And I've chosen Nike's Just Do It.
If there's something you want to do, even if you're unsure but there's a 10% desire, then just do it. Don't just sit around and mull over it. Jump up, dive in, head first - all or nothing. Because it's bad enough moping around, don't make things worse, just do it.
So I did it. I jumped in and did this exchange trip. And during this exchange trip, I signed up to an acting class because a decade ago, I wanted to do it but I never did. That three hour class was exhilarating. I was mind blown by Shakespeare, I now appreciate the talent of voice actors a lot more than I thought I could ever feel, and I had fun.
Don't be afraid of hard work. Be afraid of sitting in idleness. Because if you stay still, nothing changes. And if nothing changes, your life will be monotonous and you will not find the one thing in life you're burning to do. You will always look forward to the end of the day when it's time to leave work. You will always look forward to the weekend so you can flop down and do nothing. You will always have a lingering feeling of regret - regrets of 'what if I did', 'what if I had the guts', 'what if I just had a go'? Why put yourself through that? Just do it, if you fail, then you fail. If you hate it, then you hate it. If you were miserable, then at least you know what doesn't make you happy. At least you know, that wasn't the right thing for you. At least you won't ever beat yourself up over it again. Or if you do, at least you know to try in a different way. At least you know to change.
Again, a decade ago, I wanted to learn the violin as opposed to the piano. My mother refused. So I settled for the flute, an instrument for which I had no desire for. Well, I've signed up for violin lessons. I'm going to do this. If I hate it, then I hate it. But I will never know if I never try. Thank you SherlockBBC, because you are what pushed me right off the edge. Yoshiki's music is also another thing that pushed hard towards the edge. And finally, Lindsay Stirling and the Piano Guys. You guys played a role too. I'm fucking doing this. I don't care if I don't have talent. If it's something I love, I'll work doubly hard because it's what you enjoy. It's not something you're doing because you've been forced to. Because you have to for survival. It's something you desire and desire works. Success occurs when your dreams become larger than your excuses.
I want to do something I love. I don't want to waste time. I want to find something I love and do it. If I continue with my life as it is now, mindnumbingly boring and obsessive over things I can never have, I will never be completely happy. I will always be following a monotonous routine that I will dread at the beginning of each day and will yearn for it to end.
I thank Yoshiki and the Piano Guys. On a whole different level, I have to thank Robert Downey Jr and whoever hired him for Sherlock Holmes and Iron Man. RDJ, you opened my eyes. I want to create something beautiful. And you, Sir, YOU are beautiful. You don't know me, and you will never know me, but you made me see the sparks of desire I've been looking for and the courage to jump in and work towards something: to create something beautiful. I may not have the talent or the knowledge. But I won't stop. I won't let myself stop. I won't even let myself think for too long, just jump in, sign up, pay for it before I get a chance to second guess myself and pull out. No, I'm going to create something beautiful. Even if it is just playing a melody on a violin. Even if I never meet you to thank you in real life, as long as I remember to always Just Do It.
And I'm going to learn a European language. So fuck everyone who looks at me with doubt on their face and disbelief-amusement in their eyes, telling me I'll never get there. Every single one of those inspiring actors, musicians, and whoever else have all had at least one person who doubted them. You can doubt all you want, but at least I'm experiencing change. At least I'm seeing a new world. If I'm not happy like this, at the very least, I'm not stuck in a cycle of 'what ifs'. No, maybe you should doubt me, because without your negativity and non-support, I do not have the drive to go that extra mile to prove you wrong.
I'm going to create something beautiful. It might take another decade, it might take three or four different turns. But I'm going to stop wasting my time and only take on things I want to do, and I'm going to dive in - all or nothing. All. Or. Nothing.
just do it,