Jan 06, 2010 17:55
I think I'm dying from heat exhaustion or something. =_=
I never take drugs. I've taken paracetamol like heaps of times recently.
I grabbed some off Eiwa. He's got a gigantic stash of them, but I still felt like dyingggggggggg. It's way too hot.
I went to lunch time work today. It was okayyyyyyyyy. Man, so tired. I need to catch up on summer school. Urgh. I also went to Mid city today with Eiwa and Ella~!! We went to mid city and bought Yoshidarling a birthday present. I'm way too dizzy for this shit. D<
And we were in $3 Japan and since it's way too hot inside, Eiwa and I went outside to stand on the streets lmao. Saw Alena and Chloe. Holy man... weird people in Nishiki. Lol.
I'm working every fucking possible shift ever next week. Even the shifts that I cannot work lol. Man... Lord Fumi sama... a slave driver lolololololol <3 love him to bits anyway~
DID I SAY I BOUGHT HEAPS OF AWESOME PENS? Shit, I probably need a pencil case.