I think you should click on this link and then Google. Love,
Today, I went to Dicksmith after uni (okay, I lie. I came home straight away after uni, interneted then went to Dicksmith after it stopped raining) and bought a micro SD card. It's 2gb and I've put it in my NEW phone which I have yet to take photos of. I'm so lazy. =_= (microSD has songs on it).
Then I went to Dresssmart because I no longer care about dying Indians in poor Indian communities (New Zealand Coca Cola uses New Zealand water to make it right? omgwateva) and got frozen coke x2. Yes. I did. I got normal frozen coke and I got mini frozen coke - it's a new product! It looks so absolutely adorable!! Omg, I think from now on, I will buy mini frozen coke! It's absolutely adorable. >_<
Oh I also never made it to Visique, but I bought a cheesymite at Baker's Delight... I didn't eat it till St John lol. Well, I started, but I didn't finish until I got to St John.
Also, I conned had sexytime with
timmehboy because he came with me tonight. We watched some kid's movie Journey to the Centre of the Earth or some shit like that. D= IT MADE ME OMGWTFBBQ?/?1!! O______________o
AFter that, I drove
timmehboy home. I still don't really know which house is his, but I do know where he lives. I'll just go knocking on doors if I ever need to go into his place. But yeah, I refuse to live in a house with a green roof but I shouldn't say that.
I think I have to read my H&E (health and environment thing now).
Also, lady from ASB Bank called up Epsom and told her she gave us the wrong forms so we didn't need to do any of it. Which was good, because I was late. We just have to turn up and open an account tomorrow~!
shuyiin should be coming along too haha.