(no subject)

Apr 07, 2008 19:08

Shameless gackted from uranus_sama:

Here is a meme that I stole from nekobob_chan.

1. My username is ______ because ______.

Because one day I was trying to say 'essential' and 'serenity' at the same time so it came out as 'Essenity'. Then, for about five seconds, I thought it was a real word.

2. My name is _____ because ______.

Because when my mother had me with my father and then took me back meet my father's grandfather (my great-grandfather), I was nameless. So it was decided that my grandfather (or was it my great grandfather?) would give me a name. The first character would be either "Shu" or "F___". I can't remember what the other option was, but the character starting with "F" was blagh and my mother was like: HELL NO FUCKING WAY. So I was given the first character of "Shu" and therefore, my second character was "Ting" because that's just the way things go. My mother than asked what my name would have been if she picked "F" instead and when she was told, my mother was all: OH THANK LORD I TOOK "SHU". It wasn't based on the meaning that my mother chose - both had great meanings, it was more based on the sound of the name when said out loud. I personally like my name more when it's pronounced in Mandarin. XD

3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.

Vanilla's Every Heart
Because at the time I started actually USING this LJ and decided to customize it, I was busy orgasming over BoA's Every Heart (in all the languages) and I didn't want to name it Gackt's Every Heart because urgh... wtf. And when I was trying to think of another thing to name it, Gackt's Vanilla started playing so I just shoved Vanilla's Every Heart into the title. Guess it was only because I just really wanted to move on.

4. My journal subtitle is ____ because ____.

"It's all about me"
Because it is... and because when I realised there was a subtitle, I had just come back from a St John course where the instructor beat home the lesson: "Be selfish! Your life is MOST important! Over you and a stranger, screw the stranger, save yourself! Heck, I'd save my ass over some random dude I don't even know, it's all about me!!!" And it stuck.

5. My friends page is called ____ because ____.

"Essenity stalks these people..."
Because I couldn't think of anything witty.

6. My default userpic is ____ because ____.

Gackt with a quote from Smartania
Because it fits him, and I made it on MS Paint. XD

meme, something to do, crack

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