(no subject)

Feb 06, 2008 21:45

Dear God,

Thanks for giving me a brain to remember shit with.

But really, you didn't have to go as far as to give me an eco teacher who would force me to memorise all shit with.


So I watched the first 15 minutes of DIRTY SEXY MONEY and it certainly is DIRTY and SEXY and FULL OF CASH.

I took a break from memoring eco shit to come online and LAWL.

Edison Chen nude scandal PART TWO!!! I can't remember if I posted about Part One, but I'm posting about Part Two now.

The poor boy, but at least he's not speaking in Ching Ganster lingo now. XDDD God, his blog from before made my eyes BLEED. So much fail in his fob ganster shit.

His most recent entry, however, is missing the eye bleeding fail though. This scandal must have got him sober. XD

Oh shit man, the poor girls. T__T;

EDIT TO ADD: His Youtube statement makes it sound like some terrorist attack. O_o

EDITED TO ADD AGAIN: That Youtube video I am talking about was on HIS BLOG. I went to the video and clicked on the user and on the same account THIS VIDEO was also put there. (Also, be shocked, although his blog will make you think omfgwtf, this video will make you go: OH HEY EDISON CHEN ACTUALLY KNOWS PROPER ENGLISH!!!!!!!11!!1111one!11)

I haven't watched it though, but the name sounds dodgy enough. XD

youtube, links, edisonchen scandal, sex scandal 2008, crack, school, edisonchen

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