Apr 15, 2005 02:57
... At least not to drugs.
What I call Special K is *not* what you call Special K.
For the record:
Ketamine Hydrochloride is actually:
2-(2-Chlorophenyl 1)-(methylamino)-cyclohexanone hydrochloride
M.W.-274.2 C13H16CINO-HCL LD50 (IPR-MUS): 400 mg/kg, LD50 (IVN-MUS): 77 mg/kg
White solid with a melting point of 266 degrees celcius.
It's water solubility is 20g/100ml.
And it's not flammable.
It's an anesthetic used primarily for veterinary purposes - although there are unconfirmed stories of its use in the fields of Vietnam, when on-the-spot amputations were required. It blocks nerve paths without depressing respiratory and circulatory functions, and therefore acts as a safe and reliable anesthetic.
It's a dissociative drug, meaning that it selectively reduces excitation of central mammalian neurons by N-methyl aspartate.
So basically, it fucks you up.
It's a powder; you put it up your nose.
But first, it comes in a liquid form, in a lovely bottle with a yellow label.
You open it.
You cook it.
You grind it.
You snort it.
You fall into your K-hole.
That is *your version*
Just know that mine is different, for those of you who have asked.