Dec 23, 2004 12:28
Oh man that sux..... I just accidentily erased everything I just wrote (err!!) Well Anyways, what I said was.... Tomorrow is X- mas eve...yay... (man, I really hate having to write this stuff over again). So that means that X-mas is the day after tomorrow, which means that I get presents! Although I prolly only got like 2... On the other hand, I actually think that dad is going to buy me a present this time... which is saying alot, cuz literally, my dad has >never< bought me a present in my entire life. But hey, that's who my dad is... Self-minded jerk who takes better care of his truck than his family... Err... That makes me really upset. Anyways... Jenny just stopped by to get a picture that I was supposed to give her a long time ago... But It'll be ok.... I had to give it a few touch ups before she came. She gave me my CDs which is really good. I thought I would have to suffer without my CDs for the entire break. And life without my music is worse then hell. She's going to Ohio to see her dad for half the break.... Hopefully she'll be ok.... cuz this is the first time that she'll be flying alone there. Man, seriously I hope she'll be ok. If anyone or even anything trys to take and/or rape my poor Jenny...I will... Err.. (Very violent stabbing guestures). Anyways...yeah...what else happened today?... Hmm...I had to give my dog a bath...which was amusing..... I actually tried to clean my room (On my own free will!).... um.... I had a really really wierd dream, but I dont feel like explaining....and err....that's about it, I think.... yeah, wasn't my day interesting? I thought it was...=P And err, my dad gets off of work at 1:30 today. Damnit. Errr....