I have not slept a wink since last night.
Tossed and turned, tried all different positions, breathing techniques, listening to my ipod but NOTHING worked
so i ended up doing some japanese revision, practiced on my japanese writing, listened to Glenn & The Flying Dutchman on Class 95's Morning Express, made french toast for breakfast ANDD i'm still not sleepy.
somebody shoot me but right now i so wish i was at work
but i need a job to that in the first place
Maybe subconsciously i'm worried about something, which is why i'm unable to sleep. haiz now to put a finger on what exactly is bothering me.
ah well i should enjoy what ever free time i have now right?
i keep telling myself its like the calm before the storm lol
hmmm since I don't think I'll be going to sleep anytime soon I should go out and run some errands.
- Finally get my passport photo done so I can finally renew my almost expiring passport,
- go to the optometrist and get a new pair of glasses done to replace the ones that i lost eons ago so that I can finally register for BTT and pass the eye test lol,
- go to the library to return the library books that i've finished reading and borrow new ones and maybe kill some time by doing more japanese revision at the library
mmm i got more to add but that will be going into too much detail lol
ok i shall laze around for a bit more before doing all that heee
somehow now i feel like doing this
What sleep deprivation can do to a person.