A midnight meeting

Jun 08, 2006 15:29

Who: Essdara, Tavaly
Where: Women's Dorms, Stored
When: =( No +time
Comment: Dara learns about Tava + T'zen, and is astonished.

IT's night. Late enough that any normal person would be asleep, and any crazy person would be out.. well, doing what Tav is doing. Rummaging around in closets here and there looking for spare this and spare that. Finally, having looked through every closet imaginable and finding jack, she comes to the women's dorm and searches the dark with pale, keen eyes. One cot catches her attention almost immediately. Dara's. Oh, good! She tip toes over and then pokes the girl. "Hey, are you awake?"

"Huh!?" Essdara jumps a bit, startled. "What? Who?" She squints a bit, "Why are you waking me up? I just got to sleep!" Petulance, pure and simple.

"Sorry! I'm just.. lost. I have no idea where to find pillows, and I felt bad waking up anyone else.." Wait. That didn't come out right. XD "It's Tav, by the way.. I just got my weyr yesterday and aside from a lopsided table and the stench of old ladies, my weyr is totally empty.."

Essdara blinks, "You got weyrs? Thats good! I think? Umm. Pillows. Store rooms, somewhere. In the bak, I think." She yawns a bit and sits up, with a sigh. "Do you want me to show you?"

Tavaly sheepishly grins in the dark. "Yea.. Actually, I've only got mine. R'vain's been a busybody, so.. he's getting around to the others." At her offer, Tav sort of perks. "You know, if you don't mind.. Oh, and I brought you some cookies. See? I'm not completely rude." She holds out a small pouch with.. rather good smelling goodies.

Essdara tilts her head a bit at the cookies. "Now you've got my attention... You made cookies? I thought you couldn't cook?" She sighs and tosses off her blanket, shivering in her pajamas. "C'mon, then. We'll find you a good one."

She's dual-prepared! A warm blanket of rabbit pelts is slung over the girl's shoulders. "I followed a recipe I found floatin' around. And I promise I tested 'em first. They're not /too/ nasty. At least they're relatively soft.. Not bricks." She grins a moment. "Thanks. Immath's couch is all set, and she's cozy.."

Essdara says, "Hrmph. And my own bed will be cold when I get back. Alas! The things I do. Maybe I'll find a lonely bluerider on the way back or something." She stands, pulling the blanket closer, and taking one of the cookies to nibble at. "Not bad." She comments, then turns for the passage out. "Come on, then.'"

"The blanket's for you, y'know. For keeps." Tav says with a smile. "Think of it as a late birthday gift, I guess." Chyah. Tav totally didn't forget. The comment about the cookies makes her puff up a little. "Nothin' special. Figgered you might like something to gnaw on, anyway."

Essdara blinks. "You know when my birthday is? Thank you." She leads the greenrider to the stores, "Now, somewhere inhere, we'll find them. I haven't seen you much lately." An abrupt topic change while walking. "Whatcha been up to?"

A small grin now plasters itself over Tav's fangy maw. "Yup. Word got around." She replies, giving the girl's shoulder a good pat. She glances around in the stores then pauses, eyes darting sideways. "Training. Flying. Learning new techniques, mostly.. I've been kinda antisocial for a while." She looks around. "Stuff like that."

Essdara looks over the shelves while they talk, trying to find the pillows. "I swear things move in here, never where I thought they were. Antisocial? Why is that? I mean, I had a period like that myself, but I can't imagine you having a broken heart. Noone's that stupid!" She teases.

The transition is sort of.. quick. There's a look of shock on the greenrider's face is almost funny, just because it's so unusual to see it there. Then, forcing her mouth to close, she just goes kind of quiet.. "Crafters never do keep their shardin' mouth shut, do they..?" She mutters. "How.. how far did word get out about the fight me an' T'zen had..?" She asks, voice going beyond quiet. Almost mousey, sort of. She busies herself with sifting through blankets. AWKWARD.

Essdara stops dead, and looks at Tavaly incredulously. "You and T'zen? YOu're... But you had a fight? What? Wait, I haven't heard anything about this!" She sounds offended by that. "When? How long? And what happened? I meant what I said!"

Um. Oops. Pale eyes skirt over to the girl. "Honestly.. you haven't heard jack about it?" She looks a little skeptical. "I'm pretty sure more folks know that we really expected.. R'vain said a thing or two that hinted.. Anyway, it started out him and Uneth teachin' Immath some advanced flying maneuvers to strengthen her up and give her an edge.. I guess, somewhere down the road I took a shine to 'im and.. well.." She shrugs, sniffing up a moment. Allergies, really. "E'sere put in a request for me to be in his wing when I graduate and I went off an' told T'zen about it and he went all freaky quiet. I figgered he'd be happy for me, but.. Just kinda froze, he did. Got to arguin' and then he yelled at me some, so I ran off. Haven't spoken to 'im since, and it's been a sunrise or three since then." She slumps against a pile of blankets.

Essdara shakes her head, "I haven't. I heard T'zen had something going with a greenrider, but not who, and I never imagined..." She makes a face, "And he never told me. After I told him about my problems. Hrmph." She sighs, and hesitantly reaches out towards the greenrider, touching her shoulder. "He's probably just worried about yuo actually flying fall, if he really does love you. I know some people opt to be in different wings, because it's too distracting being that close to their weyrmate in formation."

She stiffens for a moment, then looks at the girl. "We're.. not weyrmates." Tav says quietly. And her face falls. Why is that depressing? "I mean, being in the same wing it.. it makes sense, you know? We've been training together since Immath started flying. We'd make a shardin' good team against 'fall.." Bah. "My brother thought it might be worry, also. I guess I'll just have to ask that stupid git." Poop.

Essdara says, "Asking him would seem wise, about many things." Softly spoken. "Tavaly... Do you /want/ to be his weyrmate? Cause... Well, T'zen isn't very bright. If you do want to, you'll probably have to force the issue. Or just move in. I bet it takes him a week to notice.""

Tavaly kind of.. grins at that. She has noticed a sincere lack of brains.. "I dunno. I've never been the sort to just.. push my feelings on other people. We made a pact together, to look out for one another. All started with him sayin' that he got worried, once. Sounds t'me like he doesn't worry often." She sighs a moment, then turns toward Ess, the corners of her eyes glittering a little over a lopsided, awkward grin. She hugs the girl about the shoulders. Tightly. "You're a gem, you know. I'm really sorry we haven't spent a lot of time together. Tell you what, though. Soon as Immath's a little bigger, how'd you like to go flyin'? Maybe even spend the night up in my weyr so you can get a good view of the sunrise?"

Essdara hugs back, and hides her blush in the faint light. "You'e T'zen for such things, Tavaly, but thank you for the offer. He's good, and it will be nice to see you both happy." An envious tone to the words. "Let's find those pillows."

"Perhaps, but T'zen smells to high heaven, and I'd much rather have you to hang out with." She smiles partially, releasing the blushing kitchen witch sort of hesitantly. She's squishy and fun to touch. >D "Right. Pillows. Bloody sneaky things.."

Essdara chuckles softly. "You'll get used to him, I am sure, Tavaly." She looks around, and smiles. "There they are. What do you prefer, hard, soft, big, small?"

"Big and soft for a fat head." She replies, glancing around before quickly wiping her eyes on the back of her sleeve. "I'm real sorry for wakin' you up, again.. by the way.."

Essdara looks over, and offers out an appropriate pillow. "You can always wake me up. I'm always there to help a friend, Tava. With pillows, or talking, or anything else. OK? And I don't spread, or listen to, rumors!"

Tavaly smirks faintly. "That's probably why you haven't heard about me and numbskull, then." She flicks her brows. And yawns, suddenly. Her head turns and the light drains from her eyes a moment. "Alas, Immath is tired. Else I'd probably stay around and keep you up well past sunrise. You have my eternal gratitude. Sleeping on stone gets old after the first four hours." Another shoulder-hug and the greenrider turns to depart.

Essdara says, "Good luck, Tavaly, and congratulations, even if I am terribly jealous!"

dorms, rp, stores, tavaly, essdara

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