A long awaited meeting

May 28, 2006 22:46

Who: Essdara, Anaddui
Where: South Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
When: Early morning, Day 7, Month 11, Turn 1, 7th pass
Comment: Finally! Anna is who told me about LE, and I have never RP'd with her. I don't think I put in a good showing, Dara was very weird in the head, but it was nice to see her.

Anaddui and Aurenth are sitting idly in the early morning, waiting for the sun to rise. The green is freshly oiled; it seems her rider got up especially early today just to get that job done before the two came out to watch sunrise together. Anaddui has a blanket wrapped around her in the chill morning air, and is sitting with knees up and leaning against her green's side.

Essdara is taking advantage of the remnants of dry weather for the Weyr, and is out for a pre-dawn jog. Or, to judge by the dark lines under her eyes, a /very/ late night jog. She is sweating and panting as she comes up the path that leads out of the bowl, her breath visible in gray smoke puffs as she moves.

Aurenth rumbles a warning to Anaddui that someone is approaching. The weyrling pricks up her ears and hears the crunch of someone...running? At this hour? Peering through the pre-dawn, she can't quite make out who it is, or indeed if the person crazy enough to be running at this time of day is male or female.

Essdara would be surprised at hearing the sound of a dragon awake at this time of day, if it didn't seem to be normal around her. Assuming it to be one of her normal friends, the girl banks towards the rumble, and approaches the pair. She slows down as she gets nearer, and looks surprised as she finally realises she doesn't actually know the person. Still, too close to back away she is forced to be social. Smiling and panting a bit, she greets the weyrling. "Good morning, ma'am. Didn't mean to intrude, I, ah, kinda assumed you were someone else."

Anaddui wraps the blanket a little further around her shoulders and smiles at the new arrival. The green dragon sniffs the girl who has approached and croons softly. "Good morning, lass. It's no trouble, really. Aurenth and I were just going to watch the sun rise. We didn't expect anyone else to be out this early." Waving off the apology, she grunts as Aurenth shifts a little to get a better look at the girl. "Out for an early morning jog? You're keen." Ana grins.

Essdara makes a face, then smiles at the dragon. "Small. One of the weyrlings, I assume?" She looks to her rider with a shrug. "Never been a good sleeper, but tonight's extra bad. Hides didn't work, cooking didn't work, pretending to /be/ asleep didn't work... So, as a last resort, I'm trying exhaustion. Sunrise, eh? An awefully cold time of year for it."

Anaddui nods. "Yes, I'm Anaddui. One of the weyrlings from the last clutch." She introduces herself pronouncing her name with the unusual roll of the tongue that's supposed to accompany it. "This green lump is Aurenth." The aforsaid green blinks blue eyes at the girl and whistles out her nose a little. "Exhaustion is something I've been living with since the hatching." Ana smiles. "Oh, I don't mind the cold, I've really gotten used to it. Besides, Aurenth here keeps my back warm at least. Wait, you're the kitchen girl?" Recognition dawns on the weyrling's face, although she has never officially met the girl, she has certainly heard about her.

Essdara raises a brow at the comment. "The kitchen girl? Well, I'm /a/ kitchen girl. A cook, to be precise about it. I... Hadn't realised I was so well known." She really hadn't, to judge by the expression. "Well, whatever you heard, I am sure pales compared to the truth. I'm much more interesting than mere rumors can explain." She smirks. she looks to the dragon again, more appraisingly. "She's very pretty. My mother's a greenrider, so I've always had a bit of a soft spot for them, and for blues. Are you from the Weyr, or were you searched from elsewhere? Anaddui, was it?" She even almost pronounces it right, though not quite.

Anaddui can't help but chuckle, and hopes she hasn't sounded rude. "I meant, the kitchen girl who had a cut hand." She indicates the bandage on Essdara's left hand. "I overheard another cook talking about it when I was in the Living Cavern the other day. Can't say I've heard any rumours...not that I listen to them anyway." Aurenth shifts again, this time at the mention of how pretty she is. "Why, thank you, lass. She's just been oiled actually. Your mother is a greenrider? From 'Reaches? Me? Oh, no I was Searched from Nabol Hold. Went there to find out about life." Ana chuckles at some private joke on that subject. "Oh, call me Anna if you can't say it right, not many people can. Don't know -what- possessed my mother to call me that."

Essdara relaxes, some, at the clarification. "Yes, here. They're both in 3c, or what's left of it." A casual explanation. "Anna, then. I don't think I've heard a name quite like yours, before. Where is it from, originally?" She stretches a little, and shivers in the pre-down cold, wrapping her arms across each other. "Rrf. Always forget how cold it feels when you stop running out here."

Anaddui nods, a little sadly, at the mention of the decimated 3c wing. "I'm from Keollan Cothold, near Nabol Hold. I was actually living in Nabol Hold itself when I was Searched. I...was trying to avoid a marriage at home. He...wasn't a nice man." She shivers slightly, but whether from cold or a memory, it's hard to say. "He won't come near here, now." Anna says more brightly. "Silly thing doesn't want to be anywhere -near- dragons! Acts like they're just dumb animals who can be dangerous if provoked." A shrug, as though she's shrugging off the man himself. "But, that was before. Now I'm here and could't be happier, eh Aurenth?" The green rumbles in agreement, breath steaming greyishly as the sun finally begins to rise.

Essdara chuckles softly, "Well, for the weyr then, I'll be glad you left when you did. We need all the good riders we can get, now more than ever." She gives the green a long look, expression suddenly a little sad. "Though I wonder how many of them will still be beautiful in a few turns?" She wonders, more to herself than anything. As the sun lifts, she looks towards it. "It's going to be a long Pass, and I suspect by the end of it, you'll wonder if you weren't better off before."

Anaddui gives Essdara a long, thoughtful look herself. "I believe it was my destiny to be a rider, on a fighting dragon." She finally says. "I can only hope our training stands us in good stead for what lies ahead for us. We do our duty to Pern and its people. Threadscore, unfortunately, is part of life for rider and dragon. Being on the ground, I don't see as much of it as the others, but soon we'll be up there too. A long Pass, yes." Her sombre mood is lightened with the rays now coming across the Bowl. "Ah, that's worth the early rising." She smiles.

Essdara listens to the commentary quietly, and can only give a light smile at it. "I've never known a rider to say otherwise, I'll say that much. But, from where I am, I can't say I enjoy watching friends and family prove their willingness to sactifice for us all." A shrug, and keeps her eyes on the rising sun. "It is, indeed. Few things in life compare to seeing that simple affirmation of life every morning."

"Lass, I would never expect any rider to say less. Dragons are here for us all." Aurenth rumbles again. "Yes, dear, I know. You want to be up there, much as it pains me." She thumps the green's hide affectionately. Blinking against the light, she blows on her cold fingers and watches her steamy breath dissipate. "That's exactly why Aurenth and I are out here most mornings." Anna smiles. "It helps keep things in perspective. Very little remains as constant as the sun."

"Very little." the cook agrees. Rubbing her arms, she watches it until it has fully crested the bowl. She gives a light yawn. "Lucky for me I don't have to do breakfast today. Migth actually get some sleep." She turns her head towards the the greenrider weyrling. "Don't be too eager to get up there. Enjoy the time you have with her, pristine and unblemished. Which I am sure you have heard before, but it bears repeating."

Anaddui and the green finally get to their feet, their break from life is almost over. The sun indicates that it's time for them to think about getting to class, and Aurenth needs to feed before then. "Much as I would like to sit here all day and talk to you, I need to get going. Aurenth is hungry and has chosen a herdbeast for herself that she doesn't want another dragon getting before she has the chance. She's fussy when it comes to food." The weyrling grins. "At least I don't have to slaughter for her anymore, that was -really- messy. I do hope you get some sleep, you look like you need it. I'll see you around, I hope." Picking off some leaves that have been crushed onto Aurenth's hide, Anna wiggles fingers in farewell.

Essdara returns the wave. "Clear skies and good hunting, Anna. If you get hungry later, feel free to ask for Essdara in the kitchens. I've usually got something a bit nicer than the standard fare, for the people that take the time to find out." An impish grin, and she too makes her way away, back towards the caverns, and warmth.

rp, first-meeting, bowl, anaddui, essdara

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