Friendship revisted

Nov 09, 2006 19:22

Who: Aida, Essdara
Where: Aida's Room
Comment: Dara drops in on an old friend with a present and conversation

The door that leads to Aida's room is shut, of course, and the room beyond is quiet. Inside it's a bit of a mess, still -- for all that things are put away, there's a second bed shoved awkwardly along what was once the only free wall space, the bookshelf turned to sit with its back up against the desk so that there's still room. There's a second chest beside said bed, and...empty floor space is sort of non-existent, right now. Room to maneuver, but not much more than that. It'll be better once things get rearranged, which has not yet apparently happened. Presently, Aida is flopped out on her bed with some hides, reading quietly.

A knock at the door, and Aida's greeting to enter has Dara coming into the room, offering Aida a smile as she does. In one hand is a closed box, about a foot on each side. As she settles the door closed behin her, she offers her greetings. "Good evening, Aida. Not seen you in a while, or your room at all, so I thought I would drop by." She turns from the door to survey the room, and is clearly a bit surprised at the state of it. "It's very nice." Is her tactful lie. "How have you been?"

"It's very messy," Aida counters easily, flipping the hides over and shoving them to the side, rolling up off of the bed and to her feet. "Hey," she greets, flashing a grin. "Tea?" It should also be noted that the room is kept considerably warmer than most in the Reaches; a second brazier sees to that. Given her rolled up sleeves and light top and generally 'it's hot' sort of look, it's clear she hasn't adapted entirely to the warmth. "I've been. Yourself?"

Essdara offers out the box to her. "Funny you should ask, tea would be lovely. And... I'm good. Very good. Always little things to nitpick about, but not anything worth mentioning. So, good." She grins brightly, and takes another look around. "Do you like it sweltering?" She asks, innocently.

Blink, blink. Aida takes the box when it's offered, peering down at it and then back up at Essdara. "What's this?" She asks, even as she's slipping over towards the desk and a pot that's sitting there. "And no, I don't. But I've someone staying with me from Ista, right now. Or down by Ista, at least. Something. She's got enough to adapt to without freezing /all/ the time, you know?"

Essdara blinks. "You've a roommate? Interesting. Friend of the headmasters I assume? And that's a present. My turnday was yesturday, and I decided to give some of my friends little things to celebrate it. Yours is also a room-warming present, I've been meaning to drop it off. Dunno if you need another, but, well... You're not an easy person to buy for." Inside is, in fact, a teapot; explaining Dara's initial comment. It's a ceramic pot that is colored black, with geometric shapes embossed in it in red. The handle is wooden, with a woven strip of rushes around where it would be picked up. It's the right size for a pot big enough for two or three people, clearly meant for personal use. Dara, divested of the box, moves to sit on the edge of the bed. "Sorry about the other day, I shouldn't have run away like that."

The box is set down on the desk, opened; when Aida sees the pot, she laughs lightly, pulling it out and setting it down beside the other. "It's lovely; thank you. Happy turnday, Dara -- I didn't know, or I'd have something for you already." She casts a smile over her shoulder, then goes about putting together a few cups of tea. "Don't worry about the other day -- it was a little awkward for everybody concerned, I think. Not a big deal." Beat. "And no, not a friend of the headmaster's. Actually, ah. She's Ashwin's cousin."

Essdara looks surprised. "Ashwin has a cousin? I didn't know that. Hope she's not too upset about him being gone and all." A small smile. "I gava Tava a klah pot when she got her weyr, I figured you would like similar. But I also figured you'd have one, you being you and all. Couldn't think of anything else you wouldn't have, though, so..." A small shrug. A smile follows. "And, yeah, it was awkward. Between Niya's leaving, and then that... Anyway, I mentioned it to Nari, and thankfully she's not upset with me. Not that she should be, really, but still. We had a very nice evening, she's... A very good person." A tilt of her head. "Do you know her well?"

"Oh, they're back," Aida says, giving a little toss of her head and picking both mugs up, turning around to offer one of them out towards Essdara as she nods towards the little table and the chairs beside it. "The tea pot is lovely, honestly. It's perfect. Prettier than the plain one I have, too." And it is, of course. Aida's present pot is very basic. "I don't know Nari terribly well, no. Our relationship has been awkwardness all over the place; I'm hoping it'll work out well eventually -- I do really like her. Just...circumstances."

Essdara blinks, looking surprised. "They are? Huh. Didn't realise I was so out of the loop, not to notice something like that. Rumors are quiet this time... But I guess it isn't so interesting now, to most people." She wrinkles her nose. "And cricumstances... Yeah. Anyway, been trying to cheer her up a bit, which is helping I think." A slight grin. "Doesn't help that she's cute, either." She lapses quiet a moment, fiddling with her fingers in her lap while Aida prepares tea.

One mug set down before Essdara, Aida takes the other to the other chair, sliding down into it carefully, both hands wrapped carefully around said mug. It's not steaming hot-hot, but it's most definitely still pleasantly warm. "They've been quiet about it, I believe," she replies, lifting a shoulder in a shrug and offering a smile to go with the words. "I...went to see her, the other day. Nari, I mean. She's really not having a good time with settling in here. I hope you /can/ do something, to help her. I certainly haven't been able to, and not for lack of trying, either."

"Well, she was smiling when I left the other morning, and commented that there might be some good things here, so... I think she'll be ok." Dara blows softly across the surface of the tee, needed or not. A small sip is taken, and an appreciative sound is given. "Nice. Anyway, I think... She came here cause of that crowd, and now feels like they don't like her anymore cause of all this. She just needs... Well, a friend I guess. Some affection doesn't go amiss, either. She's a sweet girl, and I'll give it my all. And you know that I can be good at making someone feel welcome here." Another sip, and an amused smile. "I seem to be surrounded by needy greenriders of late. I don't think I could be happier."

"Well, the boys have all been really busy, too," Aida comments dryly, wrinkling up her nose and then exhaling a soft sigh. She settles back in her chair, bringing her own mug up for a careful sip from it. "I wish you all the luck in the world with bringing her around, I really do. She certainly needs it. If there's anything I can end up doing, let me know? I do really like her, and I don't want her to get the mistaken impression that I don't."

Essdara shakes her head, "I don't think she does, though I don't know she knows how to approach you at the moment. She'll adjust though, promise. Every time I see her she comes a little more out of her shell." A bright smile. "So just leave her to me, and everything will be ok. Now, tell me something about you. Anything interesting, besides sudden roomates from far away place?"

Laughing, Aida shakes her head and shrugs both of her shoulders, taking another sip from her mug of tea. "Nothing, really," she says. "I've just been...working, and helping Lorna get settled as best I can, which generally involves me talking like crazy and her staring at me as if I were growing a second nose from my chin." A quick flash of her grin. "Been trying to keep out of trouble, mostly. Haven't been feeling very social, as of late."

Essdara nods a little, looking down at her tea, "I understand that all too well. For a few weeks, I was much the same. Outside work, I think only talked to R'vain, Nari, and Limerri. Maybe Vanya. Till one day I realised I was very lonely, and I knew it was time to start finding my friends again." A warm smile. "And so, here I am."

Shifting in her chair, Aida uses a foot against the table leg to shove herself back just enough that the chair is turned in a fashion that lets her kick her bare feet up onto the bookshelf. Heels resting there, she settles down even further, taking another drink from her tea and looking twelve shades of relaxed. "I'm glad to see you," she says. "Very glad. The last month or two have just taken a lot out of me. I'm just glad I don't have to wander around looking over my shoulder any more. It's a lot harder to adapt to that than it was to keeping an eye out in the first place, I swear."

Essdara nods, with a small smile. "I do agree with you there. It's nice that things are settling back down. There are still plenty of things unanswered, but... I don't care, anymore. I just want to see things get back to something resembling normal." She sets her mug of tea down. "Which they are. Now, tell me, cause I had even less luck for her than you... What do you think a nice, small little gift for Roa would be? I've not many marks, but enough for this. Finally have a nice savings after two turns as a cook, it's a nice feeling."

"Present for Roa?" Aida echoes back, furrowing her brows a bit and extracting a hand from her cup so she can lift it, brush her curls back from her face. "That's a definite tough one. A hair clip, perhaps? Something sturdy that might still be pretty all the same? If not that, perhaps some lotion or something along those lines. For her, I'd definitely suggest something that is as useful as it is pretty."

Essdara hmmms quietly at that, noddling. "A hair clip might work. Or... Winter is coming, maybe a new pair of riding gloves or a new niding cap? That might work too. Practical. It's hard, she has pretty much everything she wants or needs at her back and call. Hmmm." She smiles then to Aida. "Thank you, I think you've jogged me into something there. She's been stumping me for a week now."

Aida gives a little dip of her head, grinning again. "Gloves are probably a good idea too, yeah," she agrees. "You're entirely welcome. Glad I could at least sort of help. I'm still not so very great with presents, but I'm at least getting better at that sort of thing."

Essdara smiles, "Well, I am sure you do well enough. I do what I can. Gave Nari a brush, cause she has such pretty hair. Limerri's another hard one, but I think I will give her something more personal. And R'vain..." She trails off there for a long moment, thoughtful. "R'vain, I think an earring for. He always wears the same one, a plain gold hoop. So a small gemstone, something to set off his eyes. N'tai had some pretty green glass jewelry, before he Impressed, wonder if his sister still has any of it..."

A flick of the eyes down to the mug in her hands for a moment is Aida's only apparent reaction to hearing N'tai's name, and it's a minor one at that, easily ascribed to something else. She sips again from said tea, then glances back up to Dara again, nodding agreeably. "I expect she probably still does, honestly," she says. "It couldn't hurt to ask, at the very least. It sounds like you've good ideas for both of them, though, too. You're certainly doing better than I would be."

Essdara shrugs, grinning. "I've years more practice than you, Aida. But if you ever need help, you know I'll do my best. I just like making people smile, and that's an easy way to do so. And the world needs more smiles about now, really." She leans back in the chair, watching the other woman. "You're really ok, holding up well? I worried about you a lot, you know. Showing up in the dorms like that, then disappearing again..."

Feet kicking up from the shelf they're on that puts them level to the one above it, Aida scooches down in her chair further, bringing that cup up for a sip and then reclining her head against the chair's back. It puts her eyes up on the ceiling, though it's clear she's still paying attention to the conversation, and her smile doesn't falter at all or anything. "I'm holding up well enough," she replies quietly. "I just couldn't handle being in the dorms. Too many people, and I keep too much of my work with me to be comfortable with leaving it around there. Roa let me stay with her until this place was ready."

Essdara nods. "I'd heard rumors to that effect, so wasn't worried. But I want to make sure you know I thought of you, and that no matter where you are... You're a friend, and I'll do anything I can to help if you need something. Even just a good meal. OK?"

"You know I don't have the easiest time asking for help," Aida chides gently, turning her head to rest her cheek against the chair back and look over at Essdara again, her smile touching wry. "I'm alright, Dara, I really am. I don't even have anything I could complain about. It's been a rough turn so far, and even now that things are settling's taking me a while to calm down, too."

Essdara nods, returning wryness with warmth, "I know you don't, Aida. Which is why it is all the more important to remind you that you can. And I don't mean to imply that you need anything now... Just that when the time comes you do, remember me and that you aren't alone." She stands and stretches, "But now, my dear, I think it's time I left you in peace, to enjoy having your room to yourself while it lasts. If you need a break from her, feel free to drop her in the kitchens. I'll make sure she's entertained."

Aida snorts, shaking her head lightly as she sits up, feet dropping heavily to the floor. She sets her cup of tea down, shifting about until she's facing Dara again. "She's more likely to need the break from me," she points out, tone touched with dry amusement. "But I'll keep that in mind. All of that, in mind. Thank you, Dara. I'll see you soon?"

"Count on it." Dara says, grinning. "I'll make a pest of myself if I have to, and chew your ear off with long conversations about pretty greenriders and the best ways to make them smile." She takes a step back, and then starts threading her way through the room. "Tell Roa I said hi, if you see her before me. I don't get much chance to now she actually lives here."

"She's working more than I am, these days," Aida explains, giving a little grunt of effort as she shoves herself back up to her feet. There's a dirty look cast over towards one of the braziers, but then her attention is swinging back to Dara and she flashes another grin. "And that's saying something. Isn't easy, being a weyrwoman. She's got a lot yet to learn. I'll let her know you said hi, though."

Essdara pauses at the door. "I know, Aida, and I'm not blaming anyone, honest. And I will be visiting her soon, never fear. If I have to, I'll make it so that I bring her one of her meals. Worked with Yevide, there's no reason it shouldn't with her. Good day, Aida, and I will see you around." And then she is gone, closing the door behind her as she leaves.

aida's room, rp, aida, essdara

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