(no subject)

Oct 15, 2006 15:49

Who: Vimalla, Essdara
Where: LC
Comment: More RP with Vimalla, lots of fun as usual; I was a bit off this day, though it hits the next log more than this one.

It's relatively early morning in the Weyr, and since Vimala missed dinner last night, and didn't want to try for snacks in the common area on the off chance of meeting up with Reyce again, she's already in the caverns. Though she is just coming in, looking hungrily for breakfast. Usually she catches a late breakfast, so she's never been to the caverns this early before.

Early morning is when the cooks are at the peak of breakfast time. Uncharacteristically, though, Dara is taking it easy, focused more on overseeing the serving tables and relaxing rather than actually in the kitchens cooking. Watching the people come and go, she spots Vimala, and offers the woman a warm smiles in greeting.

Vimala heads quickly for the serving table, and smiles back to Essdara after spotting the cook. "Good morning, Essdara. What looks best this morning?" she asks conversationally after walking close enough to actually have a conversation.

Essdara grins. "The spiced potatoes are always good, and the meatrolls most days. Though I didn't get to make either today, so I can't make any firm promises. How're you settling in?" While talking, she is moving, cleaning up a spill one of the Caucus students left behind.

Vimala grins. "Well then I guess I'll just have some of those spiced potatoes and some meatrolls." indeed, she gets a plate and starts filling it with the aforementioned items. "I'm settling in fairly well for the most part. Except for this one boy at the Caucus. He and I had quite the argument the other day. Do you know Reyce?" she's fairly certain that's his name, after hearing the other students talking about him, even if she hadn't gotten his name during the whole fight.

Essdara grins, and motions towards them. "Do, I don't think you will be dissapointed." She moves around the tables and over towards the newcomer. "Reyce." Her voice is acid. "Yeah, I know him. He and I... Well, we don't much get along. Don't pay any attention to anything he says, don't think a kind word has ever escaped his lips."

Vimala takes a sample bite of the spiced potatoes, then adds a bit more to her plate, moving to sit at a table nearby to the serving table. "Oh, I don't plan on paying attention to what he says. I already know I have no chance of being on his good side... if he even has one. I think I humiliated him a little during out fight. I know it won't help anyway." she admits, before taking a few quick bites of her breakfast. She's rather hungry afterall.

Essdara grins, claiming a seat at her table from which she can watch the serving tables. "Then I thank you. That is one man that needs to be brought down a few pegs. I'll admit, we'e almost come to blows on a number of occaisons, though I've mostly learned to just pretend he doesn't exist. What were you arguing about?"

Vimala laughs softly. "You're welcome. I do plan on doing it again too. Of course, since I do want to avoid it coming to blows since he's so much bigger than I am, I will have to do it all in public, with lots of people around. But then, that's the best way if you want to try to humiliate someone to bring them down a few pegs, right?" she asks, trying to sound innocent. "Oh, he was taking up a whole seating section in the common area, spreading his work over a couple chairs and a table. I needed space. So I asked him to move some of his stuff. He would't. So I... moved it for him."

A soft bit of laughter and a nod of agreement. "Oh, yes. Definately best to have witnesses, both for the humilation and for protection!" A shake of her head, and she looks amusedly over at the student, "Good girl! Sounds exatly like something he would do. Thinks he owns the world, that one, and it's just not on."

Vimala hmms softly down at her plate after eating another couple potatoes, then she looks back to the other girl and grins. "Yes, witnesses are best. He wouldn't have had any problem if he'd simply moved his books like I asked. There was absolutely no reason for him to take up so much room when the common lounge is at it's busiest, with other people needing space as well. I suppose I should have taken the hint when I realized none of the other students would approach him, but I didn't care. I do wish I'd actually been able to get him to oil the table he damaged though. Ah well, I suppose actually having made him handle oil and rags was bad enough for him, after I dumped them in his lap." she adds with a quiet laugh, while starting to look around. klah, yes, something to drink would be good... perhaps the thirsty look on her face might tell her breakfast companion what she's looking for.

Essdara smirks. "He damaged a table? You must really have gotten to him, I will have to make sure to get notes on how you did it. It does seem rude to take up more space than is fair, but... Everyone tiptoes around him, because of who he is." A snort. "Which just makes his ego bigger." A curious look at her while Vimala looks over at the food tables. "Anythign else you want? I'd be happy to play fetch, if you need something."

Vimala laughs. "Well that's easy really. If he won't move something, and says if you need room you can sit on the floor, well... just put his stuff on the floor and tell him he can sit there since he needs so much more room than us normal folk." she admits with a grin and a bright twinkle to her eyes. "If you know where there's a good hot pot of klah, I could really use a cup?" she requests. "Please."

Essdara laughs outright at that. "Oh, I wish I could have seen the look on his face when you told him that! I bet he was just about speechless with it." She stands up, "Klah I can do, just one moment!" And she dissapears intot he crowd. A minute passes before she returns, a pair of mugs in her hand. One is set before Vimala, the other kept for herself as she reclaims her seat.

Vimala takes a long, slow swallow of her klah after it's presented before she leans back in her chair with a sigh. "That is much better. Thank you!" she grins broadly. "The look on his face was rather nice, though I admit to missing most of it. After I took his work off the table, I tried to get his stuff off the other chair. But he flipped the table over and kept me from getting to his work on the other chair. So since he was so nice to have gotten up... I took the seat he left. Made him sit in the seat he'd had his books and such on."

The cook settles down into the seat. "Vimala, my dear, I think I like you." Dara says, grinning brightly. "I've never seen anyone take him on before, though another friend of mine did get in a fist fight with his sister once. I missed that, too. I live in the wrong part of the weyr for the good stuff!"

Vimala blushes, though she also laughs. "You'll see plenty, or rather you'll probably hear about plenty of stuff between me and Reyce. I really do intend on taking him down a few pegs. I'm sure others have talked about it, but I intend on finding a way to actually do it." oh yes, that is a promise to herself that she intends to keep.

Essdara's smile has a wicked edge to it. "Well, if I can help at all, do be sure to ask. I'd be eager for that, especially as tense as things have been. Could use a bit of amusement to distract me from things."

Vimala looks curious, and also thoughtful for a moment, then when she does grin again, there's a decidedly mischevious look in her eyes. "I don't suppose you know if he ever tries to order snacks from the kitchens at odd hours or anything like that? Or maybe he'll come in expecting food whenever, if he's missed a normal mealtime?"

Essdara shakes her head, making a face. "Nothing consistant, I fear. Everyone does now and then, of course, but nothing regular enough to cause any trouble with." She is quiet a moment. "And I will confess." She adds, "There are some thigns I won't do, and messing with the food I give people is kinda on that list."

Vimala shakes her head slightly. "oh, messing with food isn't really what I had in mind. Certainly nothing awful. I just thought perhaps adding a few hot spices might be an interesting addition. Just something to make his eyes water, maybe keep him from saying anything rude for a few minutes while he deals with the heat." she shrugs. "no big deal. I'm sure I'll be able to bring him down relatively easily, just with words. Our fight the other night..." her grin reappears. "You should have seen his face when I was able to get one of the other students to bring the oil and rags I was going to have him use to care for the table he damaged. All it took was the right tone of voice when I asked."

Essdara laughs softly. "I wish I could have, I really do." She takes a long drink of the warm brew in her mug. "So. You picked an interesting time to join us here in the Reaches... Wingleaders detained for murder, riders flying Fall against orders... Exciting stuff. How're you holding up? Do you think they did the right thing, flying that Fall?"

Vimala settles back into her chair, bringing her feet up so that her heels are on the seat of the chair, rearranging her skirts to properly keep her covered before she wraps her arms around her legs, quite comfortably. "Oh, I'm holding up alright enough I suppose. I may just be from the Hold, but this place still takes getting used to. I think they did the right thing flying that Fall, but then again I don't like to see anyone without the protection of a wing or three of dragons when thread is falling."

Essdara nods softly, looking thoughtful. "It's a hard question, one I thought a lot about before the first time they went up against orders. And moreso this time, even more of the people I care about were there andthere were more injuries. And I can't seem to come up with an answer. I hate the thought of people being hurt, livelihoods destroyed by us not Flying... But I also think something has to be done about the tithing... It's not fair that he get the same protection as other Holders who .do. do their duties."

Vimala nods. "I do agree with that as well. I wonder if anything might be talked about at the gather coming up? It will be nice to go home for a visit. Well, maybe. more likely if I go home for the gather, mother will put me to work, but I could still hope to have some fun."

Essdara looks away. "The gather. Yeah, I think I will probably give that a miss. Not had much luck with such things lately, and I think it's best I just stay away." She looks back, frowning a bit. "But I don't know that anyone will talk about Nabol there, other than to praise the riders who flew there. It needs to be addressed, and I can't see anything we can do other than withdraw coverage if they won't support us as the ought."

Vimala hmms quietly in thought. "I suppose you're right. I don't see that there's much that can be done either, other than withdrawing coverage. I just hope something can be worked out before too many people get seriously hurt."

Essdara nods, and sighs. "Aye, that's the crux of the problem. Cause the person causing the trouble isn't the one who will suffer." She stirs and stands. "Anyway, Vimalla. Much as I would love to chat more, the tables demand my attention." This is likely spurred on by the fact that a clumsy bluerider has just knocked over a plate of meatrolls, causing a small mess across them. "I look forward to the chance to talk to you when things aren't so busy?"

Vimala nods. "If only the person who caused the trouble could be made to truly suffer it's consequences..." she glances around at the sound of the small ruckus caused by the bluerider knocking over the plate, then smiles back at the other girl. "Of course. Thank you for the talk, and breakfast. It was delicious." yes, through that conversation she did keep picking at her breakfast until it was all gone. The klah too.

A warm smile and a wave, and Dara is off towards the table. Her tone is firm as she shoos people out of her way, deftly redirecting them to give herself enough room to work with.

Vimala watches Essdara at work, then takes her dirty breakfast dishes to the drudge handling those duties, thanking them, and then she leaves the caverns to start her day of classes and homework and whatever else she finds to fill her day.

rp, vimala, lc, essdara

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