Apology not needed

Oct 08, 2006 18:36

Who: Tavaly, Essdara
Where: Dragon baths
Comment: Tava apologises for kissing Dara; Dara fails to see a need to be sorry.

Soothing steam coils in tendrils around the green who, having returned to her normal color complete with foresty spots, enjoys a moment's peace with her rider. Tav, dressed as is her usual lay-about self, relaxes against the back of Immath's neck ridges. The girl is singing. For an untrained voice, she's not bad. Yet the song she sings is sad. Not quite a lament, but.. heavy. The green rests her chin on the semi-dry lip of the giant bath, soft blue curling beneath the first set of lids.

In comes Dara. She's got her basket of bathing supplies, but today seems to be eschewing the normal baths in favour of the uiweter (relatively speaking) dragon baths. As she comes in, though, the song catches her ear and she looks in the direction of the voice; oh, look, a Tavaly. Smiling, she moves in that direction. "Tava." She says, cheerfully. "How're you?"

There's a voice she wasn't expecting. And so much was she not expecting it that she falls right off of her dragon. Immath opens one eye and warbles welcomingly toward the girl. Immath may not know names, but she knows who she likes. And this one is good people. Tav comes around the side and is instantly up on the deck and walking toward Dara. "Hey. Uh. Better. Can we talk?"

Essdara leans against the side of the pool, giving the fallen greenrider entirely too amused of a look. "Tava, when have you ever needed to ask me that? You know you need only beckon and I am yours." Voice is light and teasing, she's in a good mood. Immath gets a warm smile and a small wave as she kicks off her sandals and reaches to remove her shirt. "What's up? Something about R'vain? Seems to be the topic of choice lately with you and Roa."

"No, this is about you and me." Comes Tav's reply. Quick. Nervous. A hand comes up and scratches the back of Tav's hair, under the ridiculously messy bun at the nape of her neck. "Um. The other day. I wanted to apologize.. I.. You know I'd never do anything to intentionally hurt you, right?" Pale eyes now seek the girl's face. Please? Please know?

"You've never done anything to hurt me, period." Dara says, firmly, as she tugs her shirt off. Pants follow, and she's into the water. "Other day? Not quite sure I know what you mean, Tava. It's been a long week, what with E'sere and all." A sigh as she settles into the water. "Don't recall anything you need to apologise for."

"Uh. I pretty much kissed you." Comes Tav's explanation. "And, uh.. I know that you like me and all.. And.." Wow, this is awkward! "I just don't want you to think I did it to take advantage, is all. I mean.. Dara, I love you dearly and.. And I'm sorry?" What do you do in this situation? Seriously? Tav's at a loss.

Essdara looks at her for a long moment, still smiling. "Take advantage how, Tava? Was it a bad kiss? Was it unwelcome? Did I at all seem like I didn't want it? No. No, Tava, I may have been a bit confused at the time, but I never felt taken advantage of. Perhaps more hopeful than I shuold have, but then, it's been an /awefully/ long time since a pretty woman wanted me in their bed. Syn, and you know how long ago /that/ was."

The greenrider hangs her head. "It's just.. If I'm gonna kiss somebody, it's gotta be for the right reasons. Not 'cause Immath's planted naughty things in my head." Deep breath. "What I'm saying, Dara, is that I'm sorry for kissing you for the wrong reason." She steps down, sitting near where Dara's soaking. "I was so afraid you were gonna hate me when I came out of all this."

Essdara moves over and slips an arm around her. "Love." She says, softly. "You're not the first greenrider I've been friends with. First to kiss me while proddy, maybe, but. Mama is a greenrider, and how many other friends? No... I'd never hate you for something you did while proddy. But I am glad, Tava, it stopped where it did... Cause I would have felt bad taking advantage of you in that state, even without realising it."

"I'dve felt bad if it went further.. after what happened to T'zen." Tav recalls, vividly, turning him over in the morning and finding all those horrid claw marks. "The arm is leaned into and Tav rests her chin atop the girl's head. "I'm glad. You're one of my best friends, and I'd hate t'lose you over my being half-brained." A small smile touches her lips, then and she hugs the girl to her. "Speaking of R'vain, how's that going?"

Essdara grins softly, "Nothing wrong with a few good scratches. Leave a nice, tingly reminder for days. Just my opinion. And you'll have to try harder than that to be rid of me. It /was/ a very nice kiss, though. I enjoyed it." The question, though, has her looking back towards the dragon. "Good." She says, finally. "It goes good. We are good for each other."

"I agree." Comes Tav's affirmation. "He smiles and laughs more, these days. You are good for him, and if you're happy, then he must be good for you. So. As long as those remain the same, I trust your judgment. However, if he turns into a craphead, you just tell ol' Tavvy and she'll make him a miserable sod for a seven." The girl side-smiles. Immath, it appears, is enjoying her soak to the point of snoozing.

Essdara gives a soft laugh and leans agaisnt Tavaly a moment. "If he were a girl, Tava, he'd be perfect." She admits. "He makes me feel safe, and he keeps me from feeling alone. He's making me stronger, too. I need that... I need him. And I am glad you trust me." A glance over at her. "You never told me how you knew what kissing him felt like."

"I kissed his cheek, once." Tav admits, head tilted toward her dragon. "IT's different, now. I cannot think of R'vain as I once did. The fire felt when I saw him is gone. And I'm glad. That is one temptation that I don't need. Besides. He has you. And you desire his company. I'd not jeopardize that. And.." A pause, her eyes close. "And I'm whole again. T'zen mends better and better every day. Walks get longer, and he's started to observe the weyrlings again. Feels like I've been playing strong for too long."

Essdara shakes her head. "We're... You wouldn't jeopardise anything, Tava. I dunno what we are, but neither of us expects that of the other. I think we both know better than that." A slight wince, and a glance away. "Learned that the hard way, myself. Was seeing a girl, for a while. She was a candidate with me... Then, after Yevide... I did something stupid, and that pretty much destroyed that."

Tavaly nods her head, resting her head against the lip of the bath. "Open. Good. R'vain can get into something he's not stitched to." Tav yawns, suddenly, peering at the green and realizing. Ah. Yes. It is very much bed time. "I need to get her settled. And I'm tired, m'self. You arright?"

Essdara smiles to Tava. "More than I've been in a long time, Tava. Open, I guess, is a good word. It's best, for us. Tell T'zen I said hi?" And a teasing wink. "And Tava? You ever want the real thing... You know where I am."

"When I want the real thing, Dara, I'll do it with my head and my heart all in one. And you'll know." Comes Tav's gentle reply. Immath raises herself from the pool and, with a tired sigh, troops toward the exit - pausing to bump her nose in the water nearest Dara. Splash! And then the green departs, rider in tow.

rp, hot springs, tavaly, essdara

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