
Aug 08, 2006 16:47

Who: Roa, Essdara
Where: Kitchens

The kitchens are bustling in preparation for the midday meal. Cooks, assistants, kitchenhands are all scrambling here and there in that swift, efficient and usually accident-free dance that the staff performs daily. The tune of the song, of course, is gossip. The tunnelsnake meatrolls, the closing of the baths (which have since been reopened), the way so many riders woke up that night the 29th (one girl with a full figure and a leery smile making some comment about know she saw THAT firsthand), and the strange little Telgari weyrwoman what always seems to end up hurt. "I says she's just clumsy," comes one voice. "I says she's cursed." "Ain't no such thing as curses!" "There is too. Me mum got cursed an her knees started hurtin'." "Her knees hurt cuz she slipped down th' stairs!" "Cuz of the curse!"

Amid all of this, in one quiet corner, a small figure, knotless, back curved over her work, sits on a stool and silently cradles a massive bowl in her lap, stirring up the contents within. No one seems to notice or realize it is, in point of fact, the Telgari that has inspired so much debate.

Work is good, work is great. Dara has never been one to keep an ear on gossip, but it's a hard topic to ignore and she is frowning hard as she tries to. She is rolling out dough and kneading it, hands fiercely working the forcoming bread into the appropriate smooth and round shapes. As she finishes the last of the bath she works off, she leans back with a sigh. She uses a towel hanging off one side of her apron to wipe off her sweaty forehead and face, and the other, slightly damp, to then wipe her hands. After a moment's sway, she realises she's neglected her own food needs for the day, and moves to a pot of stew to remedy that, filling a bowl with the rich food.

"I still says she's cursed. You mark my words," booms the deep voice of one of the large plump kitchenhands, "til she's well and gone from here Reaches trouble is only gettin' worse. And we all know who we can thank for bringin' her here." "The Caucus!" comes the delighted rejoinder of maybe four or five different voices. This is a well and beloved topic to complain on and conversations dissolve into murmurs and snippets as everyone begins recounting their favorite reasons or stories on why the gathering of students means nothing but more work and less rest.

The stew pot happens to be quite near Roa's little corner and at movement so close by, the girl glances up, brows lifting. Dara. That is fine luck indeed. Or, well, maybe not, but she still murmurs, maybe too low to be heard above the general rumble of voices, "Hey there."

Ears honed for breaks in patterns, used to drowning out the now well-engrained opinions of the huddled masses do, indeed, hear the greeting. Dara looks over with a smile, as she puts the ladle back in the pot. It doesn't even seem to fade when she realises who it is, though she does look surprised. "R..." She stops; she's not entirely stupid, apparently. "Hey, you." She moves to the table, sitting down with a slight groan. "I need to not forget to have breakfast, but it's been a weird day, so I'll forgive myself. Up and around, I see? And hiding, already?"

If the Telgari is smirking, the expression is at least directed down and into her mixing bowl. And what's in there? Why, an emormous batch of mashed tubers, or course, the seasoning and butter still only partways blended into the white mush. "Up and around, of a sort," Roa agrees as Dara sits. "You know me, Essdara." A tiny glance up at the other girl, then down again. "I'm always hiding from something." A small pause. "Listening, too."

Essdara nods, softly. "The latter, at least, is something I am learning to do more of. The former... Less. It's a good balance. And why only of a sort?" Her tone is curious, and as she awaits a reply she starts in on the desperately-needed food. After a bite, though, she adds, "Least with the, ah, accident, you got a break from being so busy. Small consolation, of course, compared to all that happened."

Mix, mix mix. She pauses a moment, letting the spoon lean against the mixing bow so that she can stretch her fingers and give her arm a good shake. "I'm still on some restrictions," Roa explains. "For a while yet. And..." her eyes dart to the doorway of the kitchens where, discreetly in the shadows, stands a stocky young man, the knot of the Guard on his shoulder. "...I'm traveling with company again." Slowly she picks up the spoon' handle again, and slowly she resumes mixing. "Do you still agree with them?" she asks, her head tipping this time towards the hub of chattering workers. "About Caucus?" Not about curses.

Essdara is quiet a long moment on that, and then slowly shakes her head. "No, and I haven't for quite a while. I think the idea is sound, and I think there are some very worthwhile people there. There are also some people there who aren't fit to scrub chamber pots, let alone wield authority, but that is the world and naught to be done for it but be happy in spite of them." A faint blush, and a shrug. "Truth be told? I look back, and I think it was as much envy as anything for me."

The Telgari is silent as her arm works, the soft sucking sound of mashed tubers folding in and around themselves filling up their little sitting space. "You're growing up, I think," the girl muses. "Me too." A small sigh. "Not always in ways I like." This might be true. Roa is, as ever she was, quiet, seemingly shy. But there is something to her silence, now. A way in which she watches and listens so carefully that might make one realize that the quiet is no longer so much for her, her thoughts, her fears, as it is an opportunity to observe and consider those around her. "Have you put away, with your envy, the desire to attend classes?"

Essdara smiles a little. "It is bound to happen that someday we have to be adults. It's something I have been enjoying, and it has offered me a... Deeper outlook on the world and people around me. I see, I think, more of reality, and less of whimsey." A shrug. "But mostly, I am happy with the changes I have been encouraeged to make. They have brought me happiness, friendship, stability, and companionship. I am happy." There is a pause as Dara considers the question, eyes distant as she catalogues thoughts and emotions internally. "I do not thing, honestly, I will ever lose the desire. I love knowledge, I love knowing. I love picking up a record, learning what it has to teach. But there is only so far that takes me." She motions behind her to the kitchens, "I know what I need to know to be a cook. I cook better than most people there, and I am doing well on the organisation skills. I /will/ run these kitchens one day. And some would say I should be content, then, with what I know, and what I aspire to."

"Yes," Roa agrees with a tiny nod, "Some would." And then more mixing, the words left hanging for a while. A question, perhaps, both unspoken and unanswered. Then, as if on a completely different tangent, "I hit my head, you know. When I fell in the baths?" So idle is her tone, as if Essdara might *not* have known she'd hurt herself. "Gave myself a fine little concussion, it seems, which does funny things to your head for a good long while after the bruises fade." Mix mix mix. She clears her throat softly. "Just now, for instance, I can't so much read or write."

Essdara smirks a little as Roa talks, peaking at the mention of the fall and explanation of hitting her head. However, the last removes the smirk fairly quickly, and it is replaced with genuine sadness. "Not, I hope, permanantly? That... I admit, R.." She stops herself again, with a wince. "You know, it's hard to talk to you and not draw attention to you. NEver know who will hear what in here. Anyway, I can't imagine much worse than that. I think, given a choice between being able to cook, or being able to read, I'd more readily give up cooking. It... Must be very hard dealing with that. Especially while bedbound and on restricted duties... Reading and research pass time."

At Essdara's comment about the challenges of talking without drawing attention, Roa murmurs softly, "Good. I'll come here more frequently then. We'll practice. Discretion in a crowd is a good skill to have, ma'am." Lips curl slightly at that little differential. Nothing to see here, all. Just a short little kitchenhand reporting to one of her betters. "It's temporary, I'm told. But the healers can't say how long it will take for everything to settle back to rights. And, more than that, it's hard to concentrate now on lectures. Even getting explanations from healers, my thoughts drift away. I can't...hold them still." She frowns faintly, but otherwise her body is relaxed, head bowed, mixing away. There is nothing in her posture that would cause busy kitchen workers to pay her any mind. "In short, I'm not willing to sit on my hands until things fix themselves, and if I wish to return to my normal studies, I'm going to need a couple of assistants." And now her eyes do lift to settle, briefly but quite clearly, on Essdara.

Essdara is quiet for a long moment, looking back at Roa and meeting her gaze levelly. "Lass," Her lips don't twitch, really. "You are welcome to spend as much time here as you like. There certainly are things that can be taught within the time you have." More quiet staring. "It's an interesting choice of words, though I doubt you've any way to know that. But I have never refused a request from you before, R... Lass, and I see no reason to start now. What do you have in mind?"

Those lips quirk higher as Essdara plays along. "It will need, I think, to be split among a few people. Three. So that no one ends up with more work than they can manage and everyone can still perform a reasonable amount of their other duties." A pause and then said oh-so-quietly that even Essdara might miss it. But then again, maybe she won't. "Can't make too many ripples too soon." Quickly she moves on, "I need someone to attend classes with me, take notes, pay attention so we can later have discussions and make certain I understand the material. Someone to help me with the assignments, record homework, read texts." Mix mix mix. "Interested?"

"Yes." Is an immidaite reply from Essdara, and a slightly amused smile. "Ah, what an interesting morning. I avoid something for a long time, then in a few hours, much happens. I would be happy to help you, dear. As much as you are willing to let me." She does reflect on the comment on making ripples too soon, though doesn't comment. "May I ask, if I may, which ones it is you are taking, and if so, if I might possibly have a say in which I help with? There are some things I want to know more than others."

Chin dips down towards chest, a small nod of agreement. "I've Politics, of course. A basics in Mathematics class, History, Etiquette," a very very small wrinkle of her nose for that one, "Writing and Composition, Current Affairs, Ballads and Poems, and a class called Foundations which addresses the basic tenants of halls, holds, and weyrs." Roa pauses to take a breath. "Split among three people, that's three classes for two, two classes for one. Take your pick."

Essdara is quiet a moment. "Politics, definately. Etiquette... I know it's hated by all, but it's something I know little about. Don't think I will have much compettion. Then... Whatever is needed. Math is always handy, and current affairs... I am always lax on." She nods as she finishes that answer. "Do you have other people in mind, Roa, to help you out?"

"Etiquette and Politics, then. And perhaps some Math. I'd wager you have a mind for it. I should warn you, I haven't cleared this with the Headmaster yet, but I think I can." Roa's arm finally relaxes, the tubers well and truly blended, a faint aroma of garlic wafting up from their smooshy depths. "I've asked Kianda, a weaver, to help as well. I still need a third." A single brow lifts slightly. "Any suggestions?"

Essdara is quiet a long moment, and then nods slowly. "Maybe." She looks down at her mostly-gone stew bowl a moment, considering, and then looks back up. "I think, Roa, we may be able to help each other out. There is someone I care very deeply about, and I would like you to meet her. I think you, in particular, may be able to offer some help with... Well, to be honest, with shyness. She is deathly afraid of, well, everyone. I've never known anyone as quiet as you were when we met... But she makes that look positively outgoing. But she's smart, really smart, and there's ambition inside her. Hidden, but it's there. I don't know if you can use her, but either way... Will you meet her? For me?" A glance down. "For a friend?"

The goldrider listens in silence to this explanation, and then she tips her head a little to the side. "Of course I will. Ma'am." She considers quietly, "For a friend? I...was coming to think you didn't see me as one of those any longer. Which, I suppose, I deserved."

Essdara's cheeks flush. "It means a lot to me. She's very special, and she makes me very happy. And... I want to be your friend, Roa. I very much do." She looks up, with a sigh. "But it is hard. You have a very complex lifeand really, I will never more than peripherally be part of it. And I am not quite gullible enough to believe everything I hear. I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt a bit not to be trusted."

"It isn't that I don't trust you, and it *certainly* isn't that I think you're incapable of grasping ideas. It's just..." her lips thin. "I'm getting good at this game, but most of the people I 'play' it with are better than I am, and some of them are not...kind." She picks up the bowl again, begins stirring. Not because it needs stirring but because she needs something to do with her hands and a way to look like she's a nobody in the kitchens, busy at work. "They read people, they know when things are hidden and you've said yourself such things are hard for you. I don't want you hurt and I don't want you caught up in something that's only going to cause you trouble without any reward." MixmixMIXmixmix, her arm works quickly, shoving frustration out of her head and down her fingers. "I would, however, ask for one more rather discreet favor."

Essdara is quiet a moment. "I do, and you are right in that point. Perhaps, someday, you can bring me up to speed enough that I will be able to at least see the playing board, even if I don't move the stones." A slight smile. "But if you want to be my friend, lass, then that is a good starting point. Name your request, and if it's in my power, it shall be yours."

There's that faint quirk of lips. A tiny, sad little smile. "Perhaps," she agrees though the tone is flat. Neutral. No promise given, that. And then her voice dips down, soft enough that the cook may need to lean forward to hear her. Soft enough that if Dara does so, she'll likely be the *only* one that can hear her. "I'd like if you could, perhaps, keep your ears and eyes open. For others like you who would prefer to have a bit more than what's strictly allowed. Don't ask." her eyes lift to watch Essdara. "Don't ask people anything, don't question, don't bring it up. Just...listen, look. And share with me what you see and hear."

Essdara expected no more, and was not surprised. She leans forward for the quiet part, and nods slowly. "I can, at that, Roa. All things considered... Just look around me. Those that like me, they want more. Those that don't... Not so much. Some exceptions, of course... But I will keep alert, and note who I see. And I will tell you." A slight smile. "One, you've already agreed to meet."

Roa finally lets the spoon again lean against the inenr bowl, the tubers pushed away from her with a soft sigh. "Thank you, and I. Well, I'll look forward to that meeting then. I'd better go." She pushes her stool back, stands and, for just a moment, she leans heavily against the table, head down, as the dizziness comes and goes. Then she's standing tall (well, tall as ever she can) and turning to slip out of the kitchens as quietly as she slipped in.

Essdara, for her part, offers a smile and a wave, then slips out of her seat and back to work; no rest for the wicked.

rp, kitchens, roa, essdara

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