(no subject)

Aug 04, 2006 00:00

Who: Asynnida, Kierom, Essdara
Where: Lower Caverns, Bowl
Comment: Thinks develop more between Synnie and Dara

WARNING: Mild adult content. If you don't like mushy stuff and kissing, don't read

Kierom is walking from the Living Cavern towards the Dorms, looking a little tired and shaking his head slightly, his eyes slightly unfocused as he's lost in thought and not paying attention to where he's going.

Essdara, for her part, is just coming out of the dorms. A warm jacket is pulled around her against the night's chill, keeping her warm while she wanders. The omnipresent dark eyes she sports of late haven't faded in the least, and she wears a troubled expression.

Kierom blinks and almost trips over himself as Dara seems to appear out of nowhere as he approaches the Dorm's. "Hello, Dara. How are you? Something bothering you?"

Essdara pauses in her wandering and looks over at the guard, with a cooly polite smile. "Evening, Kierom. Just a rough night, that's all, nothing to be worried over. Yourself? You are finding a home here ok, then?"

Kierom nods slowly at Dara. "Well, I am talking to the headwoman about my skills as a stablehand and I am doing my best to stay. I hope you are okay, especially with the change in leadership and everything else lately." Kie leaves it there and just peers at Dara, just slightly worried.

"I've no issues with the change in leadership. Yevide and J'cor will be as good for the weyr as anyone else, and better than quite a few." Dara says, calmly. "I am sure the headwoman will find a use for you, given enough time."

Asynnida enters from the dormitories.

"Well, I know she will and I also know that people wonder why I am still here and some don't want me here. But I do want to stay here and like it here. I have friends here like Asynnida and Tavaly....." Kie shakes his head then. "But well, you don't need to know all that do you? I don't mind the change in leadership since I haven't been here that long myself, but am always curious about what others think."

"We do seem to share many friends." Dara observes. "Everyone has their opinion about the change, but the fact of the matter is that they /are/ the leadership, and no matter how much people may complain, it won't change that. So I don't see why people insist on getting uptite about it." A shrug.

Kierom nods at Dara. "True. I am glad you seem okay with the change and yes, it does seem that we do share many friends...." he trails off for a moment and shakes his head. "So, what do you think of Asynnida? She's very nice and hopefully will become a better friend. I'm trying to get her out of her shell....."

Essdara chuckles softly, "I handle change well, it seems. As for Asynnida... I like her, she seems very nice. I think she has a lot of potential, and a lot of drive to see it come to fruition. Bit too shy, though, but she gets over that."

Asynnida slinks through the lower caverns, with an empty bag. Done with her errands for the day and just slipping by towards the exit tunnel. But, Kierom has caught her attention, as well as Essdara and the girl simply flushes a dark shade of red. Scooting towards the exit, though, slightly towards the two. Unable to make up her mind, it seems.

Kierom blinks as he catches sight of Syn, "Well, speak of her, and she appears. How are you Asynnida?" His tone slightly brotherly now for the first time. He grins at Dara then, "Well she is out...."

Essdara smiles a bit. "She is, yes." She looks to Asynnida. "'Evening, Asynnida. Had a good day? Sorry I didn't get much chance to chat with you this morning, but I hope you liked the treat? It's a cake I've been working on, finally got right. It's hard to get the rolling down, cake wasn't ment to bend like that and you have to be very careful..."

Asynnida stops her shuffling between the exit, shifting herself towards the two. "I'm fine, Kierom... Just, getting out." She says softly, turning a bit more red and shuffling her feet a tad. She smiles at Essdara as she turns her attention towards her. "It was nice, I didn't get to head out, though. Only around the Weyr.. Oh. It's fine. I really enjoyed it. I'm glad you let me try some... I don't think I've had something that good before..."

Kierom nods slowly as he smiles at Syn, "That is good to hear." He looksin between the two, "Cake? what kind? So, you you have been talking more?"

Essdara smiles, "I am glad you liked it, makes it worth the effort." She looks over to Kierom, "I asked her to stop by this morning and try out the sweet I was making for the Weyrwoman and G'thon. She's asked for us to make sure she has a lot, and so I put effort into making sure there's a variety."

Asynnida peeks at Kierom, tilting her head a bit. "And, how are you?" She asks and then grins at Essdara, "It was really good. I don't get many sweets." She notes idly, finally relaxing enough to settle herself against the wall. "Why does she want you to make her cakes?"

Kierom gives a brotherly smile to Syn as he bows slightly, "I am good now, thank you." He looks in between the two then, "Well, the cakes sound good. And she wants a lot of cakes?"

Essdara smiles, "Well, not a /lot/, and not cakes specifically, just sweet things. She says it's cause G'thon has a sweet tooth, though personally I think she likes them as much as he does. And I like her, so I put extra effort into it when I can."

Asynnida gives Kierom a look, "Good now? You're acting strange, Kierom..." She says softly, making a face before she looks back at Essdara. "Oh. That's nice... I guess. It'd be nice having a lot of sweet things. Now and then..."

Kierom shrugs slightly, "Well, I get to stay longer, so I'm happy. Not as much to worry about, so it's good. And sweets would be nice with klah...." He shakes his head then, he tiredness showing.

Essdara shakes her head, smiling to Syn. "We clearly need to put more out, they do go fast. But if you ever have a craving for a pastry or whatnot... Find me. If I'm near the kitchens, I will be sure to give you some." She looks to Kierom. "Less to worry about? Must be nice, me, I find more to worry about every day."

Asynnida nods her head. "I'm glad you're staying, Kierom. Means I still have two friends." She shrugs her shoulders a bit and smiles at Dara. "Thanks, I'll be sure to do that if I really got a craving." She says, giggling softly. "If I can before I'm out, I'll probably sneak in for one..."

Kierom is looking tired, but smiles. "Well, since I am becoming more confident hat I am staying, I know more what to do and can focus on what's important to me here and not worry about where I'll be going or what I'll be doing and only have my life here to worry about and develop friendships more." Kie smiles warmly at Syn and nods politely at Dara.

Essdara grins, "I look forward to it, Asynnida, definately." She glances at Kierom. "Friendship is a good thing, Kierom. Do be careful not to let it slip away from you when you do find it."

Asynnida nods her head once more, grinning at Kierom. "That's good. I think. I'd like to see you more." She does switch to a sweet smile towards Essdara, "It'll be nice. Maybe you could chat more this time. If not, sneak out and eat it with me. So we can talk..." She blushes then, taking to idly glancing about.

Kierom nods slowly at the two girls, "I am trying not to let anything important slip from me again Dara. I've made that mistake before and trying not to do the same mistakes. "He almost rubs his eyes then, "I'm getting tired and starting to lose focus, will you two excuse me as I head for bed?"

"Sleep well, Kierom." Dara almsot even seems to mean it. She smiles to Asynnida. "I can't promsie to sneak out, but come just a little later and I should have more free time. And once Lani is better, I won't have to cover for her, either, which will be nice."

Asynnida nods her head, "Have a nice sleep, Kierom." She chimes softly, "I'll see you later, I guess." She glances back at Dara and nods. "I know. Sneaking out is hard, and, probably would be harder if you're coverin' for someone else...." She trails off, pressing her lips together and keeping quiet.

Kierom nods and bows to both girls, "Thank you both and have a good night." He heads to the Dorm's then, rubbing his eyes slightly.

Kierom ventures into the peace of the dormitories.

Essdara looks to Asynnida and tilts her head curiously. "Did I say something wrong, Asynnida? You don't seem to approve of... Something?"

Asynnida shakes her head a bit. "I'm being silly... I think..." She says softly, shrugging her shoulders and turning a bit of red. "I think I ran out of things to say, too..."

"Silly or not, you thought something. Would you tell me, please?" Dara's voice is soft and curious. "If you want to go, that's fine too."

Asynnida giggles softly, "I was being selfish. I think." She notes as she begins turning redder. "That's all I was really thinking... I don't want to go, not yet, anyway..."

Essdara shakes her head, "Don't think you know how to be selfish, Asynnida." She pauses. "Is there a shorter form of that you prefer? Like people call me Dara or Ess? Cause if not, I'll make one and hope you don't hate it as much as the other name people call me, that I won't mention."

Asynnida hums, blinking a bit. "Really?" The runner shrugs her shoulders a bit. "Not really. I don't get nicknames, really. Called something by my father and that's about it. You can make something up. Promise I won't hate it." She grins, "As long as no one else calls me it, depending on what it is."

Essdara thinks for a long moment. "Well, I've said Asyn a few times, but not sure /I/ like it. Same with Nida, using the last bit doesn't seem to work as well as it does with Dara. I fear I am not very good at picking them out." A shrugs. "I'll just see what happens as we get to know each other more, maybe something will jump out." A stretch, and a sigh. "I hate nightmares, though. I really wanted to sleep the night through for once."

Asynnida nods her head a bit, "Take your time." She offers, smiling brightly. "Father calls me Synnie." She shurgs her shoulders and then nods. "Maybe something will..." The runner trails off, peeking at the other girl. "Nightmares? About what?"

Essdara is quiet a long time, and then shrugs. "It's nothing, just dreams. I shouldn't let them get to me, and I shouldn't let them stop me from sleeping. Synnie? Hmm, that's got potential..." She glances around, "Where were you headed, when Kierom called you over?"

Asynnida gives Dara a quiet look then nods. "Yeah... They're not real." She offers, smiling sweetly. "Syn is good, too. If you don't want the too girly sound to it..." She giggles a bit and then shrugs her shoulders. "Out of the Weyr. Probably off to the Hold and some other places. Then come back with messages. I decided I'll wait until after the morning to go.. Won't make much difference, I think."

Essdara nods a bit. "Synnie is cuter." A slight smile. "So until then, you are off to bed? Me, I guess I will probably find somewhere quiet to sit, maybe go to the records room and see if snything is interesting. How long does it take, for you to get to the hold?"

Asynnida smiles and nods, "It is... And yeah, I guess so." She nods her head a bit, "The records room seems nice. I don't think very many are there, either.." A pause, "Well, it depends. Sometimes a few hours, sometimes a day. Depending on my load.. I try to make it back before too long. Don't want to ruin my good work.."

Essdara looks surprised at the time it takes. "So long? It must be very lonely work, but you seem good at it, and enjoy it, right? As for the records room, I like it there, it is comforting to be surrounded by so much knowledge, and to be able to reach out and learn something new." She offers a hand, "Come with me? Or elsewhere? I... Don't really want to be alone just now.

Asynnida nods her head, "It depends on the conditions, really." The runner smiles, "I'm used to being alone, I like it out there.. When it's not raining or snowing. It's fun work." She nods her head a bit and takes Dara's hand, "Alright, I'll come with you. You don't have to be alone."

Essdara grins a bit, "Or we could go out into the bowl, if it's that nice. I do miss being outside. Maybe the lake shore?" Hand is squeezed. "I know they aren't real, but I'm not ready to be alone with my dreams just now."

Asynnida hums softly, "You can pick..." She says softly, squeezing the hand back. "I understand, I wonder what you dream about..." She notes, furrowing her brows though shifting towards a smile. "You don't have to tell me, though."

Essdara turns, gently tugging her towards the bowl. "Outside, then. And I'll tell you, I guess. It's... Not pleasant, though. I warn you that. But thank you for staying with me. It's been bad, since K'sar died. I don't quite know what to do about it all."

Asynnida nods her head and follows Dara. "Okay... I like staying with you. I guess losing someone is hard... Maybe your nightmares are part of losing him?" She asks quietly, shifting to tugging Dara with her, now. "I couldn't say. I'm just guessing..."

***** They depart for the bowl *****

Essdara walkes with Syn into the bow^l, quiet for a long time as she starts towards the lake. Finally, she responds. "K'sar was a very close friend. One of the few men I've ever loved, though not romantic love. But he was a very good friend, and very nice to be with. It hurts that he is gone. It hurts that they are all gone, all the riders I've known who have gone between because of thread. Every fall, I am terrified that it will be someone I know, someone I love that is today's loss. Like him. I don't know what I'd do if it were Tava, or T'zen, or Ana. Or my parents."

Asynnida nods her head a bit, keeping quiet and thinking. "You'd lose them somehow..." She says softly, closing her eyes. "I think... It was meant to happen sometime.. Somehow... And, Thread is another way.." She shrugs her shoulders and looks at Dara. "All we can do is try and hope they'll come back. Most of the time they do... That's good. But, there will always be a time where they won't come back. I know it's the same for me... One day I'll go out, running... And I won't come back."

Essdara looks over at her, with a frown. "Don't say that, Synnie. Not ever. Because I would be very sad if you didn't come back. I am very careful these days about who I take as a friend, and I won't tolerate losing them." A sigh as they approach the rocky beach. "The dreams... They are terrible. I'm alone here in the bowl, and Thread is falling. And above me, all the riders I love, all my friends... And one by one, they die, and go between. And then the thread falls on me, and it burns, and I wake up."

Asynnida smiles softly, "I don't intend to go yet. I'm not going to let myself go easily, so, don't worry about me...." She smiles a bit more and then motions for Dara to sit, her hand squeezing the other's tightly. "You're scared... You don't want to go yet. You don't want anyone to go." She smiles gently, "You don't have to worry... I don't think. I think... They'll try to keep safe. Even if they get hurt. We all try.. You know? No one leaves on purpose. Not all the time."

Essdara settles down next to her, staring out at the water. "I don't think they will on purpose. But... They do die, and it does hurt. And I am scared. Every fall... You grew up here, you have to know your share of riders. How many of the kids I grew up with, how many other sons and daughters from the nurseries, my dear friends all my life, have Impressed now? More than I can count. And they are all up there, all risking their lives for us. And sometimes, that risk is too much, and someone I love is gone. I don't know how to accept that."

Asynnida moves her arms around Dara, if she'll allow it. "I know..." She whispers, "But, what they do is because they love you. They're willing to make that sacrifice for you. If no one stepped up, who would protect us?" She sighs, closing her eyes and smiling slightly. "I'd risk my life... You need to accept their sacrifices, Dara. They love you, they had reason.. And, even if they try to prevent it, they won't do well all the time." She sighs once more, furrowing her brows. "Knowing that, I wouldn't mind going. So long as I was doing something good and helpful. That's how I see it Dara. It hurts, but, what if they're happy?"

Essdara leans into the hug with a sigh. "I'm a selfish girl, Synnie. I'd rather, so much rather, they be here to tell me how sad they are they didn't get to have the noble death, than to have to live without them." A quiet moment. "I guess that's part of why I don't want to Stand. I could never do it, never be up there risking myself. I'm not that brave."

Asynnida laughs softly, hugging Dara tightly. "Not everything works that way... Getting what you want." She murmurs, "I'll try not to leave you, I promise... One way or another." The runner keeps quiet for a moment, simply hugging Dara more. "Then you don't need to... Let others risk themselves. I'll do it." The runner slightly pulls away from the other girl, using one hand to brush at her eyes. "You don't have to worry..."

Essdara reaches to tug her back at the withdrawl, with a soft sigh. "I don't want youto have to, but the world gives us little choice." She looks over as Asynnida, and blinks a bit at the eye-rubbing. "I didn't mean to be depressing or anything... But it's what my nightmares are. I'm sorry."

Asynnida takes to hugging Dara a bit more, gently nuzzling the other girl. "I want to risk myself... I want to make a difference. I want to protect my friends. You..." She smiles a bit, "It's okay, I just.. Couldn't help it. It made me think. I know why you can't sleep. It'd be hard to sleep with a dream like that." She shifts to hold Dara close, sighing. "It's okay.. You shouldn't go back to sleep, not yet..."

Essdara shivers softly and sighs, hugging close. "Can we talk about something else now? I don't care what, just something... Happy, would be nice, but at least not this." She closes her eyes and leans her cheek on Asynnida's shoulder. "Tell me about the first time you went out and delivered a message. How you figured out that's what you wanted to do?"

Asynnida nods her head, "Yeah... It'd be nice. Switching topics." She notes, continuing to hug Dara and scooting closer. "Hm... When I was very little, before I grew up and got all... Weird. My father liked letting me deliever his messages because I was his special helper.. Don't know why... Anyway, when I started to grow, that's what I liked doing.. Running around and delievering messages. I decided I wanted to do that. And, it was a way for me to get away... Leave away my awkwardness and be alone for awhile."

Essdara smiles a bit, and puts a hand on the shoulder her cheek isn't on, relaxing as Asynnida tells the story. "I don't think you are weird, Synnie. Just quiet, shy. Well, not so shy, once you know someone a bit, apparently. But I think that is lovely, and it must have been nice to be able to help him out. What does your da do?"

Asynnida sighs softly, smiling nonetheless. "I don't like being seen. I'm awkward. I'm too tall and such... And really thin, and just weird." She notes, smiling. "It's hard to talk with people, but, I do open up once we talk more. It's nice..." She trails off, nodding. "He fixes things, you know, people bring things to him to fix 'em. I ran little messages like that..."

Essdara shakes her head against her friend's shoulder. "I'm taller than you, and I really don't think you are weird. Pretty, nice, a good friend, sure. Weird? Not even close. Is that why you don't like being seen? Cause you think people see you as not being feminine enough? And handymen are very useful, we wouldn't get by without them. Is he nice?"

Asynnida smiles a bit, "Cause you're older?" She asks idly, giggling softly. "Thanks.... For not thinking I'm weird..." She trails off, flushing a dark shade of red, nodding her head a bit. "I guess that's why..." She murmurs and nods. "He's really nice, good at fixing things too. Really like him..."

Essdara moves hand from shoulder to cheek, gently trying to turn Assynida's gaze towards her. Firmly, "You are not weird. You are wonderfully and perfectly normal. Anyone who says you are less than beautiful doesn't deserve to be looking at you in the first place."

Asynnida shifts her gazes towards Dara, blushing in a shy manner. "Alright, Dara... If you say so..." She says softly, blushing a bit more and shying her gaze away from the other girl, smiling idly.

Essdara smiles more. "I do say so, Synnie. Do you not believe it is true?" She strokes the girl's cheek with her thumb. "Perhaps, if we could see through each other's eyes for a day, we'd both be less scared of the world. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Asynnida glances at Dara, slightly tilting her head into her Dara's hand. "I believe you." She notes, giggling softly. "That would be nice, seeing things different and how you see it.. I would like to see that. Maybe become less scared..."

Essdara smiles tenderly at her, "I'd like that, for you to be less scared. You deserve to have more friends, more people to like you and adore you and seek you out just to talk or have fun. You shouldn't have to be alone all the time, only when you want to be."

Asynnida smiles back, nodding. "More friends would be nice. But, I don't think anyone woud adore me.. It'd be.. different." She giggles and smiles more, "Being alone is better at times. Not having to worry about things.. Like how to get people to like you or see you different."

Essdara chuckles softly. "I guess that's the thing, for me. I don't try to get people to like me or see me different. The people who are worth knowing, they'll see me for who I am and will like it. The rest can fend for themselves. 'Course, I don't have /that/ many friends, but enough." She leans forward, "And I think, Synnie, that you'd be surprised at how easily you could be adored." And she leans more, leaning in to try to give her a soft kiss, a simple pressing of lips to lips that is, if accepted, held for a long moment.

Asynnida shrugs a bit, "Guess so... I'm worried about how people see me. I think I'm weird, and you say it's pretty..." She notes, taking to a it of a whisper. "I don't see why.. I'd be adored." She murmurs, allowing Dara to lean in more. She accepts the kiss, shyly pressing her lips into the other girl's.

Moments pass, before Dara pulls back with an almost shy smile of her own. "Because, Synnie, you are a wonderful and caring person. And because you are my friend, and that's something I think is special. /You/ are special. And someday, I hope you can see it." She shifts her position so she is kneeling in front of Asynnida, moving her hands to the runner's shoulders. "You have, at the least, made what was an unbearable night almost pleasant. Thank you."

Asynnida flushes a shade of red and nods her head a bit. "Thank you, Dara... For thinking that.." She says softly, blushing again and nodding. "You're welcome, Dara. I'm glad I could make it a bit better.. I wish I could make it completely better, thought.."

Essdara chuckles softly. "You blush a lot, and when you are nervous you almost stammer, like you did when we first met. Am I making you uncomfortable, Asynnida?"

Asynnida shakes her head, "No I don't." She says softly, laughing a bit. "You're not making me uncomfortable, I'm very comfortable."

Essdara chuckles softly. "I am glad, cause I am too." She reaches to lightly stroke her cheek and her chin. "Syn... You're a very good friend, and you are very pretty. And if I do anything that makes you unhappy with me, or makes you uncomfortable, promise you will tell me? Because I like being here with you, and liked kissing you."

Asynnida smiles more, simply nodding. "I'm glad you think so, I'm trying to be a good friend..." She says, nodding her head once more. "I promise I'll tell you, as soon as I do... I do too, being like this.. It's nice.."

Essdara says softly, "You don't have to kiss me to be my friend, you know that right?" She blushes then. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so uncertain, I guess. I just don't want to scare you away, or lose your friendship."

Asynnida giggles softly, "I know, don't worry.." She says softly, shifting to hug Dara again. "You're not going to scare me away. Nor will you lose my friendship. Kierom's done stupid things that should have had us end our friendship, we worked it out. So, you and I can work it out, Dara. When the need rises."

Essdara nods, and returns the hug tightly. "Ok." She nuzzles lightly at Asynnida's neck. "It's been a long time since I've been close with someone like this. It's very nice, and I am very glad it's you."

Asynnida smiles, nuzzling Dara back. "It's nice... Being like this. Just talking and hugging, it's different..." She says softly, closing her eyes and relaxing, keeping her arms around Dara, still. "I'm glad it's you, too.."

Essdara pets Syn's back lightly, a happy sound escaping from low in her throat. She nuzzles from neck to chin, moving to once more touch her lips to Assynida's, lightly tugging at Syn's lower lip with her own.

Asynnida giggles softly hearing Dara. The runner closes her eyes, allowing Dara to nuzzle her and she shyly nuzzles back. She gently touches her lips upon Dara's, blushing as the other tugs at her lower lip.

Essdara's hands move to Asynnida's shoulders, pulling her a bit closer. Her lips part as the kiss with Syn lingers, pressing more firmly against the girl's own. A brief shiver passes through her, as her hands give a light squeeze where they rest.

Asynnida shivers a bit, slightly parting her own lips and presses slightly into the kiss. The runner's movements are shy. She slowly moves her hands to rest on Dara's back and trace figures and lines there.

Essdara kisses more, tilting her head more for a better angle for their mouths to meet. Her hands, almost seeming a bit lost, briefly tense before she slides one of them up along her neck, fingers petting through her hair.

Asynnida turns a shade of red, continuing to kiss Dara in a shy manner, though pressing into the kiss a little bit more. The runner shivers woth the hand along her neck and in her hair. She slightly tilts her head back, closing her eyes as well.

The kissing continues in that vein for a few long minutes, before Dara pulls her lips away, breathing heavy and moving her hands to rest on Asynnida's legs. She doesn't say anything, just giving a light smile to Syn.

Asynnida watches Dara, giving the other a peaceful smile and a shy look as she shifts her hands from the other's back. She glances down idly at the hands on her legs and shifts her hands into her lap shyly, glancing at Dara again and offering another smile. "That was nice..." She offers softly.

Essdara nods, smiling more. She reaches over and takes one of her hands, slipping her fingers between hers. "Very much so." She lifts the hand to her lips, giving a soft kiss to it, then letting go. She moves back in closer to her, almost sitting in her lap. "More?"

Asynnida blushes shyly and taking Dara's hand into her's and blushing a bit. She watches Dara, giggling a bit as she kisses her hand and scoots close to her. The runner nods her head, "If you want, as well..."

Essdara smiles warmly. "I definately would like to." She reaches up, cupping Asynnida's face between her hands and once more leaning in to kiss her, a smile still on her lips as they touch.

***** Scene ends, they kiss and cuddle a while, then go to their seperate beds *****

asynnida, lower caverns, rp, bowl, kierom, essdara

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