
Jul 30, 2006 00:59

Who: Aida, Dara
Where: Infirmary
Comment: Dara is sick, Aida thinks she pushes herself too hard

Essdara comes into the nighttime infirmary with one hand on her stomach and a definate offness to her complexion. She looks around as she approaches the main part of the inrimary, looking for someone to talk to.

Aida is, as Aida usually is, working. Right at the moment this entails bringing a little pile of things from a table to one of the healers that's working on somebody's tripped-and-fallen slash along their arm. The bundle is set down and a few words are exchanged before she turns around, and though a few steps are taken back towards said table, she catches sight of Essdara and so changes her course, concern tracing through her expression. "Dara! You look ill." Master of the obvious, Aida is.

Essdara makes a face. "Think the last few days caught up with me. I was almost just spectacularly so all over the weyrleader. Umm. Can you help at all?" She perches herself on the edge of one of the cots, hand held close over her stomach. "Just my stomach, I think. Don't feel feverish or anything like that. Came on very sudden-like, though I'd guess it's why I woke up."

Swinging past one of the tables, Aida grabs a peppermint stick and slides over to where Dara is sitting, reaching out to stick it in her mouth as she puts her inner wrist against the girl's forehead. "Suck on that. What have you eaten today? Look up at my nose, please."

Essdara looks up as requested. "Today? Umm. Meatrolls, mostly, some greens, some sweets, some tubers, a bunch of dried fruit... Nothing unusual, really, and nothing that tasted off." She looks up more. "And this is not your most flattering angle."

"What sorts of sweets and which fruits?" Aida asks, pulling her wrist back and bringing a finger up. "Watch my finger," she directs, dragging it back and forth in front of Dara's face. "Is it your monthly, or do you not have them?" That's asked much more quietly.

"The latter." Dara answers, as her eyes track the finger as it moves. "It's probably just stress or something, Ai. I had, umm. Some dried redfruit, and other similar ones I can't recall specifically. Use them a lot in cooking, and they are handy to snack on when I'm working." She goes quiet then, clsoing her eyes in silent concentration for a long moment, mouth closing tightly.

"It's something I need to know," Aida states quietly, lowering her hand and reaching out to give the girl's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "You don't need to say anything on it, however. You're right; it probably is just stress. I'll be right back. Suck on that stick." Another squeeze, and she slides away, hand going up to ruffle through her hair as she heads for the healer she'd been working with.

Essdara eventually reopens her eyes, victorious in keeping from being sick again, and puts the peppermint stick in her mouth. Suck, suck. A soft shudder and she rubs at her stomach again. "I don't get sick often... So I am pretty bad at it."

There is a moment of quiet discussion, and eventually the healer gives an agreeable nod. Aida flashes him a smile, then turns around and heads back for Dara again, grabbing a few more of the sticks before she comes back over and offers them out. "These will help soothe it; I'll get you some tea to drink, as well. You're to rest for all of tomorrow, not working until the morning of the day after. Try and get some extra sleep, take it easy."

Essdara makes a face, "Aida, you know I can't miss work, I'm already covering for Althea... If I shirk now, it will make me look even worse. And they do help, though the thought of tea makes me want to be ill..."

"That's not my call; go talk to him if you want to argue it," Aida points out, lifting a hand to gesture towards the healer she spoke to, then looking back to Dara. "I won't insist on it, but it *is* my recommendation, particularly since it *does* seem to be stress induced. It's ultimately your choice, but physically taking it easy and resting is what is best for your health."

Essdara sighs. "I'll listen, Aida. You know me well enough to know I'm not that stupid. But I don't have to like it. At least tell me you've been well?" She stands, slowly. "The worst part is, I'm not at all tired now, and I know any of the normal things I try for sleep are just going to make me throw up."

"Frustrating; believe me, I understand," Aida offers sympathetically, a smile to match following the words. "I've been well, of course. Aren't I always?"

Essdara gives a bitter little laugh. "You always are, even when you are not. That much I know. /You/ would never be caught tossing up dinner near someone important. At least I got clear of the caverns!"

"Puking is undignified," Aida informs the other girl loftily, brow arcing to go along with the words as she turns her nose up. It's all laughed off a moment later, and with another glance sent back to the healer, she actually drops to sit down beside her. Slacking. Maybe she *isn't* well. "You need to slow down, Essdara."

Essdara tilts her head a bit. "Slow down? I don't push myself half as hard as you do, Aida. And not half as hard as I should be. It's just... It's been a rough week. K'sar and all that."

Making a disbelieving sort of noise, Aida shakes her head. "You should at least be taking it easier during weeks like this," she points out quietly. "Not covering for other people's work on top of your own. Which is, I should point out, pushing yourself harder than you ought to."

Essdara shakes her head, "Aida, you know I have a goal, and I have to push myself this hard to get there. It will be an uphill battle, but when the job comes open, I fully plan to be the one to step into it. And I promise I don't do as much as he does now. If I am going to be the head of the kitchens, I have to be able to do this much, and more. I don't have time to slack off, to spend time worrying about if I'll get sick or not." She looks at her seriously. "I've seen how you work in here, Aida. You aren't one to lecture me about working too hard, are you?"

"I am not lecturing you for working too hard," Aida states firmly, resting her forearms on her thighs and leaning down upon them. All casual, relaxed. "I'm only pointing out that you can't very well achieve what you want to if the healers put you on rest days too often, which they *will* do if you start making yourself sick. I am pointing out that you are sick because you have been pushing it. Nothing more, nothing less. It's my job, Essdara."

Essdara sighs softly. "I will be ok. I promise. How often is one of my best friends going to die in threadfall? Not very, I'd think." She leans over against Aida. "But thank you for caring, Aida."

Exhaling a sigh, Aida brings an arm up and wraps it around the other girl's shoulders, squeezing her. "May I make a suggestion you might find offensive?" She asks, voice gentle.

Essdara can't help laughing. "When have you ever not made your views known to me, dearheart? No, I rely on you to do just that. So... Please, make your suggestion." She nestles closer. "I'm past the point of getting mad at you for being smarter than me, and I can't imagine you can ever top our first fight, so what's to worry about?"

Exhaling a sigh, Aida brings an arm up and wraps it around the other girl's shoulders, squeezing her. "You're welcome," she says. "And...not very, you're right. It's still rough when it does happen, and I *do* worry. I may not be one to talk, but I'm pretty well aware of my limits most of the time."

Essdara sighs and nestles against her. "I am, too, Aida. Mostly. It's just extra bad at the moment, but it will get better. I'll adjust and cope, hey? It's probably just something from the cold or something. Everyone gets sick in winter, right?"

"No, not really," Aida points out dryly, giving a light shake of her head. Squeeze. "But yes, you will adjust, and you will learn to cope. Time will help; it's really one of the only things that does. Just rest up tomorrow. It'll do you some good."

Essdara makes a face. "Well, I do, at least once a winter. This is it, clealy." A kiss on her cheek and she sits up. "I'll rest, I promise. And I promise to try to sleep. Maybe I'll even give in and indulge in fellis."

"Not necessarily a bad idea, given the circumstances," Aida says, giving another squeeze with her arm before she releases the other girl and shoves up to her feet herself. "And good, that's good to hear. I'm going to get back to work now, before I start getting things thrown at me."

Essdara stands. "I'll see you later,then, Aida. And thank you, sorry to pester you while you are working. Even if it /was/ about health."

"You weren't pestering me; it *is* my job." Aida points out, reaching out to ruffle Dara's hair again before she winks and turns to start back over to wash her hands. "And you're welcome. See you later."

rp, infirmary, aida, essdara

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