
Jul 30, 2006 00:28

Who: Kianda, Roa, Essdara
Where: LC
Comment: Kia and Dara try to console Rysia

It's breakfast time in the weyr, but an overwhelping sense of sadness still prevails in the room. People talk quietly, walk slowly, eat timidly. Into this scene comes a young cook; not from the kitchens, but from the lower caverns. She holds a hand on her head and has dark circles under her eyes; oh, yes, she's hung over and knows it. Klah is obtained, and she takes a long drink from it.

Rysia's seated at one of the tables, an older woman with similiar features to the young weaver having just put a bit of food in front of her, and a mug of juice, "Eat all of that, and I'm going to be right over there, alright?" Knowing she won't even get a nod, Rialyn moves off to go talk quietly with some of the other women of the Caverns, keeping an eye on the younger, even as she does so. Once she's gone, or at least close enough, Rys picks up a fork, and just starts to move the breafast around.

Kianda moves quietly but purposefully into the living cavern, moving to one side once she enters so as not to block the entrance. Hands behind her back, she casts her gaze over the crowd, sweeping left to right, and when her eyes rest on Rysia, she steps forward again, threading through the tables toward the woman. "Rysia?" she calls softly, stopping just behind the woman.

Essdara, a bit fortified by the potant drink, looks around the caverns at the norose population. And, of course, spots a certain weaver. A shudder passes through her, and she makes her weay over to her, glancing at Kianda as she comes up to them. Then, without so much as asking or waiting for reconition, she sits down at the seat next to her, silently looking down at her klah.

Rysia's twitch at the name is enough to acknowledge she's heard the name, but she at least goes through the motions of lifing up her head and looking behind her. Red-rimmed eyes, and a general paleness is how best to put her condition, before she turns back forward. "'lo," she finally adds, before glancing over. "Dara."

Essdara looks over at her name, and for once it's not with a smile. Emotions cloud voice and expression as she greets her friends. "Kianda." A long moment, a quieter voice. "Rysia." She almost says more, but closes her mouth tightly.

Kianda glances over and gives a sober nod to Essdara, murmuring, "Morning." Not 'good morning'. Just... 'morning'. Sliding into the other seat beside Rysia, she reveals her hands by slipping a package onto the table. "For you, Rysia," she says softly, then hesitates before continuing. "From a friend of yours."

Rysia moves a bit more food around, then puts down the fork, and picks at the package a moment, before offering to the cook, "Good breakfast." Despite the fact that, as is probably noticed, she hasn't eaten a bite. After a moment's sigh, she then picks up the package into her lap, and starts to unwrap it, taking more time or care then is really needed.

Essdara nods softly at the false compliment, just as falsely accepting it; it's clear enough she isn't fit to have been in the kitchens. After a long moment, she says softly, "I'm sorry, Rysia. For everything." And looks back to her klah, hands tightening around the mug.

Kianda beckons to a server to bring herself breakfast and klah, nodding her agreement to Rysia's comment after she takes a bite. "We both are," she says softly. "And here for you." The Holderbred woman casts a glance toward Essdara for confirmation. Very carefully she doesn't watch Rysia- well, maybe a little out of the corner of her eye- instead concentrating on eating. Still, once the package is open to reveal the gown within- sky blue with long shirred sleeves and cream-colored bodice and trim, and quite possibly Kianda's best work- she offers a tiny, sad smile. "He wanted it to be a surprise."

That has the weaver actually reacting, "For what, Dara? You didn't... do..." The words trail off, instictive response halted at the sight of the gown in her lap, and Kianda's words. Paper crackles as it crumbles into a fist.

Essdara watches carefully, and whimpers as the gown is revealed; even she isn't dumb enough to not know who sent it. "Oh, love..." She says softly. She looks at Kianda, a bit accusingly. "That could have waited a few decades, you know." She looks back to Rysia, "I... If I hadn't meddled..."

Kianda's gaze flicks to Essdara, then to watching Rysia's expression. "Hrm. You might have a point there," she admits uneasily, then looks back to Essdara again, eyebrows lifting in silent question. Meddled?

Rysia closes her eyes, and makes her hand relax, so that fingers drift over the trim, without her seeing it. "You didn't be doin' aught but tryin' to make everyone happy. Nothin' wrong with that. An' thankee for the delivery, Kianda." Timing is not discussed.

Essdara sighs, and tries to smile to Kianda, though it's more a grimace than anything. She looks back to Rysia. "My own timing was always crap." And more softly, "It's hard to believe, though, all of this. I..." And again, she bites off her talking.

Kianda lets out a breath in relief, giving a nod. "You're welcome," she murmurs awkwardly, the best of many poor responses that come to mind. She turns back to her porridge, then glances back to Essdara. "I was in shock, myself," she admits. "Hid down in the stores caverns for hours." She pauses. "It is hard to avoid the subject, Essdara. It being on everybody's mind and all."

Everyone's mind. That brings to the fore the fact Rysia's refused to talk about this to anyone, including the older woman who keeps on shooting the trio worried looks, and is only still in place due to the fact that one of her cronies has a hand wrapped around her arm. "What..." a deep breath, "What /did/ happen?"

Essdara is quiet a moment. "He... Shards, Rysia. He is a hero, as he always was. They saved a weyrling pair, kept them from being scored and hurt... He would have asked nothing less of his passing than that." She sniffles, then. "Shards. He's really..."

Kianda gestures toward Essdara in confirmation. "That's what I heard too. You took the words right out of my mouth, Dara." Glancing toward the cook, she 's not so unkind that she would finish the unfinished phrase, instead saying firmly, "He's not just a hero; he's a good man. Nothing can change that."

Rysia concentrates on breathing for a moment, though that's not enough to stop a couple of tracks being made, "That's... He just wanted to protect." The gown is finally picked up. Of course, it's treated like a doll, and wrinkled as she hugs it, but she /has/ finally picked it up.

Essdara says, softly, "More than anything, he did. He always looked out for me. For yuo. For us all." MOre sniffling. "Damn it. Not goiong to give in and cry now."

Kianda's cheeks redden, and she turns quickly back to stirring her porridge. "Nothing wrong with crying," she says gently, including them both in the comment. "Probably do good, actually."

"Don't wanna." Never mind she already is. A deep breathe is taken, then she asks, "A lot of bandages went out. Anyone else hurt?" She doesn't specify, of course.

Essdara sighs softly. "Yes. A lot. It was... A bad fall. It would have been worse without him." She looks to Rysia a long moment. "I... If you need anything, Rysia, if I can help at all... You know I will, right? You're one of my better friends, and... If anyone can understand, I guess it's me?"

Kianda twitches at Rysia's question, looking away quickly before nodding at Essdara's words. "Over a dozen..." Her lips press together, eyes closing tightly for a moment before she gets herself under control. "Poor J'cor. His first Fall as Weyrleader and this happens... He must be beating himself up something fierce."

Rysia twitches slightly, "They'll be needing more then - always do, after a bad one." There's a pause, then she says into her breakfast, "Is.. is my cot still there?"

A whimper, again. "Noone will make you move before you are ready, Rysia. But when you do... Yes. We'll find you a cot, wherever you want." Dara sighs, softly. "I missed you there, but this is... I'd rather never see you again than this."

Kianda lifts an eyebrow wryly at Essdara's last comment, but doesn't comment on it. Hesitantly, she tries to lay a gentle hand on Rysia's arm. "We'll take care of it for you," she assures the stricken woman.

Rysia attempts one of her small laughs - if it wasn't for the watery-tone, it'd probably sound about right, "It.. I.. it's just better I come back down. Don't like bothering the duty-rider. Just.. need to see what Roa wants."

Essdara blinks. "What does she have to do with it?" She asks, curiously. She nods towards Kianda. "We'll always be there for yuo, dearheart. Just... Tell me what to do, and I will do it. OK?"

Kianda points out firmly, if a bit gruffly, "That's what the duty-rider is for, and they'll hardly fault you considering the circumstances." She gestures with a flick of fingers toward Essdara. "Precisely. We /are/ here for you, Rysia. Whether you accept it or not." Again, that small, wavery smile.

"His Da might be wantin' somethin'... or she might. An'... they're not there," Rysia attempts to explain, somewhat coherently, though perhaps not totally.

Essdara sighs, and stands slowly, then leans over to give Rysia a tight hug and a soft kiss in her hair. She says something quietly to her before straightening up. "I need a bath. I... Need to not repeat last night. Naros was right, wine doesn't help.

You whisper "He loved you, very much Rysia. You don't deserve this pain. None of us do. I'll miss him, and I loved him, and I love you. We'll be ok." to Rysia.

Kianda looks up to nod at Essdara. "I can imagine. See you later, Dara." She looks back at Rysia, a little confused. Hesitantly, she asks, "Are Roa and K'sar... related?"

Rysia closes her eyes at the hug, and just leans in for a moment, "I.. know, Dara." Then, she nods, "Rarely does. I'll.. see you later, 'kay?" Then at the question, she opens her eyes, "Close enough. Both from Telgar."

Essdara offers Rysia a tender smile, and Kianda a wave, and pads off to make herself look and feel human, if only on the outside.

Kianda returns the wave, and gives Rysia an encouraging nod. "Good of you to think of her," she says. "And you're the right person to take charge of that aspect of things, as hard as it might be. K'sar'd be proud of you."

kianda, rp, rysia, lc, essdara

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