
Jul 28, 2006 23:38

Who: Aida, Issa, Roa, Tavaly, Essdara
Where: Tavaly's Weyr
Comment: Slumber party!

Here among the snow-laden ledges, Tav's is, for once, clean and tidy. All swept off and ready to receive. Immath lands easily with her rider, Dara and Aida aboard. They dismount quickly and Immath shuffles inside, making way for the other dragons who will certainly be dropping their riders off. Already, Tav is laughing. "...You should have seen the look on his face when I told him I was having four girls in my weyr tonight. He thought we were going to be doing something scandalous!" Tav says, pulling back the drape for all to enter. Her weyr is decorated for mild to extreme fun. Furry streamers line the walls, some dangling from the high ceiling. Several bedrolls have been gathered near the fire with pillows collected there. A new copper tea kettle sits hissing over the fire of the hearth, and a table chocked full of non-perishable goods, a pitcher of stolen klah, and a bowl full of dried, sliced potatoes. Pernese potato chips, dude. "Make yourselves comfortable! Pick a pillow, pick a roll, and remember it well because it's probably gonna get flung at least once tonight!"

Essdara giggles, "Well, we could, but somehow I don't see the others going for that. Alas!" She carries a heavily laden basket of food; she spent the evening cooking and baking it would seem. She grins and sets it down near Tavaly's own prepared snacks. "So who in all have you got coming tonight, Tava? Just how bad is it going to be?"

Quiet and observant, Aida slides over to set her own little basket down, then circles around to flop herself down on one of the bedrolls. She's watching the others for the time being without offering contribution, though her easy smile certainly speaks to her not being uncomfortable. Just...attentive.

The sound of wingbeats outside announces someone's arrival, and there is the scrabbling of talons as a dragon attempts to find solid purchase on a ledge that is a bit too small. Then the relative quiet of rider sliding down and landing. Finally, wingbeats of the dragon flying off accompany the curtain getting pushed back and Roa, her satchel hanging from her shoulder, stepping quietly inside. "Hello," she calls, glancing around at those present and settling her gaze on Tavaly. "Am I late?"

Mere minutes after Immath's landing, another green, brighter in hue than the first, is winging her way up, up, up to this specific ledge. As the other rider may learn as they announce themselves via dragon, it's Issa and Oshisyth. A light landing, and Issa slides deftly down the side without the use of her hands, since they are currently occupied by a smallish basket and a wrapped package. She ducks through the curtain, tossing out a general, "Good evening," to those gathered and favoring them with a small smile. She holds up her burdens to Tavaly then. "Where should I put these?"

"How bad? You mean.. how /good/? It's you, me, Aida, Issa, and Roa. Those are the folks that responded, anyway. Everyone else was either too old, too pompous, or too Penny." Evil grin. As Roa and Issa enter, Tav greets them with smiles and gestures to the table. "Squeeze it in over there. If it doesn't fit, you can prolly pop in on the chairs on the far end. They're mostly sturdy." She hops around, already dressed in her usual sleeveless top and knee-length breeks, barefoot as a hillbilly. "This is great, I'm glad you all wanted to come up. Tea's on right now, there's some klah over there. Anyone have any requests as far as stolen Bollian liquor goes?" The girl cackles, producing a crate filled with different colored bottles. So THAT'S where the rest went!

Essdara giggles, "Too Penny? But she's nice... Or used to be, anyway." A shrug, and a smile for Issa and Roa as they arrive. "Issa, weyrwoman. Good to see you both!" She looks over to Tavaly and her eyes widen, "Ohh. See, now that could be dangerous. I don't handle drink very well, I'm afraid. Aida will back me up there..."

Curling down to start untying her boots, Aida lifts her chin when her name is mentioned, and she raises an eyebrow. "A drink would be lovely, Tavaly; whatever you're pouring, and if Dara thinks it best she not drink, I will indeed second her." She flashes a warm smile, nods to those just arriving, then looks back down to her boots. They will come off.

Ah yes, the clothing. Issa doesn't seem to quite have the appropriate gear for a sleepover, though she is dressed in a comfortable pair of brown trousers that look to be made for a male frame and a loose fitting tanktop that's revealed when she undoes her riding jacket. But no pajamas per se. She unloads her packages on the table hesitantly, skimming for a right-sized empty spot for both of them, then tosses a glance over her shoulder at Tavaly as she says, "I'll take a glass." Hands now free, she pivots to favor the rest of the girls with the warmth of her smile, shrugging out of her coat and draping it on the back of one of the chairs. "Oh," she says, on seeing Essdara, "and I brought this." With a brief rummage in a pocket, she produces a scrap of hide that has scrawlings one it. "That recipe I told you about," she explains, handing it to the kitchenhand. "I brought a batch of them tonight. My mother wanted to try it and I had her make a few extra. Cookies, flavored with klah and some other things I didn't recognize." Then, her gaze falls on the goldrider. "Roa. How are you?"

Roa wears what she always wears. Loose top, long skirt, boots, hair up. She offers a nod and a timid smile, "Evening Dara. Aida," before following after Issa towards where the food is placed, opening her satchel as she goes. Her contribution is not so exciting: crackers, a block of soft cheese, and a plate heaped high with still-warm meatrolls. She also pulls out a squat, round, bottle that holds a dark, translucent liquid within. Alcohlic, judging by where she puts it. To Issa's question the goldrider replies, "It's been quite a hectic turn so far, but I'm all right, I suppose. And you?" And then, blinking at the entire crate of bollian booze, "Tavaly...however did you manage *that*?"

"Oh, I dunno. It's a matter of what you drink with it. See, first time I downed a bottle of this stuff on my own I was laid out for a week. Hurling my brains out. After that, started drinking water with each glassful and it worked out much better. And if you don't have a lake handy, just stick your head out the weyr and eat some snow." Nodding to Aida, Tav pulls out some mismatching glasses from a cupboard a few paces off and begins pouring. One tequila, two tequila, three qetuila, floor. And then Issa mentions cookies. "Oh, my heroes. See, they don't let me steal stuff from the kitchens anymore after the whole.. baking fiasco. Truly unfair. Try to bake a cake for someone, and they kick your hiney out and tell you to never come back." A sniff. "But, that's okay. I have wonderful friends who bake things so I end up fat." Dance! Once five glasses are poured, one less than the others (for Dara to at least taste), she perks at Roa's question with a cackle. "See, now.. Some of my weyrling friends owed me, so while T'zen and I were doing fireworks and everyone was distracted with that.. they snuck out a crate for me. By then, the kitchen staff were all mingling out anyway, so it went unnoticed. Sold a few bottles already for a good mark or five. The rest I've saved for special occasions." She hands out glasses carefully. Immath, meanwhile, shrugs out of the straps and skirts around the party and onto the ledge. A laugh. "She wants to sleep so she's headed over to the.." Pause. OH, what the heck. "Other weyr." Quickchangesubject! "Hope you're all hungry. My ma sent up some of her experimental recipes. Help your selves!"

Essdara laughs softly, and takes the offered glass and a careful sip from it. "I told you, you need anything from the kitchens, you come to me. I'll hook you up with just about anything." She looks to Issa with a bright smile, "Oh, thank you! I will definately have to play with it. Shame I didn't have it a few hours ago, I coulda made a batch for tonight. But, I did bring bubblies, and some other sweet things."

"Roa," Aida greets, offering another nod to go along with the woman's name. She smiles up towards Tavaly and takes the glass, offering a quiet 'thank you' to go with it. Her boots are finally kicked aside, and the young woman curls her feet up beneath her and lounges in a lean against the bedroll, eying the crate for a moment before she chuckles and takes a careful drink from her glass.

Issa accepts the glass offered by Tavaly with a reserved, "Thank you," hers happening to be a tall skinny thing that makes sipping quite difficult. After she's had her first taste of the pilfered liquor, she leans toward Roa and answers briefly, "As good as is to be expected," her voice light and carrying though the words might be cryptic. To Essdara, she informs, "She wrote a few notes down I think, my mother did. Add klah before egg, stuff like that. I wouldn't trust her though, she can be a little kooky sometimes." Like a certain other greenrider we all know and love. The glance she favors Tavaly with becomes less amused and more intrigued as she obviously avoids the subject of weyrs. "Do I sense," she intones, "an occasion with a male, Tavaly? Perhaps a certain stunt-loving bluerider?" Teasing tones are followed by a soft giggle.

With everything settled, Roa snags a small handful of dried tuber slices before heading over to claim her glass of alcohol. "Thank you." It's sniffed curiously before she takes a tentaive sip while, at the same time, she sinks onto a rolled up bedroll. Boots stay on just now as she quietly crunches a few chips. As Issa presses the question of weyrs Roa looks, well, let's call it what it is, shall we? She looks smug.

"/An/ occasion? My dear, you should sense more than one. In fact, you should sense a state of.. well, permanent residence in the company of one such creature." Tav maintains a serious, sort of conspiritorial expression. For two seconds. Then cracks up, sipping at her own glass and snagging a handful of some tarts with reddish yummy filling. "Yea. Uh. Just don't tell R'vain. I wanna see the look on his face, myself, the day I graduate when he finds out that a certain bluerider's been influencing one of his weyrlings the entire time. IT's gonna be /awesome/. Oh, you guys gotta try these." She hands out a wedge-shaped cookie to each of the ladies present. "Take a bite first, then I'll tell you what they are." Oh yea, that's trustworthy.

Essdara perks up, "You mean you two are finally doing something official about it, Tava? That's wonderful, and a good reason for a drink!" Which she takes one of. And then takes a cookie warily. "Issa, I am sure I can figure it out. I've a certain amount of cleverness in that area, at least." A bite is taken of Tavaly's cookie.

Shrugging her jacket off, Aida drops it back behind her finally and takes another drink from her glass, all settled and comfortable. The cookie is taken when it's offered, eyed for a brief moment before she takes a careful bite. Chew, chew, swallow. An eyebrow is lifted towards Tavaly in curiosity, even as she washes it down with another drink.

Issa echoes Tavaly's laugh, the sound of it trailing into her words as she says, "Well, congratulations." She also raises her glass as Essdara proposes a drink, taking a hefty sip and wrinkling her nose at the sensation spilling down into her. Then, composing herself, the greenrider leans her hip up against the table, not bothering with finding a seat on the floor just yet. Brows knit a bit at the cookies being offered, a suspicious glance shot at Tavaly's face then back down at the questionable things. But she does take one. Pondering it and Tavaly's face for any signs of foul play... or just a prank even... she hesitantly bites into it, just a tiny corner sampled. Then she waits, expectantly. Yes?

Roa accepts one of the cookie wedges after polishing off the last of the chips and wiping her hand off discreetly on her skirt. "That's good news, Tavaly. I'm glad for you, I..." She peers at the cookie, tilting it this way and that. "Last time someone asked me to try something and find out later what it was, I was eight and 'it' was a trundlebug," is murmured. And then, just like the others, she capitulates and nibbles.

"Sweety.. Breathing is a good reason to drink." Tav says, smirking all the while. Bwah! "In fact, waking up is a good reason to drink. Just ask R'vain." Eyetwitch. "Yea, official.. Officially under R'vain's nose, if you catch my drift, and I'll thank you to." A laugh, and then she, herself, shovels in the whole of one of the cookies, chewing with an almost bored expression. Yea, she's not going to just.. make them do it. IT's safe, see? Even Tav can stomach it. "They are called Runner Pucks. Ma sent me the recipe 'cause they have to be made fresh in order to be good. Can't be sent, 'cause they go bad within a sevenday. Cha think? I cooked 'em up here. Snitched the supplies."

Essdara laughs softly, and kneels down with an unceremonious drop. "There are, for me, precious few reasons to drink. Like I said, I don't handle it well. Last time I did, I said nasty thigns to Aida and had to be dried out by Roa. Though, there /are/ worse ways to wake up than near her. And noone here is going to spill your secrets, Tava. I think we all know that what's said tonight stays with us?" On the cookies, she is silent.

"Good," Aida offers up to Tavaly, lifting the cookie towards the woman in indication before she takes another bite. Munch munch munch. She nibbles on it the rest of the way and continues to drink from her cup, all sorta of lazy and comfortable. Smile.

"Oh, you are so evil," Issa mockingly berates Tavaly, her eyes thinning while her smile widens. She takes another bite of the cookie, taking the time to enjoy it without the false fears of something nasty lurking in it. "Mmm," she mumbles nodding, swallowing and popping the last piece in her mouth. With a single finger, she motions Tavaly to come closer so she can grab another, her other hand setting aside her glass on the table behind her. She listens to Essdara, her gaze alternating carefully between the girl talking and the goldrider being talked about. Eyebrows lift upward, but she doesn't speak, opting to feel out the response before she does.

The goldrider's own eyebrows lift as Essdara goes on, although there's no protest of disagreement from that corner. Only heated cheeks nd downcast eyes. The rest of the cookie wedge is eaten a little quickly, chew chew swallow. "It's very good," Roa murmurs, "and I suppose that is the biggest rule of sleep overs. Gossip stays put."

"There are worse folks to wake up next to, that's for sure." Tav says in regards to Dara's admittance. She brings the plate of Runner Pucks closer and pops them in the center of the circle that's slowly being created by womenfolk. Aida gets an appreciative smile. "See, now, comin' from someone in the kitchens, that's good. If they're not crap, I might just make some more at some point." She leans against one of the old, ratty armchairs near the hearth. Issa is winked at. "Evil is as evil does." Then to Roa. "Very true. Anything said here stays here, no matter what. In this weyr, you are free to speak your mind and know that nothing ill will come of it." She says, a very sober smile there. This is comfort. "So! In lieu of that statement. Whatcha think of our new Weyrleader? Got a pretty nice butt for an old guy."

Essdara seems oblivious to reactions to her words, grinning a bit. "They are quite good, Tavaly, never fear. J'cor? I like him. And Yevide. I got to have breakfast with her a day or two after the Flight, and she was very pleasant and open. And he seems very competant and experienced, I think he will be good for us all." She glances at Aida, then at the others. "As for his butt, I wouldn't know. Not been looking much lately."

Aida twitches an eyebrow when Tavaly comments about her being from the kitchens, chuckling softly and shaking her head after a moment. She takes another drink from her cup, of course. Mmm, drinking. There's a sidelong glance sent over towards Roa at Dara's words of her, but again...nothing said. If she's got input on the new Weyrleader's butt, she's not saying yet.

"He does seem to genuinely want to do right by the weyr, although the whole thing seemed a bit...sneaky, I suppose." Roa finishes her piece and takes another small sip of alcohol. Then she sits a little straighter and mutters something under her breath that could very well be a curse word. "I'm so sorry...Tialith says there's a problem with one of the dragons in the infirmary. I have to...I'm so sorry...I'll be back as soon as I can." And the little goldrider is pushing up and heading quickly for the weyr exit as the sound of wingbeats can again be heard.

Issa takes the opportunity to join the circle after retrieving her glass, grabbing another cookie from the plate and falling into one of the couches near Tavaly. With liquor in one hand and a cookie in the other, she is quite a happy greenrider indeed, as the content smile that slips across her lips shows. "The Weyrleader?" Issa asks, pausing in her nibbling to seemingly consider the butt in question, her gaze drifting off to the side somewhere. She listens to Essdara with an easy expression, though the hand around her glass does tense its grip. "He's not exactly my type," she responds, quietly, briefly, then takes another swig.

Nodding to all of them, a wave thrown to Roa as she departs, Tav beams. "Yea. I dunno. I haven't yet seen anything of him that doesn't seem okay. Beyond his butt, I mean. That's okay." She sips again. Hey, this stuff is good. Stupidgrin. Heeeeee. Rosy-cheeked Tavtav. "Yevide. Dunno her, but she seems arright. All depends on how she responds to the eggs I plan on leaving in her shoes tomorrow morning." Sip. Oo, cookie crumb!

Essdara's eyes widen, "Tava, you wouldn't! That would be mean. And a waste of eggs, unless they are rotten, and then we are back to mean!"

Still quiet from the peanut gallery; Aida's attention shifts over to Issa and she takes another drink from her cup, watching the woman and her reactions to the conversation. Still, no contribution. She's so much *fun* at parties.

"I don't know, I kind of like Tavaly's plan," Issa admits to Essdara, raising her glass again to stifle her laugh. "No better way to judge the content of one's character than with rotten eggs." Aida's attention is sensed, somehow, and she turns her eyes on the quiet girl. She offers a smooth smile, her eyes lingering on the girl from the infirmary as she says, "I have yet to meet the Igen queen. I'm sure I will soon enough, though." A significant lack of the Igenite's newly acquired title is a tell for anyone paying enough attention, as is the tapping of fingernails on her glass.

"Course I would. Somebody's gotta do it, and at least I'm nice about it." The weyrling says with a smirk, leaning sideways to bump Issa's not-glass-holding shoulder. "We greenriders.. it's generally known that we have the best pouty face on the face of Pern and are able to pull them out in times of crisis. For instance. Issa. You get no more cookies." A not true statement, obviously, but perfect for example.

Essdara shakes her head, giggling. "You don't need to demonstrate. Between you and Ana and mother, I know more than I ever need to about greenriders. the lot of you make me want to pull my hair out trying to figure you out."

Shifting around, Aida wraps her free arm lazily around her legs, lifting her glass up to take another drink from it. She studies Dara and Tavaly for a moment, but soon enough her attention is swinging back to Issa. "What do you know about her?" She asks of the woman, her tone lightly curious. She does chuckle and shake her head at the talk of pranks, lifting her glass to Tavaly before taking another drink.

Issa's face transforms on cue, demonstrating before Essdara can issue her protest. Her lower lip puffs out, quivering just ever so slightly and eyebrows jerk upward into perfect little arcs. Her eyes even go a little teary. Blink. Blink. Then a break, a release of the pretense and a hearty, probably liquor influenced laugh. "I should get another drink for that performance," she prompts the other greenrider, swishing the nearly empty glass in the air for a moment. Aida's question causes a slight dimming of Issa's smile, if only because she thought they were off the topic. "Um, nothing. Nothing at all really. Igenite, in Caucus, romantically connected to Ganathon... that's about all."

Issa's performance earns her a round of applause, at least from Tav. "Expertly done, and even with the subtle tears. Surely, you are a master." Tav plucks the bottle from its nearby resting place and refills the other greenbean's glass. She looks to Dara and Aida, raising the bottle in silent inquiry. 'More?' her eyes ask as they dart between the two. As talk turns to the new queen, Tav can almost feel the weight drop beside her. Concern flashes to her features. "She smell funny, Is? In a.. sort of creepy way?"

Essdara offers her glass, and seems to be determiend to ignore the talk of the new leadership. "I'll have some, Tava. So, tell us how it happened? Was it your idea, or T'zen's? Not that I expect he would have the sense... Did you just move in, and wait to see how long it took him to notice, like I suggested?"

Aida promptly lifts her glass and straightens up in response to Tavaly's raised bottle. Yes. Yes, she wants more. She flashes up a smile to go with it, then glances over to Issa again and gives an agreeable sort of nod. "That's not much," she comments, shaking her head lightly. Curiosity again surfaces at Tav's next question of the smelling funny. There's a glance sent towards Dara at her own words, but nothing is offered there; instead, she looks back to Issa.

A sly grin is shot Tavaly's way as Issa responds, "I wouldn't know. But... I do seriously suspect it." A mock half-grimace and Issa's shaking her head slowly, as if the new Weyrwoman really did suffer from the unfortunate affliction. Then, "Yes, Tavaly, you've brutally hoarded away all the juicy details. We want a story. And any other romantic stories you two wish to tell too." She adds a glance for each of the other girls, leaning her elbow against the arm of the couch and tucking her feet up to her side. "I can't help loving them. Makes up for the lack of it on my side."

Distraction! Good! Tav laughs. It's almost a bark, thanks to liquor!Tava and she crinkles her nose wickedly. At Issa's prodding, she finally gives. "Arright, arright. He'll never admit it, but I've been helping him organize his weyr. It's.. Shards, it looks like an explosion went off in there and Uneth took hold and chewed it to pieces. Well, while I've been doing that, I've slowly been sneaking in most of /my/ stuff in an organized fashion, like Dara so brilliantly suggested. So, while there's more stuff in the weyr, he can't tell 'cause it's neat and stowed away to my liking. Anyway, I finally /told/ 'im I was doin' it an' asked what he thought of it. Round about way, I had to ask him if he minded if I stayed. Poor man thought it was just for the night." Here, she laughs, shaking her head. There's a touch of rose to her cheeks. Maybe it's the booze. "Then I told 'im I meant longer'n just the night and he got this.. /look/ on his face, like it was taking every gear in his head to comprehend it. Hit 'im like a brick to the head, finally and he just kinda beamed. Told me 'Welcome home' and that settled it, really." She pours for Dara, then for Aida, choking on a short laugh. "Arright, I kiss and told, now you three gotta spill some love-story beans."

Essdara makse a face, "What's to tell? I fear I'm not much better off than Issa here. Everyone I'm willing to sleep with is either taken, uninterested, or scared. Ana says she loves me, but I haven't seen her in weeks now since that night, so I dunno if she got scared and ran, or is just busy, or what. Tava's taken, Aida's not interested, and... That's Dara's love and sex life, in a nutshell." A drained glass, with a wince. "Aida's is much more interesting."

Starting to settle back with her newly refilled glass after another quiet thank you to Tavaly, Aida's attention snaps to Dara at her last little mention. "I've no terribly interesting stories to tell," she points out, giving a light shake of her head and taking another drink. Mmm. Alcohol. It is at least starting to pinken her cheeks. Or maybe that's the topic of conversation. "And I'm sure Ana's just busy, Dara. You'll get to see her soon."

The whole scene Tavaly sets up is better than booze for Issa. Her eyelids swoon lower and her lips get a dreamy sort of grin to them. "Oh, now that is entirely too cute," she remarks, taking an inaugural sip of the new glass to augment the effect of the romantic aura. "Oh what a pity," is then half-whined, "I was hoping for more." She ponders, her attention falling to the liquid she's idly twirling around inside her tall glass, mouth pursing slightly. "All I've had is that flight with E'sere a while back, which was nothing. And then some harmless flirting." Her grin grows lopsided, sly. "A lot like pouting, flirting is," she notes to Tavaly.

"Yea. R'vain's rackin' us pretty hard during drills, these days. Ana works hard, so I bet she's spent by the time he's done telling us we need to be faster, flame harder, and learn when to go for it and when to between.. The losses to the weyrling wing have really gotten to him, I think." Tav adds, nodding to Aida afterwards. "If you want, I'll talk to her an' maybe see what's up?" The girl offers, casting a smile in Dara's direction. To Issa's observation, Tav eyenarrows in a sort of.. wondering squint. "You know, I've found that, as well.. Very handy, that flirting thing. I like it very much." And then a moment. "E'sere, huh? He's um.. Well, I'm not sure what he is, really. Interesting chap. Bends the rules. I like that."

Essdara looks at Aida, putting on a hurt expression. "Now that's just a lie, Aida. You come to a sleepover like this, you share." She motions at Issa and Tavaly. "WE shared." She looks over to Tava with a shrug, "I am sure that's all it is, Tava, nothing to worry yourself about." She holds out her glass, "May I have more, Tava?"

When conversation goes on with Issa and Tavaly, Aida lounges back again, falling back to silence and just being attentive of the conversations that go on. Of course, Essdara's look and then the following words have her raising an eyebrow, and then she's rolling her eyes and shrugging one shoulder. "You'll have to forgive me," she comments dryly. "I am entirely unfamiliar with sleepover etiquette." Her glass is lifted towards the three of them before she takes another drink, then sighs and sits back up. "What sort of details ought I to share? Br'ce and I are now a 'we', but there really is not a great deal to say about it beyond that. Terribly thrilling, I know."

Eyebrows lift and Issa turns her head from Tavaly to the quiet girl in the corner, strangely talking at the moment. "Br'ce?" Issa's mouth falls open for a moment as she recognizes the name. "The transfer from Benden, she confirms, "You realize he's a wingmate of mine, yes? I'd love a chance to learn any little embarrassing detail you wish to share." Eagerly, she pins her eyes on Aida, though they disappear very briefly behind the glass.

"Grab a cup of tea first, Dara. Best for your head. It is in my humble opine that liquor and tea were made for eachother. In fact, shall I pour us all some tea? It's a really good blend, ma sent this time. Kinda fruity." Like some High Reaches Residences we all know and love. ZING! "That, and it's been brewed in this fine copper kettle." A look goes from Tav to Dara, one in which the girl is smiling to a degree of glee that isn't often seen on her face. Huuuugs. :D It isn't until Aida drops her bomb that Tav looks up again, a wide 'o' of surprise on her mouth. "Shards, girl, that one is quite a fellow." Tav's brows bounce up a moment. "Tell 'im I'll punch him in the head if he's mean to ya."

"Tea would be fine." Dara says, agreeably. "And he won't hurt her, if he knows what's good for him. Did I tell you, Aida, that I ran into him today? He's got a temper when his greens aren't cooked right! I, umm, didn't know you didn't tell him about what happened with Naros in the baths..." A bright grin is sent to Tavaly as the kettle is noted.

"There's not much embarrassing to share," Aida points out, lounging back again and dropping back what's left in her own glass, setting the empty aside for now. Two down, but it doesn't seem like she's having a great deal of problem with it. "Alas, I know, sorry to disappoint. I..." Her head comes up, and she blinks mildly at Dara. "You told him about that?" A snort. "No, I didn't mention it to him. And all of you can rest assured that he has been a gentleman entire, sweet as can be and very kind."

"No, no thanks, Tavaly, I'm fine." She waves a free hand, a gesture that's loose enough to show the effect the liquor's had. "My last glass." Still curled up against the arm of the couch, she covers a lazy yawn. It's a coincidence, probably, that it perfectly leads in to her next statement. "Gentlemen are boring," she asserts, throwing in a quick addition for Aida. "Not that Br'ce isn't fine, I'm sure. I just prefer a little... scruff." The formation of the word, the tone of it, implies more than just a physical trait.

Tea is poured into small cups that've seen better days. Each woman is handed one of the cups and is told to blow on it a while. "Right fine blend. Way better than the crap Neiran tells me I hafta drink." Tav comments, leaning back with her eyes half-lidding in the light cast by the fire. Oog. There's the tiredness. Wow. That's shiny. Issa gets a short giggle. "Yea.. Men of standing have too much.. standing." Or something. Tav looks like she's gonna fall over. Kickass!

Essdara rolls her eyes, giggling and sipping at her tea. "Men of standing are still men, and I think I am done with them. 'cept maybe K'sar now and then, he's always been... Interesting, if annoying at times. No, I'll stay with a pretty face and a soft, hairless chest any day of the week."

"Br'ce isn't boring," Aida counters easily, shaking her head and reaching for her empty glass before she realizes it's empty. It's eyed for a moment, and then her attention shifts over to Tavaly and the tea making. "He's actually incredibly interesting. Very knowledgeable, very intelligent." She reaches up to take the cup from Tav, smiling gratefully and bringing the cup up to take a careful sip from it. "The tea Neiran tells you you have to drink is good for you." There is a quiet chuckle for Dara's words, another grin.

"No tea, thanks." Issa stays Tavaly's hand with a small wave of her hand, then she sets down her now-empty glass on the floor next to the couch. Sleepily, she lays her head down on the arm of the couch, her temple snuggling into the crook of one arm. It's there that she drifts into a little alcohol-induced nap, only halfway listening to the conversation of the girls around her. Which at a sleepover means she's left an open invitation for pranks.

rp, issa, aida, weyr, tavaly, roa, essdara

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