(no subject)

Aug 22, 2006 21:11

Who: Essdara, Tavaly
Where: Tavaly's Weyr
When: 7-26-06

It's a cold day for the 'Reaches. Even colder is the demeanor the normally welcoming weyr of Tav and the green. Immath is curled up on her couch, back to the world. Tav, like some sacrificial animal, lay stretched over her table, arms and bandages bared to the world. Or whoever decides to enter. Her sharp tools lay scattered around her on the table's surface.

Essdara has just been dropped off by one of the weyrlings on elevator duty, carrying a small package and wearing a bright smile. "Tava, you here?" She calls, as she pokes her head into the room. Quite a scene to be greeted by! Heedless of anything like manners, she comes into the room and moves over to the table Tavaly lays on, concerned. "Tava?"

"My ceiling has a leak, somewhere up there.." She says, her face covered in melting snow drops. "Prolly have to get that fixed 'fore end of this sevenday." She's so out of it. Finally, it would seem, the Threadscored weyrling has given in and used numbweed. She raises her head and grins, however, upon Dara's entrance. "Hello, there! What brings you up here?"

Essdara is looking her over with a slight frown. "Yes." She says, absently. She looks back at her at the more direct question, and smiles a little, though not as heartfelt as earlier. "Well, I came with a small weyr-warming present. I know it's pretty late, but I figured I should give you something and it's taken me ages to figure out /what/." A glance at the newly (to her) bandaged arm. "You get hurt in class again, Tava?"

Tavaly points to her shoulder, sitting up. "Idiot bronze weyrling misfired during 'stone practice." She indicates her left arm. "Thread got me when K'dume ran straight into me and Immath mid-bag toss. Nothing major." She's had worse. At the mention of a present, Tav's face falls. "Fer.. me?" She asks, quiet voice. "Aw, Ess, that's.. I mean.. you didn' hafta."

Essdara's eyes widen a bit at the casual mention of thread getting her. "Ah, Tava, you are not allowed to be getting scored yet. Not ever, really... I'm not ready to think about you guys being there!" She offers out the small package. "I hope you like it, it's nothing much but I am not so good at these things."

A Small grin. "Well, if it makes you feel better, it really wasn't my idea to be scored in the first place." Hesitant, almost shy hands accept the package, giving it a little shake before she begins the process of unwrapping. "Shoot, I'm not used to getting presents.. This is awful nice of ya.." Is that blushing on Tava's cheeks?

Essdara returns the smile, equally uncertain. "I don't have many friends I care about so much as you, so." She watches the present opened; inside is a copper kettle, and a small jar of klah. "You probably already have one from stores, but I thought you should have a nice one. Nothing you can do will do much to that, and it should last you near enough to forever not to matter."

Tavaly holds the copper kettle in her hands, turning it over and grinning like a weyrbrat on the day of its birth. "This is so.. very very /yes/." Tav says, setting both down and launching off of the table to envelop the girl in a hug. In which Dara will be trapped, lifted, and spun around, because Tava's hugs are not weak. SNUUUg. "Thank you! It'll come in right handy, my old one was starting to fall apart."

Essdara giggles as she is spun, and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "I figured you would appreciate it. I've seen what you are like in the morning and figure, the more you can deal with that before seeing People, the happier you will be."

Tavaly pauses, listening. Then laughs with a ridiculous throw-back of the head. When her head comes back up she snags a kiss - not on the cheek, but square on the girl's mouth. "You're a dear, and I'd probably be hung by my toes without you. You're so thoughtful, making me nice before breakfast. I'm sure the weyr will appreciate it, too." Another laugh.

Essdara blushes, and beams from ear to ear with that; so easily made happy is Dara. "Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but there /was/ a petition to bar you from coming out before noon going around..." She teases. "Though /I/ think you just need to find better ways to wake up. Always improves /my/ mood in the morning."

And there spins a dark demeanor - mischievous. "Well.. You might have to come calling for me in a different weyr. I'm not normally over here, anymore, save for the odd day or so. Mostly.. well.." Devilish grin. "See, now. It's not to be told to anyone else, but.. I'm sorta kinda weyrmated.." Her eyes skirt to the side. Bashfulness.

Essdara grins still more, eyes widening in surprise. "K'sar, then? I never thought I would see the day!" She darts back a step, giggling. "I am sure you will be very, very happy with your weyrmate, and it's about damned time, if you ask me. Though I don't envy you domesticating him, that will be challenging.

Pale eyes widen, themselves, and she hisses. Grinning, of course. "Shells no, that guy's ancient! It's T'zen. I thought that woulda been more than obvious!" She laughs. Immath stirs, raising her head. "Looks like we have to get goin'."

Essdara sticks her tongue out. "I knew that, of course. You have more taste than that. Would you give me a lift down? I wasn't sure how long I would be, so sent teh weyrling back down.

Tavaly nods her head and quickly chucks Immath's straps on. The green rumbles, bumping Dara with her nose. "Arright, hop on up and we're good to go!"

rp, weyr, tavaly, essdara

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