A minion stolen

Jul 24, 2006 21:58

Who: Naros, Kianda, Essdara
Where: LC, HRW
Comment: I <3 this scene. Naros has told Kianda about the bath incident, but apparently left out a few details. Dara fills in the blanks, and his once staunch supporter is stolen away.

Kianda nods with a slight smile. "And it might just be viable enough that if you make it work, they'll take your other ideas more seriously."

Naros is seated at one of the tables with a scroll in front of him though it doesn't seem looked at. He also has some Klah in front of him that seems to be rapidly cooling. The Klah he reaches for and cradles before sipping glancing towards Kia, "Mmmhmm. That's very true. I bet I can take a piece of stone, and groove it for a model." He frowns and sighs, "There has to be some broken boulders nearby I'll have to go for a walk. At least like home there is a lot of stone here. It's much cheapter to make a model from than metal."

Essdara comes in from the lower caverns with a yawn, making her way towards the serving table mutely. No glances are spared for those around her, her determination focused on the mug of klah she desires.

Kianda pushes her empty bowl aside and draws her own mug closer, cupping her hands around it. "Lots of rock around," she agrees. "Listen, why don't you outline a plan for going about it, step by step? Prove your logical and organizational mind while you're at it."

Naros hrmphs and frowns, "Perhaps perhaps. That's more Penny's domain. I can sketch some light outlines, but I do much better just working something with my hands. It lets me see the problems." He says quietly and then blinks at a nearby yawn. He pauses turning towards the source and looks uncertain for a moment then clears his throat. He waits for a moment and then rises to offer, "Mi..ah. Miss Essdara, do you have just a moment?"

Essdara looks at the smith tiredly, with no small amount of surprise. "Naros." She says, stiffly. "I do not know that there is anything to be gained by it, but as you wish." She looks back at the table he was at, with Kiana. "Shall we sit? It would be rude to take you from your friend."

Kianda starts to say something, then, at hearing him greet another, she looks up and around. The woman is studied for a long moment before Kia offers a pleasant nod. "So you're Essdara. I've heard a lot about you. I'm Kianda- Kia. Won't you join us, please?"

Naros pauses for a moment, he wets his lip for a moment and then offers. "Pleas sit." He offers and settles down, "I just wanted to apologize. I didn't mean to say something to hurt you, or to hurt you in any way, and that I am sorry for any pain that I did cause you or any insults I may have given." He says simply not quite looking at Essdara instead glancing towards Kianda and watching her.

Essdara takes the offered seat, and gives Kianda a surprised look. "Kianda. I, umm, hope it was the /good/ set of rumors?" She looks back to Naros and stares at him a long moment. "I am sorry, as well, for my part in what happened. I am sorry it went as it did, and ended as it had to."

Kianda gestures noncommitally with her klah, remaining silent as the pair exchange aplogies.

Naros starts with a mild, "It didn't ha...." He trails off and nods, "Thank you. I hope today has been better?" He admits reaching for his own klah to take a long sip.

Essdara shrugs. "It's been a day. I do my work, and pass teh rest of the time as I can." She turns, then, towards Kianda. "So, I don't think we've met properly. I'm one of the cooks here. You are...?"

Kianda releases her cup and offers a hand. "Seamstress. Just arrived from... ah, arrived the other day." Her gaze flicks toward Naros, then back to Essdara. "Ah, wasn't there another concern about y'all's little tiff, Naros?"

Naros smiles wryly at Kianda, "There were a few. But what's done and done. I'm hoping that now that I've learned a little more about her I can avoid another one." He admits ruefully and sighs with a shrug, "What's done is done, I'll see what comes of it. Her friend's the one anyways." He admits.

Essdara's eyes narrow, just a little. "I see." She says, shaking her head. "Kianda, I have said what I will say on the matter, and am not in any way looknig for more conflict and drama. I am sorry to have darkened your evenings. If there is nothing else, I will excuse myself."

Kianda nods. "Yes, but since this Aida is doing it on Essdara's behalf, perhaps Essdara would be willing," her eyes swing round to the cook, "To speak to her about it." Startlement enters her expression, and she smoothly adds, "To prevent more conflict and drama."

Naros waves his hand lightly and smiles at Kianda, "I hope so, but that's neither here or there Kianda. I'm sorry for my acts. That's all that's in my control." He looks at Essdara and sighs, "If you must. Take care. I hope tonight is better for you." He offers and frowns vaguely into his klah.

Essdara doesn't make a move, though, still frowning, and still watching Kianda. "Aida can speak for herself, and so can I. If you have a question, then ask it instead of dancing around it."

Kianda frowns a bit at Naros, then looks at Essdara with a blink. "My apologies." She clears her throat. "I wasn't dancing around anything. I thought Naros would want to broach the subject himself. But the point is, Aida's planning on filing a complaint with the Headmaster about the whole mess, about Naros in particular."

Naros frowns at Kianda and sighs, "It doesn't really matter. Yes it'll be a nuisance. But it's hardly something I can't handle. And if an argument is going to get me thrown out of the Caucus if it didn't happen now it'll happen in a week." He frowns vaguely still, "It's a nuisance but I felt much worse about not being able to give a real apology."

Essdara looks surprised, but shrugs. "If she chooses to do so, that is her right. I know she was less than thrilled to have a naked man trying to bodily lift her in the baths, no matter the reason." She looks to Naros, "I do apologise for arguing with you, Naros. But I don't apologise from keeping you from laying a hand on her. Neither you, nor anyone else, has that right."

Kianda spreads her hands. "Have it your way, Naro-" She serves a pause with a blink, her eyes widening, and she /peers/ at Naros. "Laying a hand on her?"

Naros shrugs quietly, "Fair enough. I wouldn't have hurt her though I just didn't want her to hurt me. I'm big and all but if you kick me while I'm naked there's still some pretty dangerous places and I wanted her to cool down." He glances towards Kianda, "I tried to pick her up and put her in the cold water. She kept advancing on me and screaming about how evil I was and various things of that nature. It was very hurtful."

"Well, people tend to get upset around here when you talk about how riders shouldn't be concerned abuot people they've lost in Fall, because they knew going up they'd die. Let alone telling one of her closest friends... The things you did. No, Naros. We had our argument, and I apologise. But Aida has her reasons for being upset, and if she feels strong enough to complain about it, then that is her right." She looks to Kiana. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed you had the whole story."

Kianda's jaw drops a little as Essdara goes on, and she just /looks/ at Naros. "I see," she says stiffly.

Naros opens his mouth as if to say more and then shakes his head, he leans back into his seat and takes a long sip of his Klah. He seems like might have been willing to say more but managed to bite his tongue.

Essdara chuckles softly and shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I really don't want to fight. But I did feel compelled to point out that this was not a one-sided encounter."

Kianda gets to her feet. "Well. This has certainly been an elucidating evening. Naros, I'll see you later," she says pleasantly. "Essdara, it was very nice to meet you. If y'all will excuse me, it's late, and I need to get to bed." With a nod to them both, Kia heads off to dispose of her bowl and disappear into the lower caverns.

Kianda ventures down the long tunnel that leads to the lower caverns.

Naros waves at Kianda. He's quiet for a long moment and then offers quietly, "I never tried to say it was. I do feel I've been accused of some unfair things, but..." He shrugs, "Only one way to prove I'm not those things I figure."

Essdara looks to Naros for a long moment. "I honestly have no opinion on it. I can't say what you planned. All I know is you went for Aida, and I will not let that happen to someone I consider my best friend. Me? I'd probably let it go, I hate drama. But Aida isn't me."

Naros shrugs quietly, "I ain't exactly the diplomatic type. If I'm going to get kicked out for arguing sooner's more or less the same as later. I can't control what she does just what I do."

Essdara closes her eyes a moment, and when she speak, her voice is full of patience. "Learn some, Naros. Because, honestly, what you said would make people stronger and more violent upset around here. There are some things you just don't say. You don't walk into the minecraft, and shout how strip mining is bad, and not expect to get a rock thrown at you."

Naros offers quietly, "Miss Essdara. I ain't a liar. You asked me if I thought the riders deserved better than us. And I don't. Fair is fair, alright. I'm not exactly weak, or afraid. I'll do as I've always done. Such niceties are for other folks."

Essdara makes a face. "Don't call me miss, I'm not even 20. Just Essdara, or Dara. And I'm not saying if you're right, or wrong, but... Tact. Just sayin, I may have asked you the question, but you gotta find a way to answer that says no, without disrespecting."

Naros smiles ruefully Essdara, "I'll try but I don't promise anything. It isn't exactly my style. But I don't like having women mad at me anymore than anyone else. Dara then, I just... well didn't know if you'd want me calling you something familiar after all that."

Essdara waves a hand. "Makes me less uncomfortable than miss. I really am an easygoing girl... Just got some strong views of my own, and I am pretty firm in my beliefs."

Naros snorts, "Then I suppose in the long run we might do okay as long as we keep our tempers cool."

Essdara laughs, softly. "Oh, that sounds so familier. Aida and I, I think we nearly killed each other before we found our friendship. Now, I can't imagine life without her."

Naros smiles, "Well it's good to have such close friends with different views. Better for approaching problems. I doubt that we'll ever be that close. But close enough to say not try and bite each other's heads off when passing in the hall would be nice. And not worrying about strange things in my Klah too."

Essdara smiles sweetly. "Never even consider it." She says, glibly. "But, yes. I do not like conflict, and I would rather be on quiet terms with someone, than prone to yelling at them."

Naros smiles, "Well then at least we can agree on something? Which is a start."

Essdara says, "And a first." She stands, and offers a hand. "Let's leave it at that for tonight. Goodnight, Naros.""

Naros reaches out to shake the hand careful not to do it too hard with his large hands and grins, "Seems a better place than I might have hoped."

Essdara smiles. "And me. Good night, Naros." And she is off.

kianda, naros, rp, lc, essdara

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