A friendly chat

Jul 14, 2006 21:11

Who: Jensen, Essdara
Where: Jensen's Office
When: Midmorning, Day 17, Month 1, Turn 2
Comment: Cut short, but fun while it lasted. Dara drops by for no real reason other than to actually see Jen, and chat a bit.

A firm knock at the door is followed immidiately after by a call. "Jensen? You home? It's Dara, and I have food!"

It's true what they say about the quickest way to a man's heart being through his stomach. Or maybe it's the quickest way to a man's stomach is through food. Whatever the case may be, Jensen doesn't hesitate in opening his door. "Hey there, Dara." Door is opened further, allowing access into his room.

Essdara smiles and slips past him. She's carrying a small tray with a cover over it to keep the warmth in. "Good morning, Jen." She finds a place to set it. "Not seen you in a little while, and decided to come visit. I've not eaten today, so I hope you don't mind if I join you. How have you been doing?" Under the cover is a piping hot selection of meatrolls and sliced herdbeast. Well away from the hot foods is a selection of sliced cheeses and some butter. Between them, a fresh bread loaf.

"Yeah, well. Been busy with, uh." Jen turns to wander after her, hurrying to clean hides and such off the spare chair so she can sit. "'Course I don't mind you joinin' me, just try'n forgive my lack o'social graces is all." In other words? I'm grumpy. "Been fine, Dara." Sinking into 'his' chair and leaning an elbow on his desk, he tries a smile and asks, "How 'bout you?"

"I get by." Dara says, with a smile that is mostly genuine. She starts slicing the bread and assembling sandwhiches. "For every good there is a bad, so I would say my life is in balance. What more can a girl ask for, right? I hear tell you lost one of your guards."

Jensen's smile actually looks somewhat less forced upon her response, perhaps a hint of understanding in his eyes as he watches her work. "S'pose that's all any o'us can expect, lately, gettin' by." He doesn't know what more a girl could ask for, or at least doesn't feel up to talking about such things, so keeps silent on the matter. "Hm? Oh, yeah. Kierom. Had t'let 'im go."

Essdara nods. "Understandable. I think we all had hopes for him that didn't turn out to be true." She shrugs, and offers a sandwich to the guard. "These things happen. Saw your sister last night. Do you two get to talk much? She's very nice, she's the one who helped make sure I had a dress for the party."

"Silly t'hope at all nowadays. I'd cut back on it, I were you." The sentiment is voiced with little emotion, just a flat sort of tone that matches the cynical look on Jen's face. He accepts the sandwich and stares at it while contemplating what to say next. "She came by." And cried, but he doesn't mention that part. "Your dress, yeah. You, uh, you looked real nice that night, Dara."

Essdara smiles a little. "Thank you. It's always nice to hear." She quietly sets about working on her own share of the early lunch. "Didn't get to talk to her much, she seemed pretty tired. But it was nice to get the chance to give her a couple good hugs, and at least she was smiling a bit when she left." Instead of, say, looking like she'd just been crying. She sits down on the cleared chair. "It was an odd night, lots of not sleeping going on. Me, Aida, Tavaly. Another girl you probably don't know, she's knew, works in the kitchens. Think I scared her." She wrinkles her nose. "'Course, some of the rumors in the kitchens, surprised she talked to me at all."

"Well not everyone listens t'rumors, Dara. I know they ain't uncommon, but it's a lot easier t'ignore 'em than some people think." Jensen bites into his sandwich and leans back in his chair with one arm draped over the back. "Things been a little better for ya since last time we talked?" he asks arouns his mouthful.

Essdara nods, nibbling at it with a smile. "As you say. We'll see, don't think I'll see much of her again. But it's no big deal; anyone that timid probably wouldn't survive around me anyway, right? And I've been doing OK. Aida and Anaddui keep me sane. Seen Roa lately? I've not had the chance to speak to her since then, just curious if she's doing ok. Still got your lap-dogs on her?" Teasing voice and a smile.

Jensen has to smirk at that. "Sometimes it's the timid ones that surprise ya. Don't pass your judgement on 'er just yet." Hm. Roa. "Seen 'er. Her and 'er crutches." The little goldrider's injuries are painful for more than just her. "And I'll have you know my 'lap dogs' are followin' 'er around 'cause she can't be trusted t'not go wanderin' off on 'er own." Realizing his own sharp tone Jen stops himself, heaves a sigh, and stares hard again at his sandwich. "I don't mean that."

Essdara smiles a little. "You do, and it's ok. I use the term affectionately, I feel better knowing they are there." She shrugs. "Looks like the Weyr got a guard contingent just in time, yeah? Hate to think what woulda happened without you guys. But it's good to know she's doing ok. If you talk to her, I wouldn't mind yuo saying I said hi." That business done, she takes another bite of the sandwhich. "You been doing anything interesting, other than your normal guard-type stuff? Or has that been consuming what time you get?"

"Oh, I imagine there woulda been someone else down there t'get themselves so quickly taken out by assorted vicious'n dangerous storeroom objects." Jen's tone is cynical, but it changes some when he asks, "Why can't you tell 'er yourself? You probably see 'er more nowadays. Still think she's pretty sore 'bout the men followin' 'er about the place." But there's nothing he can do about that and it's a fate he's accepted. "Interesting? No, not as it is." That's a lie, but he's good at the poker face. "Weyr's gotten downright quiet."

Essdara raises a brow. "Must be some other weyr I don't live at." She remarks, a touch tartly. "And no, I don't see her more. Less, if anything, but I admit I haven't seen her much at all since she got back from Boll. Think, now, it's gotten to the point our lives are just too far apart." She shrugs. "Been busy enough myself, though. Spent a lot of time with K'sar, though we're kinda out of sorts at the moment. Good to see him up and walking again."

rp, jensen, jensen's office, essdara

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