A united front

Jul 14, 2006 20:02

Who: Kierom, Aida, Anaddui, Essdara
Where: Bowl, HRW
When: Day 15, Month 1, Turn 2
Comment: Drama, angst, and Kierom finding a united front against him.

Tugging at another bandage, Kie just sighs a little. "Why would I expect sympathy from you Aida? I wasn't out here hoping to be alone for that." He shrugs slightly then, "I won't be at the Weyr much longer now anyways, so what does it matter?" he says with a hint of something behind it, but the emotion can't quite be placed.

"You *do* realize just precisely how big the bowl is," Aida points out, turning her head enough that she's likely eying Kierom sidelong again. "If you're 'hoping to be alone', you wouldn't have wandered /directly over towards me/. It's not like my path wasn't perfectly clear in the snow. You getting sent home due to your behavior?"

Essdara comes walking in from the northern bowl, a riding jacket pulled close around her in the night's frigid cold. On her hands, an old pair of riding gloves to keep them warm. She follows one of the fresher tracks in the snow; a bad habit she seems unable to break. Still, loud voices stop her a good ways away, and she looks up to see the pair who is arguing ahead. As she isolates who they are, she gives an angry frown, and resumes her movements. She is, however, careful to make a good deal of noise as she comes, snow crunching and scattering around her feet.

Shrugging again, Kie shakes his head. "Actually I didn't notice any footprints. Kind of lost in my own thoughts and I wasn't really looking forward to running into you." He grimaces then, "And yes, I'm being sent home, or whever I can live now. My brother attacking me was the last straw it seems. Disowned by family and kicked out of the Weyr, must be a record of some kind." He snorts then and begins to move away as he hears someone else approach. "I'll just be on my way."

"You know what, Kierom?" Aida's voice touches sharper, and the young woman straightens out of her lean. She turns her head to see Dara approaching, watches for a moment, and then turns her eyes right back to Kierom. "It's your own fault. Entirely. I /do/ hope you realize that. You don't think. At all."

Moving away from Aida draws him closer to Essdara, who hears at least the last part of that. And to it, she simply smiles. "That will make my life, at least, a lot easier." She comments in a carrying voice. "I've been wondering how I would go about avoiding someone who had so successfully insinuated himself into my life and my friends' lives." If she notices the bandages, she doesn't comment beyond a glance over him. "Not like you were ever a real guard anyway." She adds, viciously.

Aurenth descends from the sky above to land.

Anaddui climbs down from Aurenth's neck.

Kierom turns to bow to the two women present now and bows to them. "Well, you both are right and I should of let my brother kill me like it seemed he wanted to," Kie says, referring to the bruising on his neck. He looks at Dara then and nods, "The only mistake I really made was trusting you and then sleeping with you." His voice is calm and steady, almost too calm as he straightens himself up. "I'm sure you both will be happy now."

"Poor, poor Kierom," Aida says, her voice dripping with obviously false sympathy. "Oh, mean Dara -- obviously, it was a mistake to trust you. It certainly couldn't have been /his/ fault. Oh, I should just crawl off somewhere and die now. Woe. Woe." She rolls her eyes, shaking her head. There's a moment spent in study of Dara before her attention shifts back. "Maybe if you quit feeling sorry for yourself and started, oh, I don't know, taking a /little/ bit of accountability for yourself, you wouldn't have half the problems that you do."

"Always the martyr. Always the victim." Essdara says, though her voice is not mocking. "Kierom, the only mistake you made is that you chose to piss away our friendship so you could get a bronzerider into bed. I did /nothing/ to you. Nothing. And out of nowhere, into an argument you had no place being in, you felt the need to stab me in the back, kick me a few times, and spit on what was left. Pardon me if I don't feel sympathy. As for a mistake trusting me... Well, I kept the secrets of yours I know. And I will continue to do so, because my word means something to me. I'm sorry you won't get to enjoy your happy reward with K'sar, but I'm not unhappy you are leaving. I don't know what happened, but I can't imagine the lies and deceptions helped your case any." She doesn't even look at Aida; her anger is her own. "I said goodbye to you both last night, and I meant it. I gave you both more of me than you deserved, and while I can't take it back, I can assure you it won't be repeated."

Anaddui slips off Aurenth's neck, feeling a little out-of-sorts herself; time of the moons and all. And she seems to have walked right on into a rather heated arguement. Her pace slows as she approaches the trio. The greenrider fixes a neutral look on her face, prepared to cop some of the heat. The joy of seeing Essdara again is slightly marred; she's seeing a side of the girl she's not seen before, and is unsure of how to approach.

Glances at Aida first. "Accountability? Well, I have accepted what's happened and approached Captain Jensen before he heard through word of mouth about the fight between my brother and myself, knowing that I would be dismissed." He turns to Dara then anod nods to her. "I never slept with the bronzerider, nor have I wanted to. I've only gone to the Infirmary to check to see how Roa is doing and nothing more. The bronzerider was someone else who was there that I started talking to. As I've said before, I do not sleep around that freely." His attention is fixed on the two giels in front of him, not quite noticing the greenrider yet.

Okay. Dara's first few words earn her a bit of a doubletake, and Aida...can't help but smile. She really can't. Of course, the shadows hide this well enough for her, at least. The young woman clears her throat and limps around Kierom to slide over to where Dara is standing, attempting to take up a spot beside the other girl -- essentially closing ranks against Kierom, really. "Accepted what's 'happened to you', maybe, but certainly not taken responsibility for your own behavior. Acceptance and accountability are two entirely different things. You're more of a child than the youngest of my siblings, you know that? It /frightens/ me that anybody would even think to give you a weapon, and not much scares me. I don't feel sorry for you. Dara doesn't feel sorry for you. I don't think anyone with a brain will feel sorry for you. No. Sympathy. For. You."

"And that makes it /better/? Why, then, Kierom? /Why/ did you do it? Why did you attack me from nowhere, when all I wanted to do was leave, when the only reason I was there in the first place was looking for some comfort? K'sar, he had some reason for what he said. I did say things I shouldn't have. No, he should not have brought it up as he did, when all I was doing was saying I envied him having someone who loved him. And I was letting it drop, I was leaving... And then you decided you had to have your say. Rip me to shreds, call me a slut, accuse me of things that have no basis in reality. All of that, becaue I haven't talked to you enough? The person I love most in the world is attacked, a good friend I cared a lot for is in the infirmary, possibly never walking again... And you are bitching I didn't /talk/ to you enough?" She shakes her head, and sighs. "I don't understand why." She looks to Aida a moment, and back. "I don't know what you did to her, either, Kierom, but it doesn't help your case in my books."

Anaddui comes to a stop in between Essdara and Kierom. Clearing her throat, and feeling a little foolish, she offers a "Hello." To all parties, not quite sure if she should be getting involved on other people's business. Her mission this evening, however, was to find Dara and ask her to come to her weyr for a late snack and some company. She's just not sure how she's going to manage this with the obvious conflict going on here.

Nods to the greenrider as she steos in between him and Dar. "Greetings lady," he syas, nodding curtly to her. "A apologise for the mess you've stepped into. He looks at Dara then, ignoring Aida, "I know I've intruded where I shouldn't have and apologise greatly for that, and I do regret it. I don't expect you to believe me though and I know when I am not welcome." With a slight bow to the rider, he smiles slightly, "Good night ma'am, I will leave before I ruin your night as well." He turns then, beginning to walk off.

"Wah," Aida concludes, rolling her eyes. The young woman doesn't say anything further to or after him, instead turning something of a smile on Anaddui. "Hey there," she greets the woman, and then she's glancing sidelong over at Dara. "You okay?" She asks, genuine concern touching her tone.

Essdara looks after Kierom, and shakes her head softly. "No, Kierom, I don't believe it." Her tone is, indeed, sad. "I wish I could, but you went too far. I just hope it got you what you wanted." She turns away then, to Aida and Anaddui. "No, I'm not." She says, with a sigh. "I didn't want to see him again, and I don't want to see K'sar again. I doubt, though, I will be so lucky with K'sar. He, at least, has reason to be angry at me." She looks to Anaddui, and offers a hand. "I'm sorry you saw that, Ana. It's been a rough day. Have you met Aida? She's about the best friend a girl could ask for. Aida, Anaddui, Aurenth's rider. She's a very special friend who I care for deeply. Wouldn't have gotten through the night after the party without her."

Anaddui offers a somewhat shaky smile to Kierom and Aida. "No apology neccessary. I should apologise to you for walking in on a private conversation." She does, however, quirk a brow that she hopes goes un-noticed, in response to the politeness from Kierom. Seems she's still getting used to the way riders are treated here. "Arda, isn't it?" Ana offers her hand to Aida, and says her name with a strange accent. "I'm Anaddui. Rider to green Aurenth." Her name is said with the usual roll of the tongue, and she waits to see if the girl can pronounce it correctly. Not many can, this side of Nabol. "Essdara, it's good I've found you. I am sorry for walking in on that. I came to see if you wanted to visit my new weyr. But if you're busy...?" Aurenth bugles softly at the mention of her name.

Kierom walks slowly away towards where he was really headed to begin with, ignoring the comments of Aida and Dara, but spares a glance back at the greenrider and nods towards her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Aida replies lightly, lifting an arm to attempt to wrap it around Dara's shoulders to give her a brief squeeze. "I think you should try and work it out with K'sar," she points out gently, turning her head to try and press a kiss against the other girl's cheek before she drops her arm away and straightens up. "No busy, not now," she confirms. "If you two have things to discuss or the like, I won't have a fit or anything. I should probably be going and getting myself warmed up sometime soon."

Essdara gives Anaddui a tender smile, though she's clearly still not really happy. "I would like to see your weyr. I hope it's more than just a bed of straw in the beast pens, though." She looks to Aida, and moves to give her a tight hug. "I'll come find you tommorow, Ai. I need... Well, I need to try to forget all this. S'why last night happened. And thank you for that, so very much." She sighs. "Sorry for dissapearing before we could talk more about it, but... I wasn't ready for that."

Anaddui returns the smile to Essdara, greeting having been given to Aida. "I assure you, it's much more comfortable than the beast pens. ALthough, I could bring a bale of straw in to make you more comfortable?" She winks. "I have a surprise for you, at any rate, if you are ready to join me? Aida, you are welcome to join us. Aurenth is strong enough to carry three."

"Ah -- no thank you," Aida says, giving a dip of her head. She returns Dara's hug tight, kissing the other girl's forehead. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, sweetheart. You feel better. I won't push. Just...well, let her look after you." Squeeze, and then she's letting go and backing off, lifting a hand to Anaddui. "Take care of her." With that demand made, she turns to start heading back down along the path she set down in getting there in the first place.

Aida is also limping. A little bit. This should be noted.

Essdara smiles a bit after Aida leaves, and turns back to Anaddui. "I'm all yours, dears. It's very good to see you, it's been too long and too intense a time since I did."

Anaddui lifts a hand in farewell to Aida and turns back to Essdara. "Is that a yes? Will you come to my weyr?" Her voice is a little strained, anxious and nervous all at once. Her eyes follow Aida, limping across the Bowl. Aurenth bugles her readiness to carry the pair to her weyr.

rp, bowl, kierom, aida, anaddui, essdara

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