Covering her tracks

Jul 12, 2006 20:13

Who: K'sar, Kierom, Essdara
Where: Infirmary, HRW
When: Morning, Day 11, Turn 2
Comment: Dara finally gets K'sar alone to talk about something that has been bothering her. Then misses the chance to give him a bath with a guard.

K'sar is - where else? - in bed. Drugs...good. Hard to tell if he's awake or not at the moment, though.

A weary Essdara comes into the infirmiry; as always, she comes bearing food that she bears towards the bed of a certain bronzerider. She approaches the bed cautiously, her expression full of concern and worry. Coming up beside him, she says softly, "K'sar?"

"..mmphle.." K'sar mumbles and then his eyes half open and he wets his lips, blinking fuzzily. "Dara? S'there klah?"

Essdara shakes her head. "No klah, dearheart, I'm sorry. I'm not messing with Neiran's tea schedule. But I've some breakfast. Spiced tubers, some fried bacon, some eggs... It's nothing fancy, I am afraid. Been too busy this morning for a proper gift." She fidgets next to him a little, holding the tray and watching him for reactions.

Pushing himself upright, he settles against the pillows and lifts both hands, rubbing them over his face and into his hair. The bandage has been removed and he sports a lovely, rather rakish scar, across his temple and into his hair. "Sounds really good, Dara. Maybe some juice? It's not time for tea yet and my mouth feels like something furry curled up and died in it."

Dananth snort-whuffles and shifts to give his rider a 'look'. A laugh from K'sar and he murmurs "Dananth informs me that /he/ is the one that gets furry things in his mouth."

Essdara offers the bronze a grin, and looks back to his rider, moving to set the tray over his lap; one with legs, to keep the weight off his own. "I could see about going to get you some if you really insist. Or some water, maybe? Water's always good for you, and I wouldn't have to go all the way back out to get it. You seem more, umm, awake, than last time I saw you. Feeling any better?"

Picking up a strip of bacon, K'sar takes a bite and talks around the mouthful. "Water's fine, luv." then proceeds to nearly inhale the strip of meat. "Gods..this is like..heaven. I'm so glad you're on my side, Dara." If watching someone enjoy your food is pleasure for a cook, then Dara should be well and truly finding pleasure as he is enjoying every bite.

And indeed she is. She watches for a moment with a slight smile, then moves away to get a glass of water; never hard to find in the infirmary. She comes back, sets it on the tray, and then sits down on the edge of the cot a little ways down. "I'm on your side, certainly, K'sar. I still think you did a wonderful thing, and we all owe you for saving her."

K'sar pauses mid-chew and blinks at you, then finishes his mouthful and takes a swallow of water. "No one owes me anything, Dara. I did what I did, and I'd do it again, even though it really wasn't all that helpful."

Essdara simply shrugs, and remains quiet a long moment. When she speaks, her voice is quiet and her words are careful. "I want to talk to you about something, K'sar. What you noticed the other day... And what you teased me about when I kissed you."

Confused, dumb male look #237 settles on K'sar's face. "Other day? Did..jeeze, I didn't hurt you, did I? I'm sorry, Dara. I've been so out of it." He scratches the back of his head and looks sheepish.

Essdara sighs and rolls her eyes. "Shoulda just assumed you'd forget. Woulda probably been easier. You didn't hurt me, K'sar, no. You simply noticed something I try not to make a big deal of, and teasingly offered to do something that would make me, to say nothing of Roa, very uncomfortable and unhappy."

"Oh!" K'sar says, staring at you, then smirks. "Oohhh..." He leans back, plucking the last tuber from the plate and popping it into his mouth. "She's afraid of everyone, Dara. Girls, guys, doesn't matter." The smirk fades and he rubs his fingers on the napkin, then wipes his mouth. "I'm worried for her first flight, if she doesn't get a more gentle introduction beforehand. I've seen too many Queen riders who are revolted by any loving touch, not just male, because of a brutal first flight."

"Perhaps, K'sar. But I just... I need you to keep that very much to yourself. She doesn't need the rumors, and there's no good that can come of it. We've had our talks, we both know where each other stands. That ain't ever going to change for either of us." She closes her eyes a moment, taking a deep breath. "Wouldn't mind if you didn't tease like that, either. It's not been the easiest of things for me to figure out."

K'sar nods and reaches out for your hand to draw your fingers up to kiss. "I'll do my best to behave." A faint, wry frown curls his lips. "But these drugs...I find my mouth saying things well before my mind kicks in and tells it to shut up. I mean, I almost told one of the apprentices about my dream when I woke. He /really/ doesn't need to hear about my being held down by you, Rysia and Roa, all three of you naked and laughing, while you peel my skin off my body. It started out so erotic and ended up with me waking, soaked in sweat and screaming." Fingers tighten on yours for a moment before he presses the heel of his other hand into his eye as if to erase the visual memory.

Essdara winces softly. "I'm not sure I needed that image." She gives his hand a soft squeeze. "I know I can trust you, K'sar. I also know, for all your bravado and ego, you are a wonderful person. I guess I was just afraid you would try to take it on yourself to 'fix' things." She sighs and rubs his hand with her thumb. "I want you to get better soon, so I don't have to worry you'll forget we ever talked. Among other things, of course... Dananth doesn't have to be the only one with furry snacks." An impish smile.

K'sar ewws and grins, then leans over and cups your face, drawing you in for a soft kiss. "You, my dear Dara, are a true gem." The tender moment is interrupted by his left leg jerking under the tray hard enough to rattle the dishes on it. "Ack! Best take this and put it on the floor before I flip it over. The...teeth rattling spasms are pretty much gone, or drugged out of me...but my legs just jerk and twitch on their own now and then."

Essdara chuckles softly, and stands, moving to lift off the tray; it gets deposited on the next cot over. "I am what I am, someone who enjoys the people she cares about far more than she should. And you've always been one of my favourites." She reaches over to lightly rub his leg through the blanket. "Though I admit, I've been settling down a lot lately. Must be growing up or something." A grin.

"A lot of that going around, luv." K'sar replies, a touch wry, a touch flippant. "And to think I thought simply being wingleader at Telgar, meant I was 'all grown up'." A shake of his head and he focuses on his feet, flexing and wiggling them. "Look...see? Sometimes, we have to go through the horrible stuff to get to the good stuff on the other side. Maybe that's what I've been doing. Learning lessons and going through the dark stuff to get to the good stuff on the other side, hmm?"

Essdara smiles gently at him, letting his leg go and moving to touch his cheek instea, then traces the new scar lightly. "It suits you." She says, quietly. "And I think I've gone through all the horrible stuff I need to for a few turns. I'd just like to find some quiet happiness, sometime. But, alas, the world doesn't work that way. The world has too many tests for us, and for the people we love."

Eyes darkening slightly, K'sar rubs his cheek into that hand, one of his hands lifting to press it lightly, beard soft on your palm. "You'll find it, Dara. We all have our moments of peace and joy. They're what help us through the dark times." Another kiss, this time to the palm and he wrinkles his nose, grinning. "I love your hands. They always smell of good things. Spices or bread."

Essdara smiles, with a faint blush. "Even sick, K'sar, you always know what to say to lift a girl's heart. It means doubly as much knowing it's not just to get something from me. And spicey hands are a cook's lament. I spent so long working wtih things, they are well and truly marinated."

K'sar flicks his tongue against that palm and 'mmms' softly. "Tastes good too." He leans in and murmurs against your ear so only the two of you hear...

K'sar whispers "And I remember how well you tasted. I know we're just friends now, Dara, luv, but know that if you ever find the need for a man to hold you again, do not hesitate to tap my shoulder, alright?"

Essdara's blush is brighter, stronger than ever, but she doesn't hesitate in answering in a barely heard voice, for him only. "K'sar, in my life, friends are a rare thing, and men that I want to hold me rarer still. Never think for a moment I will let you go, in either catagory."

Kierom enters from the living cavern.

K'sar cups Dara's cheek as he whispers to her, then trails a kiss along her cheek before leaning back into the pillows. There is obviously a lot more control in his movements, too. "So, Dara dear, would you perhaps do me a favor? Help keep your ear to the ground, as it were? I'm going to push G'thon for a wingleader position. My running around the past months has to count for something - and I'm not taking 'later' for an answer any more. But, in order to do that, I will need to know what is going on - politically, socially...and you, my dear, have plenty of skills in that area."

Essdara is leaned over near the head of K'sar's cot, talking to him in a a quietly whispered voice. At the kisses, she closes her eyes with a soft sigh, and then opens them in surprise at his words. "Me? What skills do I have? I barely know what's going on publically half the time, let alone the subtle nuances." But she does smile. "I mean, if I hear anything, I will certainly tell you, but I can't imagine anyone saying anything to me that will make a difference to you. But for what it's worth, I'd like to see it. I can think of precious few people I would trust with my friends and family up there, but you've already proven to me you'll look out for those I love."

Walking slowly in from the Living Cavern, Kie edges along the wall, glancing to se if the Healer Neiran is preesent before moving towards the dragonrider, but pauses as he sees Dara talking with him, standing back a little.

K'sar smiles at Dara, then catches the movement out of the corner of his eye and whispers to Dara "Play along?" before he calls out "Kierom, I've already kissed Dara this morning, twice. Are you here for your kisses too?"

Essdara rolls her eyes at the bronzerider, then grins impishly at Kierom. "I don't know that he's ever turned down kisses, K'sar. Even let me give him a few, once upon a time."

Kierom blushes just slightly this time and moves over next to Dara and kisses her cheek, his eyes sparkling a little. "That was a fun evening," he said before turning his attention to the bronzerider. "And more kissing from you would always be welcome."

K'sar grins a little and then reaches up a hand to catch Kierom by the back of his head/nape of neck and draws him down for a noisy smack of lips on lips. "There ya go, boyo. Now, how about the two of you help sneak me off to the baths? I think I'm going to lose my mind if I don't get a bath and soon."

Essdara gives the bronzerider a sad look. "I wish I could, dearheart. But I've used up about all the time I've got this morning. They're very tolerant of me coming to take care of you - everyone knows you deserve it - but I do still have to help get lunch going. It's mostly cleanup I can miss."

K'sar eyes Kierom. "Well, can you get another guard to help?" He sighs 'dramatically' at Essdara. "And here, I thought you would jump at the chance to see me naked."

Kierom nods slowly at Dara and smiles softly. "Well, I'd be more than willing to help with your bath and will see about getting some help if you want?

Essdara smiles sweetly, "Been there, done that. I prefer the three hour tour to the peep show, anyway, and you know it." She leans over, giving him a proper goodbye kiss - for her anyway. And wish an impish grin, she whispers something to him.

You whisper "And, dearheart, when you are all better? You find me, and we'll have all the fun you want. And the way she kisses, you make sure you bring Rysia along!" to K'sar.

K'sar laughs softly at Dara's whisper and kisses her back, fingers caressing her cheek as she moves away. "Soon, Dara."

rp, kierom, k'sar, infimary, essdara

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