A new side of Dara

Jul 09, 2006 21:25

Who: Kierom, Essdara
Where: Hatching Galleries, HRW
When: The day after the party
Comment: Dara discovers her dark side and risks a friendship, but it all works out in the end.

(( In the bowl ))

Essdara comes out of the caverns, half-dragging Kierom by one arm north towards the hatching caverns - her favourite place for confessions and interrogations.

You head towards the northern section of the bowl.

(( The pair head into the Hatching Galleries ))

Essdara leads Kierom into the galliers, deserted as always when there is not a clutch on the sands. She finally sits down on one of the benches, pulling him next to her. "So, Kierom." She says, quietly; for now, her voice is pleasant. "How're you today? I'm sorry we didn't end up getting to dance in the end."

Kierom bites his lower lip as he sits next to Dara. "I am too, Dara. Things just were so hectic there at the end. Did you get to dance much?"

Essdara's expression grows sad. "Half a dance, with Aelan. She's nice, though, and I like it. Had a ineresting talk with her this morning. Was hoping she might, you know, be interested in being more than friends." A shrug, "A long shot, with the predictible answer, but I had to ask, right?"

Kierom nods at Dara sadly, "Yes, you did have to ask, but that is sad. She seems so nice, from what I know of her."

Essdara smiles a little, and shrugs. "I don't regret asking, but just once I'd like to find someone who is wonderful, and who is open to liking me. But I can understand her views, and at least she still wants to be friends, right? Same with Roa, really." Ah, there we go, the name is dropped. "Sure, she doesn't love me, but she's still my best friend."

Several emotions cross Kie's face as Roa's face as he turns his head and nods. Was that concern? fear? worry? "Love isn't an easy thing," he says after a moment, "but at least you are still friends. You can never have enough friends."

"That's very true. You can never have too many friends. Stopped by and saw her this morning. Roa, that is. Her and K'sar... I didn't even know he was involved in all that. They both seem like they will recover though. But," And her voice hardens somewhat. "Roa was clear that any talking about what happened should be with the guards."

Kierom bites down on his lower lip hard with emotions running across his face. "I'm glad they are both okay. It was an......well, an eventful night," he settles on. He sighs then, "I hope it's one that never gets repeated, although you never know with the guard." He seems to pull away slightly and a little nervous, but otherwise fine.

Essdara looks over at Kierom. Her expression, now, is determined. "Kierom, you know what I am going to ask you. You know you are one of my better friends. I /will/ find out what happened last night, and I would very much like to still /be/ your friend at the end of it."

Kierom nods slowly as several emotions run across his face. "I know you will and I don't know too much, just what I saw. What have you been told?" Kie is trying not to directly answer right now, obviously, but seems willing to answer a little.

Essdara says, "I know Roa dissapeared somewhere in the evening, though I don't know when. I know K'sar went after her, probably when he promised a dance to me. I know some shelves were knocked over, and that it was no accident. Something about traps was mentioned. I know Roa is hurt, and K'sar is hurt, and they are both important to me. I need to know who did this, Kierom, and I need to know /why/."

Kierom wraps his arms around himself and shakes a little, trying to keep emotions under control. Is that fear you see in his eyes? "I don't know who he was or why he did what he did honestly, Dara," the emotions are starting to creep into Kie's voice a little. "I, I believe he had something to do with the dead drudge, but am not sure," he admits, still rubbing his arms.

Essdara says, "He, who, Kierom? What /happened/?" Her tone is unforgiving, and she seems unlikely to back off. "What happened after K'sar and the guards left? What led to Roa and K'sar being hurt? Tell me, Kierom." Her voice is hard, commanding. "Tell me what you know about the gather."

Kierom keeps rubbing his arms up and down, a little faster. "I don't know what led to that honestly. It was so hectic afterwards that I didn't get the full story. All I know is that when I was called into the Stores, Roa was hurt and K'sar as well by the traps I believe." Worry and fear cross Kie's face now, quickly though as he tries to mask them. "And when the shelves fell on the Captain and the stranger attack Ashwin as I was guarding Roa, making sure she was okay....." he trails off, tears touching his eyes and turns away from Dara.

Essdara is quiet a moment. Letting up? Or just deciding what to ask. Still, her voice is softly as she goes on. "What happened then, Kierom? You came in, and were put in charge of looking after Roa to make sure she wasn't more hurt. Was she, then, who the person was after? Was it her, or just whoever came along? When did the shelves fall on Jensen? I didn't even know he was hurt. The man attacked Ashwin; I assume either Ashwin overcame him, or he ran away?"

Kierom nods slowly, keeping his eyes away from Dara though. "Jensen is covering it well, but I don't think it's serious. I honestly don't know who he was after, if anyone in particular at all. Ashwin killed the man....." his voice trails off then for a moment. "I would of been helping him then, but Tavaly was there and stopped me...." Emotions are coming across more in Kie's voice now as he speaks.

Essdara's expression flashes surprise. "Tava was there? Why was she there? Was she there before you? Is this why she didn't come back after that little stunt of hers and T'zen's? So Ashwin killed him. A pity, that, can't get things from a dead man. I guess he gave no choice?"

Kierom sighs slightly. "Tava came looking for me because I was riding with her during the show and she wanted to talk for a moment. and no, the guy didn't give Ashwin a choice. I wish the guy had lived long enough to question him," Kie says a little harshly.

Essdara nods. "What then?" She prompts. "Why did she stop you? Isn't helping your job, why would she interfere like that?" She's quiet a moment. "Do you know anything else about this, Kierom?"

Kierom shakes his head a little and answers the last question first. "I really don't know anything at all. It might be part of something bigger, but I don't know, he admits." He rubs his arms more and continues, "Tav was beside me while I was guarding Roa and stopped because I would of left Roa unprotected and the guy was already in the fight with Ashwin."

Essdara nods, and says softly, "Thank you, Kierom. That helps a lot. It's not everything, but I think I"m getting a pretty good picture. And other people I need to talk to, apparently." She touches his shoulder softly. "You did good, Kierom. You kept Roa safe while he was dealt with, and that's no small thing. I appreciate it very much."

Kierom nods slowly, "I'm just glad everyone's okay, especially Roa. If anything had happened to her...." he trails off, biting his lower lip again, eye flickering with a mixture of anger and fear.

Essdara says, softly, "She's ok, Kierom. She's healing up fine, and once the dizziness passes, she won't even be in the infirmiry. You did great." She pats his back softly. "Thank you, for that, for watching out for her."

Kierom nods slowly. "I know....it was just a hectic night and not anything I expected. I would like to visit Roa and see how she's doing..." he trail off and manages a faint smile at Dara. "Jensen probably know more than I do."

Essdara nods softly. "I'm going to talk to him too, never fear. And I'm very sad, Kierom, that we didn't get to dance. All that effort, and I didn't even get one whole dance for the night.

Kierom blushes slightly. "I am sorry about that, I got....distracted." He frowns then, but continues, "We can always find a harper now and make them play while we dance." He raises his eyebrow a little, hoping for a distraction of his thoughts.

Essdara chuckles and hugs him gently. "Not the same, dearheart, not the same. But thank you for the offer. It's childish of me to be dissapointed over such a thing, really. It was my first real gather that I went to and tried to look pretty, and I was proud of it."

Kierom nods solemnly. "I know what you mean. It was my first real gather as well, and looked how it turned up. All my bad uck!" He sighs and shakes his head. "I was hoping for a good time...."

Essdara chuckles softly. "Next one, I promise, will go much better. I'll look evern prettier, and you'll be even more handsome. We'll be the talk of the night!"

Kierom giggles softly. "Yes we would. Well, one of us likes girls and the other likes boys......heh we'd make an interesting pair. But you will far outshine me!"

Essdara shakes her head, "Not even. You're far more handsome than you give yourself credit for. If you liked girls, I'd prove it." She stands, then, slowly. "Thank you for talking with me, Kierom. I appreciate everything you've done."

Kierom stands up as well and reaches out to take Dara's hand and smiles at her sweetly and reaches forward to touch her cheek. "I do like talking with you Dara, you are nice and a pretty girl."

Essdara smiles and raises a hand to the one on her cheek. "You're a wonderful friend, Kierom, you really are. And I meant what I said, too. If yuo liked girls, I'd share a few wonderful nights with you." She steps back then. "Have a better day, Kierom. I hope I am the worst thing that happens to you today."

Kierom blinks for a moment and looks hurt as Dara steps away. "But I wanted to...." he started and bites his lower lip. Again.

Essdara tilts her head a little, then smiles as she realises. "Ahh, I'm sorry. I didn't understand." She steps back in a little. "But why, Kierom? You've never been interested before."

Kierom blushes a little and reaches forward to take Dara's hand again. "Just this once...." he whispers as he leans forward to kiss her.

Essdara smiles and moves to accept the kiss and return it for a long minute. Then she takes his hand, and they move to somewhere more quiet and private, and don't emerge for a long time.

rp, kierom, galleries, essdara

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