
Jul 07, 2006 11:42

Who: Essdara, Kierom
Where: Lake, HRW
When: Day 26, Month 13
Comment: Fun! Dara learns secrets about Kierom, and has to decide how to react to them.

Kierom is setting, shivering a little and bundled up, near the lake, occasionally throwing pebbles into the water and sighing a little bit.

Essdara comes jogging onto the beach, dressed in warm outdoor clothes as she pads along the rocky shore. She doesn't seem to really be paying much attention to where she is going, though, as evidenced by her nearly falling over the guard lurking there.

With a yelp, the guard tries moving out of the way. "Shards! Who the...." he begins as he blinks a few times before he recognises Dara and blushes. "Sorry to be in the way," Kie says, smiling softly at her.

Essdara pauses after stumbling, giving Kierom an apologetic look. "Sorry, Kier. Just a bit distracted, that's all, didn't see you sitting there." She pants softly from the exertion of running. "Not been out for a run in ages, I need to do it more before the snows start. How're you?"

Kierom blushes a little and chews on his lower lip. "I'm okay, I guess. Just thinking a little." He moves to stand up and brushes himself off. He points to the brown dragon. "Oh, we have a new rider tranfering here."

Essdara blinks, looking over. "What, another one? Caucus or Weyr, then? Well, duh. A brown, it'd be weyr, they don't rate Caucus attention." A touch of bitterness in those words. She moves over to her friend and drops down onto the shore by him. "What're you doing out here all alone?"

Kierom looks away as he says softly, "Just thinking too much is all." He then looks back at the girl. "The rider seemed nice though...." he says trailing offf, a faint blush coming to his cheeks.

Essdara grins a little, "Does he, now? I thought you already had a rider you thought was nice? Or did that not work out as well as we hoped?" Her grin fades a bit as the last occurs to her.

Kierom turns his attention to the lake and blinks back a couple of tears before respomding. "I really haven't heard from.....him since that last night." He says finally, not able to bring himself to say the rider's name. "I don't know what's going on with him now," the guard admits and sighs.

Essdara makes a face, and pats his arm gently. "I'm very sorry to hear of that, Kierom. But I can't say I am overly surprised. He's a rider, they aren't known for forming close relations, especially so quickly. But it was still something special that you got to expereience, and you shoudl cherish that."

The guard sighs a little again as a tear runs down his cheek. "He was my first though and I knew better than to......" he takes a breathe before comtinuing, "than to develop fellings, but well....." he trails off as another tear falls down his cheek. "Oh shards! I didn't come here to cry!" he says, wiping away the tears and tries to compose himself.

Essdara smiles gently and turns to wrap her arms around him. "Would that my first had been so special, rather than someone I couldn't even name at this point. But it's good to cry off a broken heart. I know it's the only thing that helped me after Roa told me she wasn't interested."

Kierom lets a few more tears roll down his face as he stares at the lake and then leand into Dara and wraps his arms around her. "You liked Roa? I wish I'd known." He turns to thhe girl and smiles sofly. "Don't we make a pair?" he teases a little trying to be more cheerful, but not quite succeeding.

Essdara chuckles softly. "It's not something I talk about much. She's my best friend, now, but I will always be sad it couldn't be more." She shrugs. "But she's just not the same as me, in that regards, so I can't begrudge her that." She pats his hair lightly. "She was the first I've ever actually fallen in love with. Well, only, really, noone else so far and I am in no rush. Too much pain for too little reward, you know?"

Kierom nods as he smiles at the girl and chuckles softly. "First loves are tough, and not rushing into pain would be a good thing." He blinks back some more tears, "Need to learn from our experiences...."

Essdara smiles and shrugs. "Next time, I think I will wait for someone to fall for me, and then go with it. Seems much safer." She pulls back from him a bit, "But this isn't about me. I just wanted you to know, I do understand. It's still a fairly raw wound, but it does get better, I promise."

Kierom chews on his lower lip for a moment and nods, letting his arms slip to his sides as he pulls his legs up to hi s body before hugging his legs. "I know.....and I knew better than to fall for him too. It's just...." he shakes his head some and sighs. "Letting someone fall for me would feel better at least."

Essdara sighs softly, and mirrors his pose. "I don't think, realistically, we choose who to fall for. I mean, how stupid would I have to be to intentionalyl fall in love with a goldrider? Can you think of anyone less likely to be able to return that? But when it happens, the most we can do is roll with it. I tried to hide it, a long time. 'Course, I eventually said something wrong and she figured it out, but I did try. For you... There will be other blueriders, or greenriders, or even brownriders. I think you will find someone, someday, to treat you as you deserve."

Kierom lets a faints blush touch his cheeks as a few more tears come down. "Right now, I don't think I want to get involved with anyone." He cocks his head at the girl, "And you are no more stupid than I am falling for someone who's older after my first time. I feel like an idiot! He even told me....." Kie just stops thee, not finishing the sentance and bites his lip hard, a few more teard falling down his face.

Essdara reaches up to brush the tears away, "What did he tell you, Kierom? And I didn't mean to say I was stupid, just that if I had a /choice/, and chose her, I would be. I didn't have a choice."

The guard sighs some and looks at Dara, "He even told me not to fall for him and that he wasn't looking for someone, and yet, I still...." he just can't finish as the tears fall more and he looks away from her, not wanting to admit that.

Essdara puts an arm back around his shoulders. "Like I said, Kierom, we don;t always get to choose. If you didn't have some feeling, I don't think you'd've gone with him in the first place. You don't seem the type to just sleep with someone for the pleasure of it."

Kierom takes a breathe and nods a little. "I try not to sleep with anyone just for the pleasure only...."he says. "He was so nice though...." he sighs catching himself. "I don't want to ruin your evening though Dara."

Essdara laughs softly, "Ruin what, me wandering around lost in thoughts I don't know how to resolve? No, my dear, I'd much rather be helping a friend than dwelling on things that may or may not even be possible."

Kierom giggles softly, his tears drying a little. "Thank you, I just feel" the guard seems to be searching for an appropraite word and just can't seem to get one.

Essdara smiles, and pulls him close. "I know what you mean. It's hard to open up, to rely on the people around you. I'm learning, though, that you have to. Otherwise, it just eats away at you inside, and you end up miserable and alone."

Kierom leans into Dara. "At least I'll always have a friend....I hope at least."

Essdara smiles, "Unless you know something I don't, Kierom, I'm not going anywhere. I will always be here, and always your friend. I promise you that, ok?"

Kierom nods at the girl slowly and sighs a little. "Even if I lied and done things I regret?"

Essdara tilts her head. "We all regrt things, and we all sometimes say things that aren't true. Have you lied to me, then, so much that I should be worried/"

Kierom shakes his head alittle. "I have lied, but not that bad I don't think. It's just that I'm really only...." he sighs, catching himself beforre he finishes and bites his lower lip.

Essdara says, in a soft and encouraging voice, "Go on, Kierom. I promise, I won't think any less of you for whatever it is, 'less it was you that killed that drudge or something."

Kierom shakes his head at smiles faintly at Dara. "No, I didn't. I'm only," he pauses again and sighs, "Well, I'm only fifteen and not finished with my training as a guard...."

Essdara looks surprised, and pull sback a bit to look him over. "Fifteen? You know, tht does explain some things..." She offers a smile. "But, really, doesn't matter much to me. What do you mean, though, not finished your training? How'd you get sent here then? Does Jensen know?"

Kierom chews on his lower lip and peers at Dara and shakes his head. "Jensen has no clue. Only Lt. Tiemon knows and I, ummm, I convinced him to bring me here...." The Guard says, but there seems to be a little more to the story than he let's on.

Essdara shifts her position so she is kneeling next to him, butt-on-heels. Her expression is curiosity, and she doesn't seem to be reacting badly, to be sure. "Convinced him? How did you do..." She pauses, and makes a face, "I thought M'eri was your first? And why did you want to come here, of all places, so badly? It's cold and wet, and while I admit I love it, I can't see why you'd wanna /move/ here."

Kierom sighs and shakes his head for a moment. "M'eri was my first and always will be," he blinks back the tears a little after saying the rider's name. "I just want to prove that I couls make it on my own without much help. Lt. Tiemon is my brother's brother-in-law and we aren't like that." He then makes a face as if the thought disgusted him some, "I just couldn't do him...." he says, not really answering the question of how he convinced the man.

Essdara nods slowly. "Why did you need to prove it so bad? Not that I can talk, given how I acted at fifteen... But why here? And why'd he agree, just cause he's, umm, almost sort of family?" She is quiet a moment. "Kierom, if this comes out, Jensen's gonna be rather hurt. I'm not sure how I feel about that part, I like him and trust him."

Kierom nods slowly, "I didn't want to hurt anyone and do like Jensen. I know I need to tell him, but then I may have to leave...." he sighs then. "I don't want to leave yet though. Wehn I heard the Weyr needed guards, I talked with Tiemon and hoped the family connection was enough to get me here." HE paused then and chews on his lower lip, "I just wanted to be where I could explore some....feelings I had and not be frowned upon for it, you know? he cocks his head at Dara then, hoping she could understand.

Essdara nods, slowly, and smiles a little. "I do know. That is part of why I could never live somewhere else." She sighs. "Kierom, I'm not going to tell anyone, of course, and I am not sure you should, either. I mean, sure, you look a bit young, but that's not overly uncommon for someone to look younger than they are. What good would it do anyone for you to get into trouble just cause you are young? But... Can you do this? Are you up to being a full-on guard? I admit you did seem a bit..." Bumbling? Ineffective? "Well, you didn't seem as strong on some things as the others I have met, when you were asking me about that drudge. If you're going to make this work, you're gonna have to catch up fast."

Kierom blinks at Dara a couple of times and nods, his youth really showing some and looks a little worried. "Is it really that obvious?" He lets out a sigh and nods again, "I will do my best to try harder. I know I will need to tell Jensen eventually, but give me some time to try before then if it comes to that?"

Essdara chuckles softly, "Yes, dear, it was." She pats his shoulder consolingly, and shakes her head. "I dunno what I am going to do with you, Kier. You are much too sweet and innocent for here. I worry someone untrustworthy will see you and scoop you up."

Kierom nods alowly and giggles. "I'm not that innocent anymore. I don't think anyone will scoop me up soon, so no worries there." He smiles at her then, "Thank you."

Essdara smiles, "You are innocent, Kierom, and don't be so quick to assume noone would. I know if you liked girls, I'd be awefully tempted to steal a few nights myself. ANd I am sure I am not the only one. Innocence... It's like a flame, drawing insects to it in a weyr. One night with a handsome bluerider doesn't change the fact that your /mind/ is innocent, probably moreso than mine ever was."

Kierom reaches out and hugs Dara quickly and giggles. "You are sweet. I'm /so glad I met you. Aid if I liked girls, I would have been chasing you..." he admits and blushes, but turns his eyes to the new brown dragon, "There are always new possibilities around the corner though." He giggles a little then and smiles at Dara.

Essdara grins. "Perhaps. I'm in no rush, though, I've enough to worry about in my life without another heartbreak to add to it. I think that goes well for both of us, yes? You need to focus on what we just talked about, and me... Well, I need to track down Sefton and have a chat with him."

Kierom nods at Dara and smiles. "I will do my best about focusing on what's at hand and doing my best." He salutes the girl and giggles then, "Have a nice chat wth Sefton and thanks for everything!"

Essdara smiles, and rocks to her feet. "Yes. You know where to find me if you need anything, Kierom. And try not to think abuot him /too/ much, ok? Dwelling on it doesn't help, that I promise."

Kierom nods at the girl, "Yes, I know where to find you and will do my best to concentrate on other things. I'll try not to dwell." He shivers a lillt then. "I should think about heading in too...."

Essdara smiles and gives a wave, and jogs back off from the direction she came in.

Kierom straightens up his clothes as he heads towards the Exit Tunnel, smiling slightly.

rp, bowl, kierom, essdara

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