Presents and friendship

Jun 26, 2006 13:27

Who: Essdara, Roa
Where: Store rooms, HRW
When: The evening after Aida broke her
Comment: Dara gets well-needed friendship, and presents.

In the quiet of the late evening at the Weyr, there is noone to be found in the store rooms. Which makes it the best place for those seeking that extra bit of privacy. Tonight, the room seems to belong to the weyr's youngest cook, who has dissapeared into an empty spot to sit with her knees pulled to her chest, her forehead resting on them, and quietly crying.

It's likely that since the grizzly discovery, the stores are being avoided when anyone can help it. Roa would like very much to avoid the room, except everyone in the kitchen agrees that Essdara is in there and Roa's come to see Essdara. A sack of substantial size is slung over her shoulder, lumpy in odd ways. As the weyrwoman steps into the stores with a shudder, the quarry is not to be found. "Ess?" she calls, slowly walking along the rows and starting to peer down them. "Dara? Are you in here?"

Essdara's sniffles and quiet gasps abruptly stop as she looks up; she can't see who it is, but there are some voices a girl never fails to place. "Roa?" She calls out, voice a bit husky. She clears her throat and adds, "Over here..."

Roa was just beginning to tense in the quiet, but at Essdara's call a relieved smile flickers across the rider's face and she makes er way towards the sound. "I brought you something from Boll, and I wanted to give it to you before--" and then her monologue stops, face falling into shock as she finally turns the corner that reveals Essdara in all her puffy-eyed glory. "Shells! Dara, what's happened?"

Essdara quickly wipes at her eyes, but is far too late. She sighs and shrugs a little. "Just had a very long and trying day." Is her answer, weak even to her own ears. "Didn't think anyone would be around in here, with everything else. What brings you to my humble hidey hole?" She offers a grin, clearly hiding behind humor.

Roa moves to seat herself beside Essdara and swings the lumpy sack so that it settles squarely in the other girl's lap. "These," she says simply enough. And then, "Anything you want to talk about? I've seen you slice your hand and get stew spilled on you without so many tears." The words are playful, but the worry is quite evident on the rider's face.

Essdara gives a surprised oof at the sack and looks down at it, and reaches to open it an peek inside. "What's this, then? And... Well, there's not much to talk about. Just made a new friend, that's all, and we... Had a bit of an altercation today, that's all." She looks over to Roa again, "But it's nice to see you, I did miss you while you were gone." She looks back to the bag again, focusing now on taking a proper look inside.

Inside are faintly fragrant, bright orange orbs. The little dried stems on their tops are a give-away...Bollian fruit. "Really, I guess they're more for all the rest of us, since you're likely to make something tasty with them," Roa says, trying her hand at another hopeful smile. "This one's just for you." A smaller package is fished out of her pocket and balanced on Dara's knee. "Um, well, if you want to talk about the altercation or anything, I'm glad to listen."

Essdara can't help but smile at the first present, the bright orange fruits. "I will find something very nice to do with them, I promise. I did see an interesting jam recipe the other day, that I bet I could adapt..." She trails off then to look at the smaller package, then carefully lifts it from her knee. "You're being awefully nice. Why all the presents? And... Not much to say, it'll be ok. Just said a lot of things I didn't want to, and... Well, one of those conversations that even when it's done and everyone is happy and friends again, you can't lock away the things it makes you think about, you know?"

Roa laughs wryly, "Oh yes," she murmurs, "I know." Maybe because Roa had a similar adventure with the cook not that long ago. The second package contains a slender swatch of translucent silk about six feet long and one foot wide. Along the length of it is the delicate depiction of a blue dragon chasing and catching a green, a new image of the two dragons dyed on about each foot. The first is of the green launching into the air, blue still on the ground. Then the blue launching. Then two of the chase, one of the blue making the catch, and then a finale of the pair twined together in symbolic, if not very graphic, unity. "I just thought, since I was gone, I ought to bring back things for my friends. It's a belt," she says, explaining the silk swath. "Anything I can do to make you feel better?"

Essdara looks at the belt in wonder as she lifts it from it's package, carefully looking it over. "Roa, I can't... This must have cost a small fortune. You should be wearing this yourself, or at least giving it to someone much more deserving than me!" She sighs then, and almost seems to be saying soemthing to herself; her lips move, but no actual sound comes out, and she looks over to Roa and offers a shy smile. "I'm sorry. It's beautiful, and I will do my best to give it a good home." She giggles softly. "And I think you showing up, here, with presents, is just about the best thing you could ever have done for me tonight, Roa. Thank you."

Roa studies Essdara's interesting display of expressions without saying anything, but only notes, "Most things like belts and scarves and such are gauzy in Boll. I think so they breath and you can protect yourself from the sun without sweltering. This one just made me think of you, you know, because of your parents." She draws up her knees to rest her arms lghtly on them. "Know what I did at Boll?" she asks with a little, almost shy smile.

Essdara smiles more, her fingers caressing the blue cloth softly, before she turns to Roa with a shake of her head. "No, I don't, and I have to confess the curiosity has been killing me. It must have been something very important, to keep you away from the Caucus so long, though I can't think of anyone who wouldn't envy a few weeks in Boll this time of year. I admit, the sun has done you well, darker skin definately suits you."

Roa leans forward to whisper conspiratorially, "I picked oranges. From trees. Barefoot." Her eyes drift shut and a completely languid and open smile glides across her face. "It was so wonderful. And no one was afraid of Tia, and we'd swim every day when it got too hot and the children climbed all over her and she loved it. I didn't even wear my knot!"

Essdara can't help but give a soft laugh of amused pleasure. "Well, I admit, I am well aware of your ability to climb tress and pick fruit, but that is very much not what I had pictured. Why were you doing that? It sounds... Well, it sounds wonderful, and now I really am jealous. Tialith must have loved the attention, not to mention all those extra hands when it came time for bathing and oiling!"

"I was learning how to observe people," Roa says, "and how to make a favorable impression with people who'd never met me before. Tialith...well, the only down side is that she's dissapointed to be back. Bathes instead of rivers. No fans to follow after her and try to climb on her when she naps," the rider chuckles, shaking her head. "I've never seen her maternal side before."

Essdara smiles. "You will see it again, I am sure. And if she wants, I'll be sure to sneak up and have a good climb on her. Can't you just between there, anyway? I've always wondered why more riders didn't go elsewhere for such things anyway, to get out and see some of the world..." Something in Roa's commentary triggers a memory, though, and a slight frown crosses her features. "Learning how to observe people, though. That sounds like something Sefton would ask you to do. He's... Well, he's a very unusual person, isn't he?"

Roa mms, nodding in agreement. "A Sefton assignment, through and through," she concedes and then smiles again. "And I'll let Tialith know that you offered. For my part, I'm just going to miss the extra help with bathing and oiling." Her fingers, resting on her knees, begin to drum lightly. "I suppose I could between there, but it wouldn't be the same. For one thing, the harvest is over. For another, well, it's a bit like suddenly dropping into a friend's room without so much as a by-your-leave. And even beyond all that, I just don't think the experience of not being held to the expectations of a goldrider will ever or can ever repeat themselves." A small, sober twist of her lips. "Unusual, yes, I could call the Headmaster that. You've...word in the kitchens is you've been spending some time with him as well?" The last word and her brows tip up, silently asking for more information.

Essdara blushes, just a touch, but nods. "I've run into him a few times, and we've had some... Interesting discussions. In fact, that's part of what led to me being in here when you got here. Aida and I were looking for somewhere quiet to eat last night, to get away from all the noise and crowds, and ended up sharing our meal with him." She shakes her head a little. "I like him, I think, but I don't trust him really." She starts folding the belt carefully pack into it's packaging. "You know you always have help available here with that kind of stuff, right? The bathing and oiling?"

"I don't like to pester folks about helping with oiling and such," Roa says. "Tia's my dragon. My responsibility. I should be able to do it all on my own." And there, ladies and gentlemen, is Roa's life philosophy about a great many things. "Sefton is...well, I think you've summed it up perfectly, Ess. Likable and hard to trust. He doesn't let you know what he's thinking, and he's so hard to read." She shakes her head, lowering her chin to rest it on her knees. "I prefer his brother's temperament."

Essdara says, firmly, "I meant me, Roa, and you know it's not pestering. I'll take any chance I get to be with you, and I think Tialith is wonderful to. You are very responsible, and very dutiful, but sometimes it's nice to be ably to rely on friends. What is his brother like? Sefton... He makes me think, like not many people do. I always come away from our meetings with more to think about. Last night's was the worst for that." She looks off into the darkness. "He wants me to come to a class, you know."

The goldrider lifts her head and her eyebrows at the same time. "Really? Come to class?" Surprise is evident in her voice. "I mean, not that I think you couldn't handle the material it's just...what's he got up his sleeve this time? Kelar is, well, first off he looks exactly like Sefton if the Headmaster were a little shorter and thinner. And he's just...cheerful. He smiles and laughs and makes you feel relaxed. With Sefton, I always get the feeling I'm the butt of a very complicated joke. With Kelar, it's like we're sharing one." Which maybe gives some indication of how much time was spent with this Kelar fellow. "I, well, I might take you up on that off. With Tia. We'll see."

Essdara nods. "Think about it. I've seen you out there at night with her sometimes, and I never know if I should intrude or not." she grins a bit, her voice taking a teasing tone. "Sounds like you got along very well with him. I can see why you had such a good trip. But, yeah. A class. I dunno what he has up his sleeve, and I admit I am nervous. I wasn't until last night, but now... I do find myself wondering what, exactly, he has in mind. But we'll see soon enough, I guess." A quiet moment. "Roa, thank you again for everything. Before you left, and after. You've been an amazing friend, and I adore you for it."

"Oh," the goldrider murmurs, looking away so that Dara can't see that such a simple compliment has made her cheeks go red. "I'd better get back to the records room to finish up some work, speaking of class." A small sigh. "Wish it wasn't so late, though," which is an odd thing to say for such a night wher. Roa pushes herself to her feet with a little stretch for those bent knees. "It's been my pleasure, Ess. You know that. Just...don't let folks make you cry. Or come talk to me. Or something. Instead of crying in a corner. Especially one in the stores." Shudder.

Essdara shakes her head a little bit. "This isn't one I can talk about, Roa, I'm sorry. There's nothing you or anyone else can do about it, and I should never have let someone poke at it, even unintentionally." She stands, as well. "Don't stay up too late, and I will see you again soon, I hope. And thank you for the beautiful belt and tasty fruit!"

The more serious part of Essdara's words is met with a silent nod and then a smile and a wave accompany the rest. "Good night, Ess. I hope things seem brighter tomorrow." Then she turns and, with a quick breath, as if readying to plunge headlong into icy water, Roa heads out of the stores and through the kitchen into a quiet corridor beyond.

rp, stores, roa, essdara

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