The call of the wild

Dec 18, 2011 09:26

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I love the way you can see the cute little fluff ball working it out in her fuzzy little noggin that she shouldn't be playing with a ball in her basket but should be pursuing caribou across the tundra. Apparently Sizz howls when we go out and leave him. Bless!

The walk this morning was brief, skatey and over as soon as Sizz had produced. Any day when the DOG falls over is one where I'm keen to put off the walk until the sun is high enough to have melted the ice a bit.

I'm having a quiet and leisurely morning. Last night we went to a friends house to sing carols and drink her ferocious cocktails. I politely declined the latter [wanting to be able to see today] but Paul and Jen enjoyed themselves very much. Possibly a little too much in Paul's case. My he was ill. I've had about 2 hours sleep firstly due to him being ill and secondly to him going to sleep and chatting about arrow making. Most of the chat is unintelligible but he drops enough proper words in to make it entertaining - "Mumble mumble NOCKS mumble mumble thirty inches mumble". Yes, I would sooner have been asleep but verbal arrowmaking is a vast improvement over the term time whimpering of "no no no no no". Roll on July!
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