I finished a story last night and I'm at the stage where I have the feeling it's utter pants and completely self indulgent. However, from my observations of proper writers, I understand that this is a perfectly normal reaction. At least this time I actually finished it before giving up, so that shows some progress. I'll winnow through it to try and reduce the number of 'and's to a manageable proportion, sort out the POV problems I'm told I have that I can't see [I guess that's because I know what I mean] and pester my poor beta with it next week. Snippet
here for them as wants it.
I've had a big consignment of pirate related shop stock today. Fancy dress costumes [for kids sadly], very expensive but rather good pirate ships robust enough to be real toys, and sundry little bits and pieces to gladden the inner sproglet. I feel so SORRY for people who have grown up so much that they can't see the point of simple and silly pleasures. I had a phone call from one last week - a woman - who was disgusted that we were wasting gallery space on an exhibition for children. Didn't we realise how irritating it was for adults to a] have to breathe the same air as breeders and their spawn [she didn't say that but might as well have] and b] be deprived of a sensible, properly grown up exhibition that she could come and nod wisely at? We'll put n something for her and her ilk next summer, but I think it's brilliant to see and hear people in the museum actually laughing for once.