This weekend, though already a full three days behind me, still rings as amazing. Probably my best Valentine's in years, by far.
Saturday, after helping out at home with my grandparents doing a lunch thing, I headed out to the city to meet up with
payapayapapaya and their friend Hillel. We drove over to Japantown following a doll meet they were at, where we visited the New People boutiques Baby, The Stars Shine Bright and Black Peace Now. Cute stores, and we got to see V in a lolita outfit with a bonnet (Chobi tried it on later. Words fail me.). After we finished up there, we started the drive to Lauren's. I popped in the first Glee soundtrack just as we were getting on the highway and we had a sing-along to most of the songs- I was the only person in the car that knew the words to everything, but it was still awesome times, especially 'Somebody to Love'. The rest of the night at Lauren's was fairly uneventful. We hung around for a bit,
joeshadows joined us after a bit, we went on a beer run and watched Kamikaze Girls around 11. Hilariously awesome movie- girl obsessed with lolita fashion meets yankee gang girl- sociopathic human drama at its finest.
After washing the car and grabbing some lunch, I headed back to Lauren's on Sunday. We were joined by everyone from the previous day minus Chobi, and
xel-ko and
toggy joined to boot. We played the latest Katamari to the delight of most for a good while, then went out for some great Chinese food before returning to Lauren's for Nostalgia Critic and Fatal Frame, a 'spirit photography' horror game from those kooky Japanese. Reminded me of Ghost Hound. except more scare-oriented.
And yesterday, I went and saw "Shutter Island" at an advance screening with
theotherchicago. Amazing film. Scorsese is truly one of the few directors that's been around the block and back that's upping his game to meet- and for the most part, surpass- most of the other talent around these days. Definitely check it out when it hits theaters, it's a journey into the dark recesses of the human soul that's rarely trod upon, and visually gorgeous to boot.